Archive for ◊ October, 2010 ◊

• Monday, October 25th, 2010


My dear friends, I’ve heard about some of you and my hope is that one day I will have the honor of meeting all of you. I cannot ask you, “How are you?,” but I know how you were before you passed on. If I tell you how I am, you will be insulted because you know how I am, but I can tell you how some of your “big” names is buying “big” money; it’s buying what the world’s mind was not able to buy at the right time. My dear friends, there is nothing new here, and if there is, the time has to tell this world, normally a little too late. The blind and the deaf are doing well and the people who can “see” very far are doing very poorly. The honest poor cannot get rich and the people, like some of you writers and artists, cannot sell God and His Nature’s truth. Forgive me; I wish I would send you some new news that you didn’t know before your death, but if I live for one hundred sixty two years, I could be able to tell you the very bad and very good news that money was not able to sell or buy. My dear friends, I am grateful to you for all that you have accomplished and shared with this world, at the right time, but sadly, the world has not used it to their advantage at their opportune time. You deserve to have God help you rest your soul and mind in peace and harmony.

• Monday, October 25th, 2010


It seems to me that the way everything is going in this world, there will be a shortage of shoes. Before the year 2012, Americans, put your right foot in the right shoe and put your left foot in the left shoe, in the early morning, not in the afternoon. Americans, please don’t lose your shoes.


My encyclopedia was born on March 19, 1939. Oh my philosophy, I am very sorry I will not be here and there won’t be an end to the world, but I am afraid you will be lost with this world.


I strongly believe people who respect and love God’s creation could be good friends, good neighbors, no matter how far away they live, and they could live very close to God’s name.


Don’t ever discuss or talk about a “healthy” economy unless you include God and His Nature, because your thoughts will not be blessed or succeed.


What is the difference between planting and praying? There is no difference. You must plant, pray and wait.


Oh my pencil, you are my love. I believe in silence just like you. Don’t ever open your mouth if you’d like to help God’s truth, because this world is still searching for the “hair in the egg.” Pencil, just write; silence is a beautiful existing power behind this world. Tell the world that the future of the 21st century will not depart or run away from the past.

• Monday, October 25th, 2010


I was a little boy

I was spring

I bloomed like spring

I “teared” like spring

I blossomed like spring

I smelled like spring

I grew like spring

I was a little boy

I was spring


I was a young man

I was summer

I thought like summer

I was “hot” like summer

I worked like summer

I perspired like summer

I “dried” like summer

I grew like summer

I was a young man

I was summer


I was middle age, mature man

I was autumn

I thought like autumn

I felt like autumn

I slowed down like autumn

I felt sad like autumn

I ripened like autumn

I was a mature man

I was autumn


I am an old man

I am winter

I think like winter

I work like winter

I feel like the last winter

Good bye last spring

Good bye last summer

Good bye last fall

I am an old man

I am the last winter


I was a little boy

I was spring

God was with me

I was summer

God was with me

I was autumn

God was with me

I am winter like the last winter

God is with me

Only the elderly and winter can tell how beautiful the spring is

Throughout my entire life I couldn’t find any difference between the tender children’s bodies and minds and the blooming and blossoming spring. God, remain with every child and every spring. I am an old man just like the last winter and before I forget, I’d like to say, “Good bye spring.” God, please don’t’ leave me. Stay with me.

Category: Poetry  | Leave a Comment
• Monday, October 25th, 2010


In my dream, God was with me

Last night I fell asleep

And I was walking over a bridge

A bridge between night and day

And following Nature, small ants and grass hoppers

Waiting for the day, the night disappeared


God was with me

Today I woke up walking over the bridge

A bridge between day and night

Following Nature, small ants and the grasshoppers

Waiting for the night

The day disappeared


God was with me

I followed God

I followed Nature

I followed the days

I followed the nights

In the year 2012 in my dream

I fell asleep

Walking over the long bridge

A bridge between the year 2012 and 2709

In 2709 I dreamed

I woke up from my dream

God was with me


Awakened from my dream I asked God, “Where is the world?”

I could hear a child’s voice

I looked behind me, but I couldn’t see the end of the bridge

A bridge where technology used to live

I could feel a beautiful silent voice

A beautiful blossoming spring, love and peace

In my dream my life’s dream turned to reality too late

God was with me

Category: Poetry  | Leave a Comment
• Friday, October 08th, 2010


A generation of physical labor, hard work, and willful, determined minds has died. A generation that daily attached themselves to Nature, Mother Earth’s soil, with their hands, hearts and strong minds, has died. Five days of physical work used to heal man’s mind, body and heart, and it gave man two days to rest, pray and enjoy life. Five days of hard physical labor, the five healing days, made man rest and sleep peacefully throughout the dark nights. The nights were extremely short for man and the days were not long enough. Young world, believe me, because I worked and slept during those “old days.” Man slept without any doctor’s prescriptions, vitamins and pills. Thank God and His Nature for the five healing days of hard physical labor and the two resting days. Not too long ago, a new generation and technology were born, the latter possessing an extremely large mind and a long hand, but lacking a heart. The five days of hard physical labor, the healing days, and Mother earth’s soil now suffer. Freedom died. Most of the land has been turned into residential and commercial zones, offices and shopping malls. The very happy seven days are now suffering and the long nights are crying because people are unable to rest and sleep. The new generation has succeeded to create more vitamins and pills than Nature has ever created seeds, the wisdom seeds . The new generation has succeeded to create what Nature couldn’t, and did not succeed to create. This is a very short journey, but there is a very long distance between God’s creation and us, the human beings.

Not too long ago

And it won’t be too long…

• Friday, October 08th, 2010


I love to see America soar like the bird with two wings.

Hillary Clinton, in the year 2008 love for you was born and buried, but it wasn’t buried deep enough for the year 2012, because it didn’t die.

WISDOM, it’s a great discovery that the mouse has not yet created his own poison.

Stop thinking about who you are and think about to whom you are speaking to.

WISDOM, I believe that a long time ago someone said, “Follow the people.” Today, I’m saying, “ Wait for them. “

WISDOM, this world is running too fast. We will definitely waste too much time.

WISDOM, the promises of political power and an aspirin are the same. They never last for the whole day.

WORLD WISDOM, if you know where you can buy respect and love for this world you’ll be able to buy it with one American dollar.

WISDOM, technology has helped this world to create so much sweetness, a sweetness that has been taken away from the world’s love.

WISDOM, I feel very sorry for myself because today I can see so much more than I saw yesterday.

I live for everyday, and if I lie for tomorrow, I should be punished by God, today.

The old world cannot be forgotten because it won’t be forgotten.

WISDOM, God will not change His mind, Nature will not change its mind and technology will not change its mind; there will be a making of new history.

WORLD Encyclopedia, I love God’s, Mother earth soil’s, and the sea’s encyclopedia. Everything God has created and what humans have not yet discovered, can be found there.
