There is no “better and there is no worse” in what parents can create for their own children.
The year 2008’s words, “CHANGE AMERICA” are very deep philosophical words. They are words which deeply touch world’s 21st century’s time without any world’s healthy psychology and philosophy’s power, and they will deeply interfere with 2012’s American election day.
Beautiful and honest children who were born yesterday, please ask technology how you’re able to fly around the world without having your poop in the diapers checked.
Wisdom, through my lifetime, the time of the past has asked the world many life’s questions of, “WHY?” Our present time, the 21st century’s time, is asking the world the last question, “HOW?” The world will not find a healthy life’s answer and it is too much. The world hasn’t learned and will not know in 21st century’s time what is the devil’s system and good God’s freedom.
In 2008 America was promised a beautiful wedding dress. In 2010, America has difficulty buying a nightgown.
Poor people, somehow we cannot learn how to make new mistakes.
Wisdom, it’s a great political game. The poor don’t pay, the rich save, and the middle class pays for all.
If the poor didn’t exist, the political power would not be in business.
What will be the difference between the donkey and technology? The difference will be that one will have a beautiful long history and the other will have a shameful short history.
Oh wisdom, how lucky technology could be, if it could hitch a ride on the donkey’s back to get home.
Pencil, when I was a young boy I didn’t have so much time to play life’s games with you. That is the reason why, today, I enjoy playing games with some of your pencils’ minds.
Young wisdom, it is extremely important to learn how to help Nature without playing games with Nature.
What’s the difference between Nature and technology? Technology cannot win, because Nature is unable to cheat.
If Nature had the ability to learn how to cheat, this world would’ve disappeared a long time ago.
I enjoy sitting in the corner of the last row, because I don’t like to hear everything and that which cannot live or travel far.
I don’t know what is wrong with Nature? Why can’t nature write at least a little bit of fiction? My guess would be that Nature has no time to lose time and to make monetary profits.
Great pollination, we don’t need Nature and we certainly do not need God to sell our lies to one another and make a lot of money with money, what money cannot possibly buy.
World, no matter what you do or think, hate cannot be protected without peace and love, but you, world, could easily be destroyed.
Positive world power, political power and technology are extremely delicate and inseparable powers, heading in one direction, and they cannot be stopped. Political power is step one. Technology is step two, and the last step three is the subject , world.
Technology, you have created many problems and one of the biggest problems is that heaven is not larger than earth.
Technology, only your back was blessed; what’s awaiting the devil, the devil is very frightened of.
Wisdom, something is very wrong with our world’s life philosophy. The young people should always dig the grave for the old people, and not the old for the young.
Americans, there seems to be a very unhealthy history growing in our country. Some of us are so desperate to CHANGE America and follow the tail of the rest of the world. I was there and some of you were also there and we didn’t enjoy the leftovers which fell down from underneath the tail. That’s precisely the reason why most of us, if not all of us, immigrated to America.
Whatever happens in America in 2012, whether it’s good or bad, will inadvertently happen to, and effect the entire world.
I would like to address this to some of the educators, doctors and healers, “Do you know how and from where health grows, and how does it die and why?”
When you come to America, you should never forget how to speak in your own Mother’s tongue; however, you should have respect and love for your new country, America, and learn to speak English so that you, too, will be able to “vote” for your own pocket one day.
Only without money and the world’s political power can respect, love and peace grow, daily.
I can remember as though it were yesterday, the big technology promises, the promises which opened the doors for my generation – easier life, less physical work and longer living; longer suffering world’s health, and love and peace, were not included.
World, the time has come and it’s asking all of us to talk to Nature, before we pray to God and ask God for His help.
Oh God and my pencil, I ask you, “Why am I wasting some of my time, at the present time?”
It seems to me that the way everything is going in this world, there will be a shortage of shoes. Before the year 2012, Americans, put your right foot in the right shoe and put your left foot in the left shoe, in the early morning, not in the afternoon. Americans, please don’t lose your shoes.
My encyclopedia was born on March 19, 1939. Oh my philosophy, I am very sorry I will not be here and there won’t be an end to the world, but I am afraid you will be lost with this world.
I strongly believe people who respect and love God’s creation could be good friends, good neighbors, no matter how far away they live, and they could live very close to God’s name.
Don’t ever discuss or talk about a “healthy” economy unless you include God and His Nature, because your thoughts will not be blessed or succeed.
What is the difference between planting and praying? There is no difference. You must plant, pray and wait.
Oh my pencil, you are my love. I believe in silence just like you. Don’t ever open your mouth if you’d like to help God’s truth, because this world is still searching for the “hair in the egg.” Pencil, just write; silence is a beautiful existing power behind this world. Tell the world that the future of the 21st century will not depart or run away from the past.
I love to see America soar like the bird with two wings.
Hillary Clinton, in the year 2008 love for you was born and buried, but it wasn’t buried deep enough for the year 2012, because it didn’t die.
WISDOM, it’s a great discovery that the mouse has not yet created his own poison.
Stop thinking about who you are and think about to whom you are speaking to.
WISDOM, I believe that a long time ago someone said, “Follow the people.” Today, I’m saying, “ Wait for them. “
WISDOM, this world is running too fast. We will definitely waste too much time.
WISDOM, the promises of political power and an aspirin are the same. They never last for the whole day.
WORLD WISDOM, if you know where you can buy respect and love for this world you’ll be able to buy it with one American dollar.
WISDOM, technology has helped this world to create so much sweetness, a sweetness that has been taken away from the world’s love.
WISDOM, I feel very sorry for myself because today I can see so much more than I saw yesterday.
I live for everyday, and if I lie for tomorrow, I should be punished by God, today.
The old world cannot be forgotten because it won’t be forgotten.
WISDOM, God will not change His mind, Nature will not change its mind and technology will not change its mind; there will be a making of new history.
WORLD Encyclopedia, I love God’s, Mother earth soil’s, and the sea’s encyclopedia. Everything God has created and what humans have not yet discovered, can be found there.
Winter is beginning and it is so beautiful and cold
Everything is blooming and blossoming
Butterflies and honeybees stopped flying
Beautiful silence lives in peace
The world is laughing
I am so happy
I don’t know where I am
I miss summer and fall
Yesterday I dreamed and today I don’t know where to go
People of this world are daily getting into a deeper and deeper trouble; they’re facing huge suffering and a struggle, between their own bodies and minds.
Devil possesses a power to bring us, humans, against a high wall and leave us there.
People, no matter what, if you like to live, rest and sleep follow the “light” and don’t forget work.
What’s the difference between the adults and the children? Children learn quickly; we, adults, learn slowly and with a great difficulty.
A great teacher was “born” twice.
God, I am grateful for the job you gave me. I really enjoyed being a “life helper,” but when I die, could you please consider giving me the job of a doorman.
What’s the difference between Nature’s creation and human’s creation? The creation and the time are incomparable.
People who have a difficulty understanding healthy life psychology, are unaware where and from where healthy life philosophy stems, and what it actually is.
Our life possesses the same power as the day, from sunrise to sunset.
If you are interested in knowing where my philosophy was born, follow the time of the twenty four hours, and you’ll be able to find out.
Happiness and health are a very serious form of life’s entertainment. It’s a self-employed business.
Every woman is a book with a different title. If you are able to read one, you would like to read them all, and you won’t be bored.
If you study the mind of one woman, it will help you more than if you studied all of their minds, and that could be the real beauty of the life of love.
Women possess power like the time. Men, please don’t be too late and don’t be too early.
This past Monday my wife told me, “It’s too hot. The sun is not healthy. Don’t go out.” Tuesday, my wife told me, “I heard on the news that some “bad” mosquitos exist. Don’t go out.” Wednesday, my wife told me, “Today, the neighbor’s gardener is spreading the weed killer. Don’t go out.” Thursday, my wife told me, “I heard on the news that today they are spraying for the mosquitos. Don’t go out.” Friday morning, my wife looked out through the windows and told me “The sun is out again. Don’t’ go out.” Please God, can you take me out form this jail just for one day, before I die.
POOR and PURE, we are the future of the world.
POOR, don’t you see, it’s not better and it’s not worse, the entire world is sharing with us the unhealthy food.
POOR, don’t you see this world doesn’t live for the purpose it was born.
One world exists, and if the stupid and the poor exist, then WHO is this world?
POOR, God and technology know that we the poor didn’t’ create what this world is missing and has lost.
POOR, we were born to live for better and for worse. What happened to us? We were left only with the worse – the daily unhealthy food.
POOR we are so very well known in this world to be unknown.
POOR, no matter WHO they are, they are, and for too long we voted for them, but they haven’t voted for us, the poor, yet.
POOR, we possess the power that the rear wheels of a wagon has.
POOR, we always climb the hills last.
POOR, we are nourished in the same way as Mother earth’s soil, women and very young children-VERY POORLY.
POOR, we should never hate the rich. Love and sweetness can help us. Hate cannot, and will definitely not help the poor.
POOR, we are the ones who always climb up the life’s hill last, but the poor and the pure will climb those hills first. The pure and the poor are the future of the world.
Criticism is better than going to jail or dying.
It’s very sad that not too long ago old people taught me what I cannot teach my children, my grandchildren, and the children of the world.
Education that lacks everyday’s life education is, and will be, a huge, long waste.
It’s very beautiful and healthy to live by the day, and it’s very unhealthy and ugly to live by the hour.
There are too many people, at the present time, who don’t know what to do for their life and in their life. These are the people who make three positive life’s steps. The first step is shopping. The second step is talking to a psychologist and the third step, the last step, is searching for health.
ONE HALF is known and it can be left for tomorrow. President Regan was a president and a half, and he left one half behind for America and the new days.
WORLD LIFE PHILOSOPHY, I know how difficult and unhealthy it is to live by the hour and not by the day.
It’s early in the morning and I trust yesterday and yesterday’s politicians more than I do today’s.
Physical work was, and is, the best exercise for the human body and mind, and simple life was and is, a happy, healthy beautiful life.
The question, “Why and why not” is lying on our table for too long. Time is on its way with all life’s answers, for WHY, HOW and WHEN.
God, do you have anything new to tell us, because I don’t have much to write.
My life philosophy, just be patient and wait until this world lives and begins to live; and when my bones turn to dust you’ll be able to speak for me.
I love you, the doctors and the professors, who believe in God and His Nature’s powers.
HEALTH and HEALTHY NUTRITION, I was born in 1939. My bones will last in their grave, ten years longer than those bones of the people who were born in 2009.
Thinking is my job and work is my relaxation.
You and I, no matter who we are, we cannot change people and the law; but we, the people of the world, can change life’s law and us, the people, very quickly and for a long time, if you and I don’t return.
What is wrong with us, the poor? What is, and what kind of a system is it that never works, and always promises, us the poor, the same poor promises?
Sometimes we reach a life’s wall that’s too high to climb. Sometimes we ask ourselves the life’s question, “why” and we have only one answer, “Because it is just like that.” I’d like to say to the entire world, “In the 21st century, don’t try to think and play any “dirty” games with America. Don’t ask why, because it is just like that.”
WORLD, don’t forget, America possesses the power like the spider, and the rest of the world possesses the power like a spider web.
Happiness and sun’s rays possess the same power.
Who is “nobody”? We are all somebody?
I always have and still live a perfect life. I work and I believe in God. World’s life educators, if there is an existence of a better life system without you making any better life system, let the people, the young world know WHAT it is and WHO it is.
When we people say the words, “We started from nothing,” those are very insulting life’s words for God, our good parents and ourselves.
I started my life with a “little” and “little” grew thanks to God and parents, and throughout my life I helped and am still helping “little” to grow. It is not important how big it grows, but it is very important, for us and God, that it is sweet and ripe.
It is very difficult to describe how this world would look without any religion, but I believe that it would be much worse than any Zoo Cages that have no doors.
PARENTS, if the birds didn’t have to fly away from their nests, they would always wait for their parents and sit in their nests.
My body and my bones hate air conditioning and microwaves.
HEALTH, human being cannot create any healthier system than the system of physical work.
WORLD, if my life philosophy is not the truth, than I consider myself to be the worst writer in the world.
God, when I write, I often feel very sad that my words will not be interpreted in the way they were intended. My intentions are always pure and good.
Yesterday I was in the health food store. People were buying food like tomorrow doesn’t exist and healthy food won’t grow.
Did this ever happen to you? For a few nights in a row I had a bad dream that someone was telling me that inside the health food stores, healthy organic food was growing and was being sold.
It is very healthy and beautiful what human beings have not created.
When some people talk they create a headache for some as well as loss of appetite for others. I don’t have that problem. I write. Instead, I create a problem for others, and, especially for my editor who happens to be my sister, Vera.
I wonder, why is it that the Democrats and Republicans meet in the health food store? Is it maybe because it has something to do with Nature and health? I hope not!
21st CENTURY, I don’t know when the last burial took place, but healthy life psychology and philosophy are dead; its base was left behind.
Yesterday I stopped in front of the healthy food store and as I stood there, two teenagers happened to pass by. I approached them and asked, “Do you know where health, organically-grown food grows?” They replied, “Right there, in the health food store.”
I wonder, in the year 2012, who will win the election. Those who were poor in the year 2008 will be rich. Who will help and vote for the poor?
It’s very normal that the past talks to the future. The election year 2008 will talk to the election year 2012.
I wonder, what will the year 2008 talk about to the primary days of 2012? Are there any promises or changes left?
The year 2008’s primary days and election day were a great schooling, without any homework, for America.
My left wing, in the year 2008 Hillary Clinton cried, but not like 2012 will cry.
I wonder, the oil come “out;” what will the political power “put” in?
The year 2012 will be the most important American Election day in history, not only for America but also for the rest of the world, because no matter what happens to America it will happen to the rest of the world.
My right wing, if you fly very close to God and His Nature, you will make a very smooth sharp turn and you will win the election in 2012.
2008, the political power was created, by the political power, and sometimes, for tomorrow, it is better to lose than it is to win.
The year 2008 and the American Election day has raised many questions for the entire world, but, so far, strong America has prevented the world from WWIII.
Truth Lives for Us
People, truth lives for us and lives behind our daily lives and no matter where we go or what we do it follows us. It’s writing our lives’ resumes. It’s writing what we’ve done in our countries, cities and towns. It’s writing what we have created and what we have destroyed, what we haven’t learned and what we don’t do. I strongly believe that we can all learn and it’s enough to say, “Just learn and work.” Because we are all people, and for one reason because we are all people, we should help each other, teach each other how to work and live, and live, work and how to die. The daily life education that’s close to Nature and God can teach us not too much and not too little, but it can teach us all enough to live a beautiful, healthy and a very simple life. Do we need more? Yes, we do need more to be able to destroy this beautiful world.
World’s Soldiers, Please End Before the End Comes to an End
World’s soldiers, for how long have the world’s soldiers been fighting and dying? For how long have those who are telling you how to fight and kill, existed, those who never have and never will help you, world’s soldiers, world’s love and peace and their own children and great grandchildren’s future love and peace? They teach you, they tell you, but they never ask you for whom are you fighting and killing another soldier, an unknown friend. They are always staying very close to one end, the dead end. They cannot walk away yet. They cannot ask you what the silence of those soldiers who are lying in their dark cold graves is telling you; what they fought for, and why you are fighting, always was and is, sadly and too early, for their own graves. World’s soldiers and your leaders, the entire world’s wisdom is asking you, “What is your life’s psychology and philosophy for tomorrow, if it wasn’t planted today?” What will grow? Will it be peace or revenge for tomorrow? World’s soldiers, if you’d like to fight for your and the world’s freedom and God, don’t kill. Fight for love with love and that’s the only way in which you can defeat the devil’s minds and walk away from one end, the dead end, before it’s too late.