Archive for ◊ July, 2010 ◊

• Friday, July 23rd, 2010


What would happen to the four seasons of the year and to this world, if for some period of time winter and spring couldn’t meet? That could not happen to the four seasons of the year, but that could happen only to us, humans. Young people, Nature’s balance is lost and Nature is badly wounded, but I am not worrying what tomorrow will bring for me, because my life’s waiting line is not too long. However, I am a human being, a father and a grandfather and I am worrying about every child in this world and those children who are not yet born. I worry a great deal about what tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will bring for all of you, the good, the honest and the young. Beautiful children, if I didn’t love you it would be very simple for me to write something that would please your mind a lot, for a short time, and it would definitely hurt you a lot, not knowing through your lifetime. However, I have something positive and very beautiful to tell you, because I was there and I was young. You are young. You are spring, a very powerful spring. God and His Nature love you. God and His Nature need you and you need God and His Nature just like you need day and night and daily, healthy meals. Love and respect God and His Nature. Only with your love and respect can you heal and save this very beautiful and wounded world. I know you would like to know what tomorrow and the days that follow will bring for you, young. What will be brought is what we parents, grandparents and great grandparents have planted and grown for your future days. I know, it is not always easy to be young, and it will not be easy for me to die with these words: “What we plant, grows and we’re leaving it for you.” However, IT will not last forever and IT will not grow if you don’t help to plant it and grow it, plant and grow it over God and His Nature’s everlasting power. Young, I worry much more about the human sperm and the human mind; I should say inseparable human sperm and human mind, than I worry about the end of the world. Young, this is another good news for you. Time never changes. The sun still rises on time, and the four seasons are revolving without making any lifestyle and diet changes. Young people, you can ask almighty God for more and for less, but if you ask His Nature for more or less, you will not get but you will waste  a lifetime and health. You will not get “fat free” and “skin milk”. You will get what Nature planted, planted once, and it is better than to transplant once or a million times. Yes, I am worrying a lot about tomorrow and for the unhealthy, daily meals, the human sperm and the human mind. Everything grows from the bottom up, and what we put in, we will find it and take it out, and what we plant will grow. Human healthy sperm possesses a power like a blossoming spring. World, just think about it; summer, fall and winter, nine months , are gathering energy, the best meals, to be able to feed spring. I worry about the inseparable power, the human mind and the sperm.

Not too long ago, I remember the days when I was a young boy. People used to sell what they learned, what they knew, and what they had. They didn’t advertise just as the rest of Nature didn’t advertise “fat free,” “skin milk,” and whatever didn’t exist. However, they did plant, grow, share and sell pure, organic-grown food and mind, including the pure organic-grown sperm. But, I also remember the new days, as I sat in my second and third grade classrooms, how, and how quickly the promises of the new days walked away from God and His Nature. They walked away with a big hope and stayed away from God and His Nature’s healthy power and healthy daily meals. It didn’t take too long to walk away from God and His Nature. No one could’ve helped us. No one could’ve given us, and no one could’ve created for us what we created, what we have and what we know. We created it all and we have it all, and no one exists on this planet, our Mother earth, who would share and buy from us. We advertise and sell to each other what we planted and helped to grow. We are selling our pure truth, We are selling our pure minds; we’re selling what we have and what we know. We’re selling far away from God and His Nature’s creation. I wonder whoever hypnotized us, humans, why hasn’t it hypnotized the rest of Nature.

Young people, God and His Nature never has and never will stop loving you. You are young. You are spring. Life’s philosophy hasn’t yet been born that can help this world without you, but honesty, respect and love were born and they’re young; young, your honesty, respect and love is enough and it will be enough to heal and save this beautiful world, a beautiful wounded world. Young children, young people, God loves you and that’s the reason why the sun rises and why this world, we can say, exists. I’m walking on my not – too long life line heading west; I can see the angels coming from the east, just as you and I stepped on this earth’s soil. I feel that I have so much to say to this world, but I don’t know how much time I have left, so I will tell you everything and it will last forever. It’s love, which will live in your young hearts. Love God and respect and love His Nature. No matter where I will go and end, it will not be the end. I will “watch” over you.

• Friday, July 02nd, 2010


“Nothing” doesn’t exist, but what could be invisible and no one could say what it is, human being could create.

It would not be “nothing.” It would be less. It will not happen because God exists. I have been observing Nature and human mind from my very early childhood days and there isn’t anything that has surprised me yet, because IT hasn’t grown before IT was planted. No matter what we, human beings, do and plant in our lifetime, we plant today for tomorrow. We plant for the life time and the dead time, and if we didn’t plant, life and death wouldn’t exist. Throughout my life there isn’t anything that has surprised me and those who were surprised, when I compare them to Nature, it seems to me, that too many of them, the grownups of this world, are still in the elementary school. We have so much to learn just as Nature has learned. We must learn how to “plant” today for tomorrow before the new history begins to sprout and grow? Oh Nature, who could take your students of the world to the bottom of the sea and tell them why the oil is leaking from the bottom of the sea and why was the new history at the bottom of the sea born and began to leak and grow? God’s creation, the beautiful Nature, everlasting teachers and healers, there isn’t anything that has surprised me yet, because IT didn’t grow before IT was planted. Beautiful Nature, what is surprising me ever since my early childhood days, however, is EVERY DAY and what I “planted” yesterday, planted not too far, not too high and not too deep than what the rest of Nature planted.

Some of you world, do you like my life’s philosophy and God’s everlasting job and truth? I love God’s job and truth and I hate my and your life’s philosophy and everything that we, human beings, don’t need. The days are here. Short new history is ripening and high education is growing and living. It’s taking but not giving. Mother Earth soil is very unhappy. Mother Earth soil was robbed pretty quickly and her diet was altered. Bottom of the sea was raped how many times? Liars with a very short mind, you have a short mind and that’s the reason why you went too far, too high and too deep. You went too far and you led the entire world too close to one end. Stop lying in thousands of different ways and telling good, naïve, honest people, people who hold this world in their hearts, minds and on their shoulders that oil will pay for it. Pay for what and who? I will carve the following words under my name to last forever, and underneath the year 2010’s new baby history’s face, “WHAT MONEY HAS DONE TO MOTHER EARTH AND FATHER SKY, MONEY CANNOT BUY and MONEY CANNOT PAY FOR.” Bottom of the sea is raped and it bleeds. God help us and help us to heal the bottom of the sea. Yes, in thousands of different ways but not in God’s and His Nature’s way, life was planted for tomorrow and tomorrow will come. New history will grow but not all at the same time. If God doesn’t help us to heal the bottom of the sea, who will, and how many times? IT’s funny, if God doesn’t help us to heal the bottom of the sea, who will?

The ONE who never did help is waiting to help. Can this world live with God and His creation with less, and with less money and less oil? Why not?

I hear an echo between some high and all of the low mountains, “Less money and oil. God give us peace.” America, bottom of the sea is bleeding. The new world’s history is bleeding but it doesn’t matter where the bottom of the sea bleeds, and in which country it bleeds. We are all human beings, one God’s children. What happened to us America in our home, in our kitchen and if it happened to some other country, it could be much worse in many different ways, for America and the entire world. Well, the time is here. Whether one person or the entire world is criticized, makes no difference. All of us are suffering and it’s not funny, but it is very sad. Oh, human mind, where are you and where would you like to go? Human mind, where you are going in 21st century’s time, you will meet too much and too much is not enough, but it will be enough, but not enough to destroy God’s job and His Nature’s truth. God’s people, don’t be afraid. 21st Century’s frying pan is not in the devil’s hands.