Archive for ◊ November, 2008 ◊

• Saturday, November 29th, 2008


Croatia’s Wisdom, my beautiful native land, my young heart is still there. A long, long time ago, I collected a few organically-grown wisdom seeds. I cried and I ran away, but I didn’t run away from you, my beautiful land. WISDOM, I was unable to plant my wisdom seeds in Croatia, far away from God and His Nature’s power. Those organically-grown seeds are still with me today, which from time to time, cannot be planted in a frosty spring. Wisdom and Life, what is so good about life is that the wisdom seeds can sleep for a thousand years and they can still be planted and they will bloom and blossom. However, this cannot be done far from God and the honest power of work.

Croatia, during my early years, I did learn some life’s philosophy under the “uneducated” pressures of life, eventhough it was accomplished without the presence of any pleasures of life. At that time, work was starving and Croatia’s businesses and riches were dying. It was a very simple and painful life, and the truth did not have enough richness to spread around and share with the existing lie, the lie which work and the truth never did, and never will, please. I did not learn my life’s philosophy from the top going down. I continued learning my life’s philosophy in America, and FROM America, from the very bottom and all the way up to the top.

God and Croatia, or, Croatia and God, no matter how you phrase it, is a beautiful title, but it’s a title which is missing one very important word, the word WORK. The title, without the word WORK, will please those who love to eat, but not cook and work.

CROATIA’S WISDOM, Croatia’s LIFE PHILOSOPHY, there is nothing perfect in this world, but between the two words of God and Croatia, there is one word that would fit perfectly, and that’s the word WORK. LIFE, if anyone can tell you more, or less, than what I am telling you here about WORK, please don’t believe them. It is a lie, a lie that has no heart, and it is a power which possesses the power, like a fruit without its seeds. CROATIA, I am extremely proud that I was once a poor Croatian. As I lived and worked in America, WORK and AMERICA made me proud enough to say, “I am a proud American and I live underneath the same sky.” Croatia, my Mother died, but I consider myself fortunate to still have a Mother, the beautiful America, and I will plant and leave my Croatian and American wisdom seeds on the highest Top Life Philosophy that a human being can reach, and will reach.

My wisdom seeds, as well as America’s wisdom seeds, which can be dormant for thousands of years, could be planted through all four seasons of the year and they will grow, bloom and blossom. CROATIA, who will feed this world if WORK dies? Spread the word around the world! God, work and  CROATIA! CROATIA, don’t ever stop loving God, work and America!

• Friday, November 14th, 2008


God, work, and America are the best seeds which can be planted, and which will definetely grow, bloom and blossom.


Yesterday, America was strong and rich.


America’s wisdom, if HONEST WORK cannot help you, neither will TALK.


America, TALK is a breathing power; WORK possesses a power which supercedes breathing power.


WISDOM, if honeybees didn’t live a beautiful healthy life, they would all live freely in a jail.


Work doesn’t lie. It’s only work that has the ability to tell us and show us the value of people’s thoughts and the existing differences.


The whole world, unified, knows everything and only WORK can give us everything.


People who dislike WORK DO NOT pay taxes; they collect TAXES.


It doesn’t matter what we create, human beings are great creators. However, no one was ever born, or will be born, who could possibly create a system which will please people who dislike to work.


I love the wisdom honeybees possess and their “living life.”


WISDOM, would God and Life punish us, if we were to create laws and life by which honeybees live?


WISDOM, where are you? Can you hear me? I am suffering here, along with Nature. If you are unable to help me please tell me why?


WISDOM, please tell me, for how long will you be able to feed and teach Nature how to live?


WISDOM, the truth is here. What will the children do, if their minds cannot help WISDOM?


I hope we are all aware and know the reason why Nature’s WISDOM and power possess WISDOM and POWER which supercedes that of a human power. We are losing this game too early.


I was a foolish little boy. I heard people saying “NOTHING” and I spent time searching and looking for “NOTHING.” What I did find in the dark was my broken nose.


LIFE, everything has two ends. “NOTHING” has only one end, and there could be a possibility of one end.


What we, as people, normally do is both complimenting and insulting. However, our past, our land, and our neighborhoods where we live, are revealing the truth to all of us.


WISDOM, wounded NATURE is barely breathing and it is asking us, “Who wrote so many books and why?”


WISDOM, if NATURE is unable to teach our children WHO can, and HOW?


“Healthy” food possesses the power to help the disease suffer and die.


When I think about NOTHING, it is then that I find SOMETHING. The devil always lives with a big hope. At the present time the devil is asking all of us to pray to God.


Americans, buy puppies for your young children. It would be very healthy. By having puppies, your children would learn and have what our words attempt to convey, but not fully express. You, America, for yourself, purchase what the past and the present are telling you, “A BIG WATCH DOG.”