Modern technology is dead and deadly power with very strong beating heart. Life poisons.
Modern technology is dead and deadly power with very strong beating heart. Life poisons.
Sad truth, so far only poor people in this world can tell what is not different between communism, capitalism, socialism and so on.
In 21st century, world will not stop praying, God for health and in the same time, destroying nature, God creation. In 21st century, new history will ripe, and lucky people will die.
From my childhood days, through all modern technology days. I never meet day yet. Which told me, this world will get better before worse.
World remember this words, dead people laying in their grave. And life truth for us live with them. From World War II on, world adopt live in hell. Hell which did not close door yet. From my childhood days, I walk through the living hell. Door in and out, and I did not find any difference yet. Where I was or where I go, but I always hear what dead people talk, and that is only reason why I never vote yet, in living hell. Because dead people always talk if they did not vote in living hell, living hell will not be able exist. And world will be saved. World remember my words, dead people laying in their graves and life truth for us live with them.
Americans in 21st century our modern technology and our life education definitely will not help us. Live better, before worse, but what dead Americans love to tell us, too late we can trust, and we can be helped.
Beautiful America, big birds always fly and land with two healthy wings, left wing and right wing. But from election day 2016 right wing begin lose very strong and very important feathers. Why, question why is only question and answer which can discover only one truth for one great America, mother of the world.
Some of you Americans and rest of the world, you can make fun about my life psychology and philosophy, but I can promise you, 100% this world is not married in 21st century to our lifetime for better and for worse.
America, only one healthy life philosophy exist, love. And is only healthy power, which can
World politician and religion, communism, capitalism, socialism and so on. Please don’t fight, don’t you see, our own creation and our lies lead us all, on one way short road. Doesn’t matter what happen to us, good or bad. We will share together, everything and all. And this is not only my prediction because is, our past and present on daily basis life reality. Which we human beings plant for our future. Could be day and days. Time will be able tell, and talk about. God punish me if my life philosophy turn into lies. Happy world enjoy and I will deserve. World pee on my grave, help green grass to grow.