America and rest of the world, wake up. Is not too early. America election 2016, America first. America great again. American, many of you, you was not born, and I can tell you, and whole wide world, life reality telling you, America was, always great, and always first. Many times, America save the world, and America together, and only together, save America, mother of the world. So far, great philosophy, love, respect and love, save life, on this earth. World help America, definitely, you will help, life to live, on this earth, before America, will be last mother of the world. God help us all, on this earth.
From World War II on, very unhealthy life history, begin to grow, America, President Donald Trump could be impeached, but Donald Trump, life psychology and philosophy, modern technology power, and money power will not be impeached. 21st century, life history will ripe, but for long century, days will not, decompose, unresponsible for life was support, to led this world, far away from God, and his nature, healthy life, and healthy free to die.
In 21st century, most of the world, does not die free. 21st century, daily life reality is witness to this world. More we learn, less we know. Without God, and his nature, daily involvement, our left education, have to turn directly and indirectly into life poison, life suffering, and lifetime waste. What could be worst then live and suffer, and not to be able, die free.
America throughout my lifetime, communism did not exist. Lies and money exist. Power which poor and rich, never did, and never will share together. Organically grown communism, underneath the sky, cannot exist before money power is destroy. America from organically grown communism we should not be afraid.
World in 21st century, our modern technology invest most of us wisdom in bank, wallets and our pockets, and help us fly above birds, highest we flying, lowest we falling down.
World we lost life balance, between east and west, and between south and north. And also between earth soil and sky. World who we should ask, devil or God? Where we will fall down.
What is different between God creation and devil creation is, God create four season of the year, and devil one. Temporarily seedless season. Time will be able tell, how long did last.
America our election 2016, waking up dead American, great American, who fight and save America and rest of the world from devil power and mind. They waking up, and make me cry. Beautiful America, and beautiful world, one God exist, don’t be afriad, pry, silent is not far. Silent will suffer, but will win.