• Tuesday, August 30th, 2022


God create colors of the human skin for same price.

• Tuesday, August 30th, 2022


Yes, God exists and my life philosophy is as dirt in devil eyes.

• Tuesday, August 30th, 2022


China, help America today, definitely, you will extend life to live on this earth, but if you don’t, will be 100% worse then end of the world. Silent will cover the earth. Only winners will exist, fat flies and everlasting wind.

• Friday, May 13th, 2022


Guilty world you cannot lead God creation, nature with dirty polluted sky and earth soil, cover with filthy, unhealthy blanket, you cannot lead life on this earth with dirty, unhealthy air, unhealthy water, and unhealthy food, you cannot lead nature, God creation with something what God did not and could not create. Why God could not create? Guilty world do you know why God create earth and sky and everything what healthy life require before life was born. Before human beings, children was not born, world can you tell where is what God create and devil destroy, and replace with his own creation and is what today, whole wide world face and is very scared because is easier destroy whole wide world then I can unbutton my shirts, world if you believe in God and his nature, do something for God and his nature and for every child life requirements before child is born and when is child born, world definitely our prayers, will be accept and blessed if is not too late.

• Tuesday, April 26th, 2022


America second mother of the world, very sad truth we all face from our America election 2016 on many politically books was create and time was waste because one title can cover all of them. Title says if I can not have, you can not have, good God can you tell us American who will have. American if God live in our hearts, we should not worried, who will have.

• Monday, April 18th, 2022


Whole wide world, only together, we have only two choices, live together or die together. Fight together against the one, or fight and die for one. Human beings what we create, almighty God did not tell us, we cannot change.

• Thursday, April 14th, 2022


World I believe President Vladimir Putin last answer is world don’t push me in corner and is the same unpromise power which modern technology never promised to this world, but sooner then later, whole wide world will share together, winners will die. Close to one thousand years, unmeasurable suffering, on this earth will not be able to heal, guilty world, accept adopt and create what almighty God could not create because God creation, nature, will not be able exist.

• Tuesday, April 12th, 2022


President Joe Biden is not sleepy spring, Joe Biden is as warm mild spring, act think, walk and talk with low voice just like warm, mild spring. Waking up, tiny, hungry, and cold nature, and is only philosophy which can succeed and help us human beings stay with nature. Share with nature, nothing more or less, just as rest of nature. If we like to live on this earth.

• Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022


God creation is everlasting, beautiful, healthy, history. History which devil power and mind between earth, soil, and sky, love to change. World religion and politician can you tell today for who and why Ukrainian and Russian honest people, suffering, fighting, and dying. I was born 1939 underneath, unpolluted, normal, beautiful sky. But born in living hell, WWII. For 83 years observing nature, God creation and some human mind, walking away on one way road from God creation, helping devil power and mind. Change the earth and sky. World I wish, I can, tell you today, what daily life reality cannot. Russia, China, America, big and small country, you have only two choices, together today and maybe tomorrow, but only together fight against devil, power and mind, but if you don’t, I promising, whole wide world together will share what modern technology, never promise to the world. God people, fight only for God creation, wounded and polluted earth and sky, fight only with love for love, and is only everlasting power, which sprout, bloom and blossom, America mother of the world, and is only power, which talks slow, sprout, bloom and blossom as warm, mild spring, and without any election, helping summer, fall and cold winter days, turning God power and truth round, and round.

• Friday, February 04th, 2022


World don’t worry about before money disappear. Yes, before money disappear, sky will not rest, love and peace will not cover earth. Harmful disease will have feast, Jesus Christ will not come, and organically healthy growing communism will not exist, oh God I wish I can says today, goodbye lies.