In 21st century very sick philosophy lead this world without any healthy life psychology help. God how this world can get better before worse?
In 21st century very sick philosophy lead this world without any healthy life psychology help. God how this world can get better before worse?
My life dedication to beautiful nature, God creation. God forgive me because if I know, I will not ask, whole wide world through all my lifetime I observing beautiful nature, God creation, but I have to ask you, whole wide world for which reason God create human being on this earth. World please let me know? You will help me peacefully die, and world peacefully live. God exist and that is only reason why love cannot die.
World what could be bible, if is not nature God creation?
House flies and human minds possess same life power. Could be worse life poison, but is best life trap. Doesn’t matter what is, have to be sweet.
Only one way, unchangeable selfish mind, if you study chickens minds and human minds, you will be able discover one chicken possess power to destroy world of the chickens so and one human mind, possess power to destroy the world.
So far in 21st century, I cannot find any difference between very high life education and life poison, but difference is, poison did not create life education. Life education did create life poisons.
My dedication to Senator Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, American we love to take shower daily more than once, and we should ask Senator Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, how many times we have to wash our self in polluted, dirty water to be clean.
From World War II on and through entire my lifetime, on world election days, life health and healthy history did not win yet. And this world will not get better before worse.
God please don’t come on our world election days to vote. Because you will not be able win.
American from our election 2016 on, daily life reality telling us, republican will help democrat win election 2020.