Everlasting healthy life psychology and philosophy, first birthday was when God create his nature, and second birthday was when Jesus Christ was born.
Everlasting healthy life psychology and philosophy, first birthday was when God create his nature, and second birthday was when Jesus Christ was born.
If money does not exist, healthy communism, love and peace, on this earth will exist.
Modern technology, put most of the world sleep. World which never will, woke up from dream.
America, some republican and democrat exist rich, and very rich, middle class and poor we cannot win any election. Because we cannot donate money, we can only donate our life truth, but we should not worry about because rich and very rich will not let us die. Because we don’t be able vote for them, and work for them, and make them rich, and very rich, again and again.
I Radenko Fanuka support America election 2020. Elizabeth Warren and whole wide world, love, and peace, I am nature, human being. I love and support nature because if I don’t, I could be only perfect stupid. I am not republican, and I am not democrat, but I am American. I love very much America and rest of the world, and I hate, our world politically life psychology and philosophy, which possess same life power, as harmful disease cancer. But one difference is and exist, our life psychology and philosophy will be destroyed, before cancer. America, I will not change my life psychology and philosophy, for whole wide world, money, diamonds and gold, but I love to share my life psychology and philosophy with nature, Elizabeth Warren, and whole wide world, love and peace. Elizabeth Warren is beautiful human being. Big healthy mind, and good warm, also big heart, God does not ask for more, but devil does. To end this world, with World War III.
America mother of the world, and rest of the world, in 21st century our present time, world life psychology and philosophy without God and his nature, pure energy, involvement. Possess power, as harmful disease, cancer, but only difference is our life psychology and philosophy will be destroyed before cancer is destroyed.
My dedication to America election 2020 and on. America we plant America flag on the moon. And I wish we can plant on our mother earth soil, human health, which can be nourished with healthy air, healthy water, and daily healthy, pure nature energy food. Almighty, God, moon, and every existing plant, definitely will love us American all. And I will be able, peacefully die. So and you American will be able peacefully live and peacefully die with America freedom, America flag, plant deep in our hearts. America and rest of the world, healthy life psychology, philosophy and science. In 21st century, how this world live and think, I love to know, what is your discovery and what will be reason if life exist on some existing plant. To accept and love us human being. My discovery is in 21st century present time, our human bodies, cannot except, our human minds, daily lies, above and under, God and his nature law, our human minds turning, 100% worse then nothing. In 21st century, time will be my witness, and will be able tell, worse then nothing.
My dedication to world autistic children and parents of autistic children, you are not loser, God love you. American who make us laugh, and look down. Too many too young, in our cold graves. America what is difference between almighty God power and devil power is, what God create, devil could not. God create nature, and for his nature. Through his nature, everything what healthy life require, on this earth, healthy air, healthy water, and healthy pure nature energy food. Healthcare, medicare, healing, and healers, and pure nature energy teachers, was and still is include everlasting God, and his nature, healthy daily, life reality, law was create love for love. Don’t add don’t take, but make sure share God creation, beautiful healthy life, devil did not like what God create, devil create his own deadly system, money and money power, unmeasurable categories, life poisons, nuclear rockets, bombs and guns, medicine and vaccine, existing deadly economy, big money makers. Economy which cannot stop creating world pollution and also cannot stop creating and nourish known and unknown harmful disease. America and rest of the world, today medicine and vaccine holding key from whole wide world and lead us all, poor middle class and rich on one way dead road, and we are not free to live and we are not free to die, but we are free to suffer before we die. American do we know why God could not create what devil create because this world will not be able exist. America and rest of the world, our daily life reality is real, and is not joke. This world will not be able exist, above and under, God and his nature law better will not come before worst. God people don’t be afraid.
America if we bring nature in our school, definitely bible will be include. America almighty God did not write bible. But nature, God creation did write bible, and bible is nature, God creation. 365 pages book, one side of pages is white, and other side dark. White day, and dark night. Two best friend, which never fight, turning world around. Bible is beautiful nature, God creation, which most of us human being, directly and indirectly cannot stop destroying. America bring bible in our school, will be very beautiful and healthy. But without nature, God creation involvement, bible will be very lonely book, sitting in our schools. America bring nature, God creation in our school. Clean, healthy air, clean healthy water, and pure nature energy, healthy food. Dormant seeds, fertilize chicken eggs, flowers, plants, and small trees, pets, animals and birds. 100% definitely, bible will be include. American we will bring, in our schools, for our beautiful children, best healers and teachers. What God could create, also peace of the land, should be create, for children to be able plant flowers, vegetables, small trees, and so on. Playing and planting, is very healthy, free learning, growing and collecting, freedom, health, respect peace, and love for God and his entire nature. Beautiful, colorful America. Beautiful flower and roses. Bible is nature, God creation, create for whole wide world. To be able live together, and share together, love and peace, definitely 100%, beautiful life will be include.
In 21st century, world will touch end, but will not end. Lucky will die, world healthy life psychology and philosophy don’t you see, very unhealthy human minds lead this world, but human bodies win, fight, in cold dark graves. Please world, healthy life psychology and philosophy, tell the world, why human bodies winning fight in dark cold graves without any life waste. Above God and his nature, life and death law.