Archive for ◊ January, 2009 ◊

• Saturday, January 31st, 2009


I can still remember THAT DAY, when I was a very young boy. My father stood next to my Mother as I stood in between them. My father introduced me to one of his friends by saying, “This is MY son.” A few hours later, I remember my Mother asking my father, “Who carried YOUR son for nine months?” I was only a little boy, “soft” and “green.” As time went on, and just like the rest of Nature, I grew up and ripened. I continued to hear those same words, “This is MY son.” It was an unacceptable power and truth.

When I grew up, my daily life always included, and still includes, the observation of Mother Nature’s “umbilical chord” and her balance and power. It is a power which allows all of us to say, “This is OUR world, Mother Nature’s power and law.” It is a power which cannot be superceded by any other power. It was very difficult, yet very easy for my father not to be able to grasp this, and understand, how, that very second when he stood next to my Mother and spoke the words, “This is MY son,” could actually hurt me, my Mother and the beautiful world’s cross pollination. This is a power that is facing America, as well as the world. No matter what our psychology, life’s philosophy and studies are, the fact remains that without the power of Nature, we cannot be born and we cannot die. We are just one branch of Nature’s tree. Our lifetime possesses power, just like the time and power of the four seasons of the year. The three season’s nine months are physically and mathematically, stronger than the one season. However, the twelve months are a strong marriage, and it is the Nature’s everlasting power and law which cannot be pulled apart. World, don’t live with a big hope. Insulting Mothers and children is insulting Mother earth.

WISDOM, silence did not die.


WISDOM, this world needs one doctor and one term of LIMITS.


During the “good” days, politicians were not so important, and at our present time, we are unable to help them.


When most of Nature rests and sleeps, I write. When Nature wakes up and the wind begins to blow, I rest and sleep.


Writers, silence possesses an immeasurable power. Write! Don’t’ let the wind play with your words and blow them away.


This world needs organically grown food, farmers and writers who can plant dormant seeds and make them, and help them, to grow.


I love Nature’s science and her daily life’s discoveries.


It seems to me that many of us need food, yet we have nothing to do with Nature. The more we seem to learn, the less we seem to know.


Mother earth, please hold me close to your bosom just as you have always held me.


I mention God’s name so very often, and I mention Jesus’ name so rarely for a good reason. I respect His silence, which speaks daily.


• Tuesday, January 27th, 2009


DOCTORS, nature’s balance has changed and so has a pound. A pound is no longer a pound, as it used to be.


Some doctors place a big value on a pound, simply because they are unable to see what is inside of it.


DOCTORS, if you are buying a house, would you be interested to know from what materials it has been constructed, and what human body and mind are composed of?


Eggs are eggs, so what are organic eggs, and why do they cost more money?


Are some of you, pediatricians, able to tell us, “If spring has been “fed” with skim milk, what will happen to summer?”


Daily, we must be able to sell the truth in order to buy a lie.


WORLD’S LIFE and HEALTHY ECONOMY, NATURE doesn’t need pesticides and poison. NATURE needs more spiders and fewer flies.


Beautiful life’s sweetness and silence speaks.


“Fight for it?” I say, “Work for it;” it’s much better.


I trust Nature and I also trust a human being who respects, trusts and loves Nature.


This world is facing peace.


Life is like an echo between two mountains.


FUTURE, don’t ever try to feed Nature. Respect, love and help Nature. Nature will feed you!


Time, I feel extremely sorry for you. You lost too much time.


Moon, the day will come when you will be able to rest.


FUTURE, our past has preserved your future.


Great generation? The truth is, we could BE a great generation!


God, YOU KNOW that I will die with one unanswered life’s question.


WISDOM, how can health and healthy life’s philosophy survive without the power of a healthy, pure Nature.


I love you FREEDOM. You were, and you are beautiful.


21st CENTURY, we have a great deal of knowledge and we possess so much, but our children suffer from “malnutrition,” and they are distant from Nature’s healthy power and daily life’s education.


WISDOM, good words and good work have not made a bad history for themselves.


There never existed, and there never will exist, a better prediction than what the 21st century’s time will predict.


Two steps of life exist. There is the “STEP OUT,” and the “STEP IN.”


A good person could be a good friend and a good psychologist.


It seems to me that this world is not interested in “political reasonings, “and that is precisely the reason why this world is always in disaccord.


If jails didn’t exist, how could we be punished?


I help myself whenever I sleep. As soon as I wake up, I need help. Thank you, God, for , if I can help another’s life, I, myself, have been helped.


NATURE is everything; it’s one life’s key, a key which God is holding in his hands. However, it doesn’t function the same way as our door key.


PARENTS, teach your children what LOVE is, and from where, and how LOVE grows. You will teach them what the world likes to know.


PEOPLE, who are we following, and why?


Was poison created with love or hate? Why was it created, and for whom was it made?


“Uneducated daily life’s education has resulted in promotion of ignorance to our children and especially the “ignorance” of tending to the children of special needs and autism, just as it happened to Nature.


Flame and pure water possess a mightier power than that of a mighty devil.


I can foresee down the road of our future a strong life’s law, respect and love.


We think we have too much, and we Do!


“Bad” parents can create a “bad” world, “bad” children and a “bad” religion.


Religions around the universe, stay close together. God’s creations needs all of your help.


NATURE, “WHO is this world?” Does NATURE know us?


Oh my beautiful love, my beautiful NATURE. Everything has changed. Everything has turned to fiction. Children’s minds, hearts and health miss YOU, NATURE.


Beautiful NATURE, I am prepared to forgive you in advance. I am aware of the fact that you must fight, us, the human beings, and I know that VICTORY will be yours. You will save enough of life’s numbers to start anew.


No matter what’s in question, God and our life doesn’t ask for more or better than GOOD.


People on this earth, walking and praying, will follow God.


PEOPLE, we are playing a game with NATURE, as we stand on top of ice, held in Nature’s hands.


How wonderful it could be, if we would discover OUR DISCOVERY, before time!


Too early is too late. When we created guns, we created gun laws.


Our death should be very helpful to those we leave behind.


WISDOM, Life is definitely a form of schooling. Will we pass?


What is bigger and better than living a simple LIFE?


Big, “small is growing faster than big.”


BIG AND SMALL alike, “Mother earth is asking us all, to plant our wisdom seeds.”


WISDOM, “Mother earth’s bosom and woman’s bosom are very powerful and large.


Everything has time, and for everything there is a time. The year 2009, and the years to follow, will be a time of hope. People will pray, the writers will write, and preachers will preach, as never before. Loneliness will cover this earth. In the year 2709, the earth and the sky will live in peace. “Strong” man will take “strong” steps. Mother Nature, the sky, children and women will be highly respected, and cherished.

• Friday, January 09th, 2009


Throughout the centuries, people have been searching for help and it is much more difficult to help people than it is to be elected. Some people never vote and others like to vote every other day. Many of our dreams have begun in America and throughout the world, dreams about what the 2009 year will bring us. I believe it will bring us what we have worked for, what we will give to the year 2009, and for sure,  the rich will be rich and the poor will be poor. As always, time will teach us, but too many of us will not be able to learn, and we will not know the reason why. Americans, we are facing new days, and we have elected a new president, Barack Obama. Americans, we must help America and Mr. Obama, so that he can help America. He will have a tough job to help the minds of too many people. It will be a tougher job than any other president has had before him. What is most important for America and the world’s peace is that the world must face the truth that America was, is, and must remain strong. America’s wisdom must fly “under” and “above.” Young world, especially the America’s young people, you must quickly learn about the world’s honesty, psychology and life’s philosophy and what some of the world most of the time, doesn’t know and cannot see. America, the world loves changes, the change of “less for more.” Throughout America’s 2008 Election Day, political philosophy was “scratched” and “wounded” as the back of a mirror. Some of the world’s people live with a huge hope that they could possibly take a peek through this “scratched” off surface. I lived twenty two years of my life in Europe and forty eight years in beautiful America and I must tell you that I have never seen or heard what I have seen and heard during the days of America’s 2008 Election Day. The words I heard were “dirty,” “sour” and unhealthy. They were the words that could be mixed with the best dog food and a hungry dog wouldn’t eat them. I wonder, “Who ate them?” As much as I believe in God, I also believe in the daily life’s education and in you, Mothers and Fathers. It is very difficult for our leaders to be elected but not helped. Throughout the primary and the election days, we all spoke a great deal about the economy, the war, oil, money, jobs and who could accomplish the most for us. During all that time, there was no mention of God. There are no other words for me to say except, “Beautiful America, what is happening to you?” Where was God and His Nature during all that time? WISDOM, not where was, but where IS our health? Oh God, can you stop us? For too long, we have been beating the same straw. Please stop us, before nature stops us all. The world of the doctors, professors, writers, lawmakers and political leaders, Nature will stop us from thinking the way we are thinking. Throughout the primary and the election days, a woman, Mother earth, women, and two great American women, Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin were insulted. They were insulted with very bad unhealthy minds and words. I wonder, “Who ate those words?” What happened to Hillary Clinton? Nothing happened to her. She is what she was. She’s a good wife, a Mother, and a great American and she will fly back and forth over the deep seas, high like an eagle, and land like a dove. Barack Obama is what he was. So far, he made a turn of a healthy life’s philosophy. Sarah Palin is a young woman, a good wife, a mother and a great American. She possesses wisdom, power and speed, a speed which America needs in the 21st century. Sarah is a good woman and good is better than perfect, or the best. What I am stating for Sarah Palin I would also say for John McCain, but I never believed that he was a war hero. I strongly believed that he was, and is, a PEACE HERO. Our world is a FREE world.

                Our New Year 2009 started off with the Israeli’s and Arab’s innocent men, women and children dying. The moon and Mother Earth are telling us that we have lost our instinct and we are losing love. We should be ashamed and afraid. The “spring” of 2009 will be frosty. A woman did not win. Thank God, a woman has not ever lost before, but the world’s peace has been postponed; it will wait for your women’s, help. I would give the future, and my children, as well as the world’s children, to be led by Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton.

                MOTHER EARTH, a beautiful God’s creation, the next election could be the new history, the women’s long history. In the meantime, let’s pray to God for America and the world, so that we may live as one unified family in love and peace. I see a young bud, a young American woman behind the political power, and it will not take more than a decade to bloom. Women around the world, stand together. Women, Mother Earth needs your help. Women, your power will step over the existing power and it will lead this world through the new very rough and tough history times. God exists and He will help you to find love and peace.

                Young Americans, young world, pray to God and elect Him one more time for your leader, the world’s leader. Help God’s Nature. Don’t kill. If there are little ants on your way, step carefully over them. Take my word, you will be helped and you will be saved.