• Saturday, January 07th, 2006


Oh God

In this world, words cannot be found, words which can describe,
How warm and beautiful SHE is.
Truth cannot reveal the secret
The world cannot find the words
She is just warm, beautiful and sweet
Who is SHE?
Is SHE like the sunrays?
Is SHE like the daylight?
Yes, SHE is
Is SHE like the raindrops?
Yes, SHE is just like the raindrops,
Drop by drop.
Is SHE what I can touch and hold?
Maybe, if you know how to touch and to hold
Why maybe?
Because, it’s just like that
Oh God
SHE is very warm, beautiful and sweet
How warm?
How warm? It is the secret,
For you to discover
How sweet?
How sweet? Words cannot describe it
How beautiful?
Very beautiful
SHE is the heart of the truth
What is SHE made of?
SHE is made of truth,
Secrets, sweetness and love.
She is very warm and has a big heart
Sweetness can always be tasted,
As a fruit that’s picked off the tree,
At the right time.
She must be powerful
Yes, SHE is as potent as the earth’s soil,
And the truth.
Who is SHE?
And who is the earth’s soil?
Standing in a vertical position,
More than half of the world,
Is not yet able to identify them.
Oh God, SHE is like a beautiful rose
Why did God create,
A beautiful rose with sharp thorns?
The truth is, that it’s not for every hand
To touch and to hold
Who is SHE?
SHE is the one,
Who is still turning the world around
And keeping the earth,
Beautiful and green.
If the sweetness and the beauty,
SHE possesses,
As well as the morning’s sunrays,
Cannot wake me up, I ask you God,
Please take me away,
As quickly as you can.
God will not punish me,
If I ask,
“Is heaven as beautiful and as green
As is this earth?”

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2 Responses

  1. 1

    Good site. Thanks!!!

  2. 2

    Good site. Thanks:-)

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