• Thursday, March 21st, 2019


God I wish I will be able see, America first. I mean America health first. Breathe clean healthy air. Drink clean healthy water, and eat pure nature energy, healthy daily food. America definitely world will follow you, so and love and peace.

• Thursday, March 21st, 2019


America because America is mother of the world and doesn’t matter what our election 2016 plan and will plan, sweet or sour life taste. Sooner or later, whole wide world will share.

• Wednesday, March 20th, 2019


How sad and unhealthy is thousand years will take for nature to heal, World existing life poison, did not create life education. Life education did create existing life poison, and that is only reason, why this world will be grammatically destroyed.

• Thursday, March 07th, 2019


My dedication to America senate, health and peace creators. Americans, Republicans and Democrats, I was not the first to say we are what we eat. Almighty God was first, Americans, Democrats and Republicans, we breathe polluted, unhealthy air. Drink polluted daily water, and eat unmeasurable, unhealthy food. Americans we breathe, drink and eat what God could not create because world will not be able exist. American and rest of the world, only two answer, and world life question exist. How much time we have, and who we should follow? God and his nature, pure energy power, or money power, devil power, and mine. Americans and rest of the world this is my psychology, and philosophy answer for today. Asking for less, we can have more. And asking for more, we will lose everything and all. America and rest of the world before is too late can you tell, what is your healthy life psychology and philosophy, answer for future days.

• Saturday, March 02nd, 2019


World don’t lose life hope because only one judge, Almighty God exist. Human creation directly and indirectly daily does and will win fight. Pollution, polluted body and minds, global warming, nuclear war existing poison, and known and unknown, harmful disease, death and deadly power will win fight, and is unmeasurable power, power which only Almighty God and time can disconnect and destroy earth and sky will suffer. But world don’t ever losing life hope. Because only one judge, almighty God exist.

• Saturday, March 02nd, 2019


America God is married to his nature, and we can pray so much as we can, but without God and his nature. Pure energy daily health, we will not be helped, and this world cannot get better before worst

• Saturday, March 02nd, 2019


World God and his nature, law cannot be changed and will not be changed, but in 21st century world will be changed.

• Saturday, March 02nd, 2019


Modern technology congratulation, you create new history. This world will die, very unhappy, laughing.

• Saturday, March 02nd, 2019


World in our 21st century, present time. Very unhealthy life, creating very healthy economy to grow. World what is healthy, underneath the sky and where is healthy, what money can buy.

• Saturday, March 02nd, 2019


Human being, we are one creature who playing life game. Against all other creatures, underneath the sky. In young 21st century, game will end. History will ripe, but not die.