But Not All American
American most of us how we live and think is politically correct, and we should not criticize politicians. We should criticize ourselves.
To Be Religiously Uncorrect
To be religiously uncorrect I believe God wil forgive. But to be politically uncorrect, definitely devil will not forgive. Revenge will conintue all the way to the end.
Oh Mighty God Election – Is my life a gift. Which I dedicate to world autism.
America I wish 2016 election will be God election. Science life psychology and philosophy. Oh mighty God elect and create woman, Mother Earth. And women same power, just like Mother Earth power, life creators. But I am not sure which year was that. Later or before 1920. Because women did not have right to vote. Before 1920. I love to know from some healthy world and right mind, why women did not have right to vote. Before 1920. World science, I should not mention science because science never vote for Mother Earth and mothers. Pure nature energy, daily, healthy, life power, and life seeds. Only healthy life power. World science, life psychology and philosophy, I am very sorry, but I have to end, just like silence end. Oh mighty God, please help this world now.
Including America
In 21st century country does not exist. Who will be healthier and better, tomorrow then was today. For how long? For too long? I dedicated to America election 2016 and Hillary Clinton and Dona Trump. But woman and mothers did not change world and did not create unhealthy world. They did not have right to vote, up to 1920. Intelligent world, why not?
World unadvanced, our healthy life psychology and philosophy we buried underneath our graves.
World how we live and think, for us too early turning to late. Before middle of the day. Before 12 o’clock abnormally we speed, following our shadows, heading west. And unadvanced our healthy life psychology and philosophy, we bury underneath our graves. For long century days to come. And for new generation, grass and weeds to sprout and grow healthy and free.
My everlasting life promise is for my everlasting love.
America our election 2016 will posess power like existing medicine and vacine and definietly will not help reach middle class and poor. For one full day. And doesn’t matter how many days will come, every day will get less and less. America I wish us luck, but I promise us American and rest of the world, without God and his nature. Daily, pure energy help, we will not have or find, life luck to be able live, healthy, peacefully, and free. My everlasting life promise is for my everlasting love. Please help us God.
God Land
Most of us people in this world, we are wasting our sweet lifetime talking, creating hundred percent for ourself, worst then nothing. Our words, which come out through our mouth should be productive seeds, nothing more or less then seeds which old farmers used to spread by their hands on their farms. Genetically unmodified wisdom seeds, seeds which sprout, bloom, blossom, and ripe. Seeds which nourish, nature life, body and mind. Parents, teachers, and healers, teach your children, home and in school. How to live, think, pray, and spread their wisdom seeds, on very rich and beautiful God land, for themselves and rest of God creation, future days.
Native American Don’t Fight and Die
Native American is treat just like God creation, pure nature energy power. Native American, dont’ fight and die. Be patient, 21st century time is here. God an his nature, energy will fight for you and rest of God creation. Native American, does matter what happen, in 21st century to this world. Big changes will happen. Nature will be winner and you will not be loser. Loser will be losers. Native American don’t ever stop love, God creation, and yourself.