Where is God? Where are we? World God is with all of us. And must of us walk away from nature, God creation. Days are here, and in 21st century more days will come telling us nature will not forgive to all of us.
Where is God? Where are we? World God is with all of us. And must of us walk away from nature, God creation. Days are here, and in 21st century more days will come telling us nature will not forgive to all of us.
Beautiful God land we call our mother earth
Beautiful America our election day 2016 built unvisible and could be unmeasurable life walls between us American and rest of the world and only healthy tools exist, which can remove between us American and rest of the world life misery walls. Love and respect for God creation, God land and all of us people who live on God land our mother earth. America and world I cannot find better solution for life to live on God land. I also believe so in God will not find any better solution for all of us. Thank you God to be able to live on your beautiful land.
We call left and right wing, but I cannot discover what kind of birds could be. I can only think about one birds, modern technology, which did and does fly away from nature. I wonder how far can fly, and where and how will land.
World tomorrow without God and his nature, pure energy power. We could be only 100% worse then nothing.
Daily if I cannot wait for love and meet love, my day and days will be empty, boring, long, and unhealthy nights. Love is life, and life is love. My love lives in my heart, nature and God.
Some of you world, if you think my words and writing words wind, can, and will blow away. From our mother earth soil face. Will never happen. New generation, freedom and health, and green grass growing on my grave. Will be my witness, what I says.
People who always searching for more and never have enough. They don’t know, what healthy happiness is. They punish their own lifetime and other.
I cannot find any difference between people who have too much and people who completely lost appetite.
World economists, help me to understand what kind of healthy economy could be created and grow without healthy nature, life balance, and pure nature energy, daily life power. World economist correct me if I’m wrong. Seems to me too many people in 21st century exists underneath unhealthy wounded sky. Money and mostly unhealthy human creation without butterfly and bees turning very sick, deadly economy around. How long can last sick without nature, pure energy help.
World if we can cut our modern technology. Some feathers from the wing and some speed, we will be able save some of our lifetime.
World our modern technology and mushrooms possess same speed power, but not healthy life power. World healthy science and healthy life psychology and philosophy, take over from here, begin but not healthy life power.
World I hope I don’t insult anyone, except lies. Which cannot live without pure nature energy, God creation.
I’m ashamed to ask who will help us to die.
World I don’t know, how many people exists on this earth and I’m one of them, human being. Very often I think, about God and his beautiful creation, my love nature. I’m ashamed how we live, and why we live how we live, and getting worse and worse. Mostly our human creation, too many category life poison and one unvisible and unmeasurable worst life poison, hate cannot help us, and also sadly love cannot help us. World I am stuck to think about. God I’m stuck, I’m ashamed, I cannot find words. God I’m ashamed to ask you, will devil help us to die.
World our modern technology speed will not take us far.
God please help us healthy live and die. Because if you don’t devil will help us to die. And leave life poison for very long time on your land, our mother earth.
America and rest of the world in 21st century doesn’t matter what happen to us, good or bad will happen to all of us. But only love can help us all, and hate lead us and destroy us all. World we should be able chose what we like.
I was born in World War II. Dry bread crumbs taste still in my mouth and heart. Taste which make my life so beautiful and very sad. Why most of this world in 21st century suffer with too much and never enough?
Politician was not born yet and will not be born. Honest children was, is, and always will be born. If political power does not exist, what world will miss? To be able to peacefully live.
If children grow up with healthy small hope. They will grow up with best life luck.
I was born 1939, unpredictable bad days. Through all my childhood days, I never did have any toys. I played daily life game with nature. From sunrise to sunset, days was always beautiful and short. Thank you God and his nature for my beautiful childhood days. Healthy and strong life roots.
Human being normally we do not meet enemy, we create enemy.
Seems to me world science did not discover yet, what is more important for us human beings? Healthy live or healthy die?
World, our world science did not discover yet how serious pure nature energy, silent, and unpromises is not to be able to share, give and take God creation.
Modern technology did destroy nature balance and human instinct. Most important life base. World science, what is left, how healthy is, and without promises, how long will last?
World science do you know what is different in 21st century between nature and human mind? Human mind in 21st century live with promises and lies. Pure nature energy, don’t. Why not?
From World War II on and in 21st century great designers and great designs exist. For human being, how to die, but not how to healthy, and peacefully live. Designs which could be used for short World War III.
From unvisible human creation power, in 21st century world should be very afraid. Power which could only be destroyed, with love and respect between us human being.
World any life changes, without nature, God creation, pure nature energy power will not bring any luck to us human being, underneath the sky.
What is better or worse to tell people. Truth or lies? Because in 21st century people normally buying lies and paying for truth.
What is difference between politician and weather? I cannot find any difference. Before job is done.
This world will be grammatically perfect destroyed.
Yesterday my friend told me, my writing words grammatically is uncorrect. My answer was, yes I know. And also I know this world will be grammatically perfect destroyed and perfect will not be able to pay for.
God creation is not perfect. Thank you God because perfect cannot be changed and help. Our modern technology is perfect and cannot be and will not be changed. Why not?
If you like discover nature secret, you have to turnover every rock. But don’t be too late. Because secret could vanish.
If nature and God doesn’t live in my heart. Through my writing words, I will be able to waste nature beautiful lifetime.
World in our 21st century present time, I trust so much more our sanitation then I trust our world science.
World parents don’t worry so much, how your children read. But worry a lot, about your children. What they read, learn and know.
I did know people who could not, write and read and sign their name. They live beautiful healthy, peaceful long lives. Modern world and big education, in our 21st century present time, you know how to write, read, and very often sign your name. Live long enough, unpeaceful, unhealthy lives, and what happen to you, most of you don’t know. But did not happen to them. Who could not write, read, and sign their name. Do you know why?
World can you help me? Sometime I think, who is guilty, devil or me?
World science you did succeed. Change many people mind. But not nature system, body and mind. Why not?
World science if human life turn into hypoglycemia, which life remedy can cure life on this earth and save the world?
America great again.
American what we can do, and where we can go without health to be able to make America great again.
America I believe, our election day 2016 will not help health, freedom, and peace underneath the sky. But doesn’t matter what happen. Whole wide world will share together.
World be careful, don’t speed just think. In 21st century doesn’t matter what happen to America, whole wide world will share.
World in 21st century fight will end. Fight between human bodies and human minds. Fight one creature, humanbeing against all creatures underneath the sky. Nature will win, and is not and will not be breaking news, just God and his nature truth.
Young world, world science love to lead nature, freedom and health. Some of you world science, seem to me you create big problem between life and death. Problem, which you did not discover yet. Problem between human bodies, everlasting life system, and human minds. Minds system, which can be changed just like lies. Undiscover existing problem between life and death. World science if you know, can you talk about because existing lies cannot live without truth and our human bodies, health also cannot live healthy life without healhty air, healthy water and healhty food. How sad it is and also our human sperm and minds cannot live healthy life without healthy air, healthy water, and healthy food, young world wake up, sick young and old. Human bodies, and dead people talk about, but most of you young, you don’t talk about. Please don’t wait, too late because this world, we parents and grandparents, leaving to you and to be responsible for life unresponsible.
World what kind of future we face. World healthy life pyschology and philosophy. Can you tell truth, what I cannot tell? I cannot tell, who is our love, underneath the sky. Including our human bodies and sky. World lies, lead our lives and love us. And we cannot fight for our life love. Health and peace, with our human creation, life poison and unmeasurable life hate. World healthy life pyschology and philosophy, I wish world enjoy and you can tell, what I cannot.
Most of the time when I write, and talk, I wish my words and writing words, wind blow away from this earth. And my wife, and my brother-in-law Joe live for another eighty four years, and remember me.
I was born in March. For me simple life, believing in nature and God, and little crazy life just like March. Alwasy was, and still is, beautiful life.
Our world science, will be very lucky science. If lies can live without truth.
World only one God exist.
And one spider web.
Our mother earth soil is spider web.
God web.
We know how to shake and destory God web.
But we cannot learn how to repair.
God and his nature daily asking us, who lead us and teach us.
Not to be able to learn, how to repair spider web.
World how long can last. Money, life poison, and hate lead this world. Without life health, love and peace. World I just kidding. We can suffer and live. Without health, love and peace. We are free, but not from devil mind.
In our present 21st century time, I believe is very hard for healthy inteligent people to live and talk about life.
World parents, is nature God creation stupid? Because our children and grandchildren, know very little about, but our children life asking us parents and grandparents, what is reason why they know very little about nature life, including their own life.
I Love You Nature
Native American
Native American, if planet earth is divided in half I will be very happy. Stay on nature side, and share my life with beautiful nature, Native American. World I strongly believe so and healthy wise world will stay on nature side, safety and healthy life side. Only and only, healthy life power, which money cannot buy and devil lead and destroy.
Tell Me One Healthy Life Reason
Why Can I Trust Money and World Science
I trust nature love. Pure nature energy power, God creation. I don’t trust human promises, medicine, vaccine, life poison, and unpromise, human hate.
Normally Bad Is Planted
Life education, do you know
Why bad grow because most of the time bad thinking is planted, transplanted, and grow and is life education fall.
Step by Step from Devil Away
World when you pray and allow God, you walking step by step from devil away.
Very Big Lead This World
People we all like to be big and biggest as can be, big. Book educated and known, but how we think, live, and how human promises lead us all. No one can be biggest stupid then existing stupid, who lead us all on this earth. Farway from God creation, beautiful nature.
Most of The Science Don’t Know
For every human being who live on this earth. Is most important to know what our modern technology and most of the world science don’t know. How to live, healthy peaceful lives on this earth, with nature and God.
American Dollar Is Not Our Good Healthy Friend
Dollar destorying our life and health. Without nature, pure energy help.
American Together, Why Not Win Together
American can we tell to ourself, without political help. Why our political leaders very quickly forgive each other. And we people, who vote for them never stop fight each other for them. Who always win and why. And never lose, why not?
One My Childhood Day
Remind Me On World Science Today
Most of them, world science very often remind me on one my chidhood day. Staying underneath tall pear tree, and throwing rock in one pear. Rock which fall on my head. Many years pass by and I still feel same pain, when I think about our world science. How about you world, I don’t mean numb world, I mean wise world. Do you feel any pain, or life pressure? When you think about world science. And what happen to nature health.
Thank You God Soon As You Can
World what happen to our lives? With what kind of life promise we can live? Without nature and God, pure nature energy, daily help. World we facing life system, human creation. System which telling us, and promising us, whole wide world, long as we live. Daily suffering, will increase, and I Radenko Fanuka, handy man, God and his nature helper telling you world, daily we will pray, asking God for help. Soon as he can, help us to die. Thank you God, soon as you can.
World what is worst, killing unborn?
World what is worst, killing unborn? Or invite born to this earth. To take first unhealthy breathe, dirty air, drink unhealthy water, and eat unhealthy food. World did we say, goodbye nature or will we say goodbye nature?
World help nature, Native American
Native American, what happen to you and rest of nature in 21st century, will happen to whole wide world, but 100% worse. World help Native American, nature before nature destory us all, on this earth, without any promises.
World Leading Healthy Life Psychology and Philosophy Is Dead
Goodbye God creation, beautiful nature, world our science load whole wide world on one life boat. And we living together on one life boat without healthy air, without clean water, and without healthy food, but its okay because what we own and what we have we did not forget, load on our life boat, lot of money, life poison, and life hate, and is okay because we can and we will fight ourselves, fight suffer, and die before healthy and happy peaceful life to live. We have a few captains on the boat, Russian, Chinese, and so on. But mother America our new president elect 2016 Donald Trump is most important from all of them. For survivors and life boat without healthy air, healthy water, and healthy food. Too far from God creation pure nature energy, daily help. Mother America and rest of the world I telling you on advance because possibility exists, I will not be here to tell you again. Life boat have enough fuel without healthy air, healthy water, and healthy food to hit end. Without making any turn because world leading healthy life psychology and philosophy power is dead.
Radenko Fanuka
November 19, 2016
Pray God You Will Not Waste Time
If you feel boring and you don’t know what to do, and you cannot sleep. Pray God for help. You will not waste time. You will live with life hope and God help. Just pray and pray. You will feel God help, again and again.
God is Good so and Good Friend
Respect and love God and friend, before you need help. Don’t knock on life door, too late.
Don’t Waste Time
I always told my workers, think and work. Don’t speed, and don’t waste time.
Middle Class is Not Included
America I wish I am wrong. I believe 2016, America election day. Will bring us and rest of the world zero love, and hate in numbers and zero. America only love can save the world, and only hate poison and money, power, destory this world. This is this, for stupid and smart, and rich and poor, middel class is not included because I don’t know, how long will middle class exist.
Oh Mighty God Can You Make America Great Again
Dedicated to America Election 2016
Oh mighty God, can you tell us American, how you can make America great again? Without healthy clean air. Without healthy clean water. And without healthy daily food. Oh mighty God, I’m sorry, I believe you will not be able help and change our life system. Money power, poison and hate. Which lead us American and rest of the world. Oh mighty God, forgive me if I’m wrong, I suggest for Jesus Christ and Messiah not to come before. Money power, destory life poison and hate. To be able new grass and weed, to grow and nature live free without money power.
World We Should Not Pray Too Late
World we should stop share with the devil before we pray. Too many of us in this world directly and indirectly daily nourish devil power and mind. With our giving gift from God. Sharing with devil, God creation, and in the same time we praying and asking God for help, health, freedom and peace. We asking God, for everything. For everything. What we daily share with devil power in mind. World our children is not included, before they started school. World something is very wrong with our life education and schools and books. World we cannot make it healthy life deal with devil and God.
Hate Also Live With Love
What is difference between God creation and human creation, everything what God create is create with love and forever lasting love. And mostly with the seeds. And what human being create is without seeds. And is sooner or later power, which have to turn to be love for hate. Hate also live with love, hate for love.
World Science Children Can Learn So Much More From No Then From Yes
Young pyschologists and philosophers write today about past and present because 21st century life is and will be very helpful life school for new generation to come and live healthy peaceful life. Very close to nature and God name. Young psychology and philosopher tell the world science children can learn so much more from no then from yes. This is my life discovery, nature life message.
This is Me Radenko Fanuka, Nature
Some people will say, what this man writing about, he must be boring, crazy, and very unhappy. I am very happy. Never boring. And for some very smart, I could be crazy. But am very very happy because I serve daily nature God creation, and I am very unhappy for our world children and people who suffer and they don’t know why they suffer. Far away from God creation, pure nature energy power, daily help.
In 21st Century World Can Touch End, But Will Not End
I promise you world, mother earth soil, women, mothers, and strong healthy man, who believe in God and his nature, poor people, young people, and children is only existing power, which can help and save this world, but not all. And also I promise you world, number one, money power. And different category life poison, and life hate, also is only power, which can lead this world in cold grave, but not all. World doesn’t matter what happen to us, zero have to and will lose life value. We have only two life choses stay close as we can with God creation beautiful nature or stay with devil power in mind.
21st Century Living Hell
Some of you world science, seems to me, you are very proud because you think you create genetically modified paradise on this earth. You make big mistake, you make unforgetable life history. Because you create geneticaly modified living hell on this earth. First history trap, great trap for devil body and mind. And devil will not run away from genetically modified hell. And the rest of the world, would devil will share genentically modified hell. I can’t tell for how long, but not for too long. Devil will suffer and starve with one wish, run away from living hell and from unguilty, unhappy honest, good God. People who will physically fight, devil body and mind before they die in living hell.
America our election day, 2016 daily remind me, on American dream, I wonder what kind life dream could be without healthy air, without healthy water and without healthy food. Daily existing life reality, promises dream, young parents. Think what is and where is your future dream. How far from pure nature energy God creation.
Nostradamus is not known enough yet
World if life poison promises and money, doesn’t lead this world. Nostradamus name forever will be forget, but will not happen.
Day Will Come
Normally what is not impossible, turn to be possible, too late. For one day.
Forget Everything Together
Many category life poison, and life promises lead this world in its unhealthy power, power which middle class, poor, and rich will share. And forget everything together.
One creature against all
World we are not far from one election. God and his pure nature, energy election, our big education and big mind, power above nature power, will not be elect or accept to vote.
I Am Nature
People telling me, I think different, then other people. I don’t know why. Because I’m nature.
I Dedicate to God and His Nature and World Autism, and Life Truth
World remember only and only, pure nature energy, exisitng power can lead and heal daily life and love on this earth. I strongly believe in God and his nature, pure energy daily power. Healthcare, healthy food because healthy food is heathy life, and healthy healthcare. Healthy love and healthy sperm. I hate devil energy, very expensive medicare promises. Medicine and vaccine, world science if nature pure energy can not heal nature energy. Life on this earth will not be able to exist, but what will happen to us human being will not happen to rest of the pure nature energy God creation.
In 21st Century Sick World Healing Sick World
No matter how I look and turn, here is 21st century time. Mentally ill world directly and indirectly taking care from mentally ill world. Healthy mind, healthy world is loser. Because can not and will not, in 21st century help very sick world. I believe some healthy mind. Healthy science, and some healthy life pscyhology still exists in this world, who can tell, why healthy world can not help sick world and God creation truth.
Adding and multiplying people mind and words
Through all my life, I did not have time to watch TV and read books, newspaper, and magazines. Daily I only read people minds. Adding and multiplying people words. I discover many surprises, pure truth and nasty lies. Which help me live my life. And late in my life, to be able to write. Write mostly for new generation to come. I feel very sad. Why mostly for new geneation to come.
Life unpromises will not end power
Which I dedicate to world election days
What is difference between life promises and unpromises. Unpromises can not end because unpromises can live without promises. But promises can not live without promises. And what is difference between life promises and unpromises power. Its the same difference between devil and God power.
Count numbers and remember and add peple words
If you talk to your friend or any other person, more then once and remember his or her words, put then together. You will be able discover what you love to know for yourself, and only for yourself. Because from enemy is better create friend then create enemy. From good person, and good friend.
Life Education Could Be Include
Children could not be include, life education could be include. Many people in this world exist, who hate life for many reasons. And I believe life hate them too.
America, mother of the world, your doing a great job. Helping and saving our relatives, friends and children around the world. America please don’t build walls. America create friends, many as you can. You will keep from America, enemy away. America, lets pray to God tonight to save America tomorrow from World War III.
Free to Die Before Free to Live
World science, money power, and political power create big unhealthy world. Geneticaly modified power. Politically correct, free to die, before free to live.
If I am Teacher, I Will Teach Children
If I am teacher, I will teach children in school. First how to spell God, air, food, water, mother and father, grandma and grandpa earth soil, nature, work and rest, and life and death. I will teach children how to spell and connect alphabet with God creation, pure nature energy, life resume.
Modern World
Modern world, in 21st century if you ask for less, you will get more, but that will not happen because you will be able to destory money power and value, but what will happen, you will spend for more and everyday you will get less and less.
Nature Law
Ask for More and With Less
If science doesn’t exist, world will exist.
Help to Live and Help to Die
World healthy life psychology and philosophy. Something is very wrong with us. Because those who we help legally directly and indirectly to die, did not help us yet. Why not?
World Will Not Be Too Late
World sooner or later, directly and indirectly, money power have to and will help Nostradamus prediction. Could be too early, but never too late.
Big Life Education
World our 21st century big life education, power and money power is only power with one end.
World Have to Happen
American observing world past and future days, including our election day 2016. I can read, unforgettable world history title. Title says, in God and his nature trust, Native American land.