• Wednesday, December 02nd, 2020


World science, too early is too late, and from beginning up to the end, you will not discover what is different between genetically modified power, human shit, and human mind.

• Wednesday, December 02nd, 2020


World science, great discovery, chopstick, fork and spoon, should lead the world, health without wasting any lifetime.

• Monday, November 30th, 2020


It will not be end of the world before worst then end of the world happens.

• Tuesday, November 24th, 2020


I am life farmer, I cannot tell you, how many times, I plant and transplant my mind, and that is only reason, why I write, as I write, plant and transplant, only for you, I know, will be hard, for you to learn, and much harder to forget. Because life is very beautiful toys.

• Monday, November 23rd, 2020


America Election 2016, create new history, hardcover book, 4 years multiply by 4 is 1,460 days. 1,460 cloudy and foggy pages book, title of book is If I Cannot Have, You Cannot Have, and last page of the book, says I waiting for God, and united America, truth, love and peace, America my second mother, and mother of the world, my love for you, will never die.

• Sunday, November 15th, 2020


World science, I believe, I know, what you don’t know, but if you did know, or if you know, why you don’t tell the world, I never vote, and I never will, only for one reason. Because I cannot, vote for something, what God did not, and couldn’t not create. Because world, life and death, will not be able exist, if I lie, God punish me, and I will deserve, world pee on my grave.

• Monday, November 09th, 2020


My dedication to the nature, God creation. God people, only life and death, healthy system exist, God and his nature system, and doesn’t matter, how is turn, God and his nature or nature and God. And what could be worse the political system is some people, who always talk about God, but never talk about his creation, nature. I believe God can forgive, but his nature cannot, and will not. God people in our prayers, heart and minds, God and his nature, or nature and God, have to be always connect, as is day and night connect. Human beings, we cannot live, healthy life without God creation, nature. and also without healthy, night, cannot be healthy day. And cannot be healthy day without healthy night. World religion, bottom line is, devil power and mind, without God creation, pure nature energy power cannot be defeat. Human beings, how most of the world think, our psychology and philosophy, will not succeed, to help us live better before worse on one way, 21st century life road.

• Wednesday, November 04th, 2020


Father and son, Jesus Christ die on his cross for his father, God creation, world religion, and politician. I wonder, how God can help us, humans beings, live healthy, and peaceful life on this earth without his healthy, creation, beautiful nature, how God please forgive me for my very unhealthy question and help me live. Because daily, very sick life, reality cannot.

• Tuesday, October 27th, 2020


Money, devil power and mind, create marriage, between politician and some religion leaders, anti-abortion require God creation, pure nature energy, clean healthy air, clean healthy water, and pure nature energy, healthy food. Everything what devil, power and mind cannot create, and cannot buy.

• Friday, October 23rd, 2020


Do you know who I am? America election 2020, healthy life psychology and philosophy. Debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden, was real. Organically born and grow, human minds, human beings, we was born and die with our lifetime truth. Life reality exist, unmeasurable sweet and sour taste, mind which cannot be changed. Mind which can succeed, change high mountains and whole wide world. Before some of the world, succeed change his mind, too late. God please help us all, on this earth. Because we will not be able succeed to live without yours creation. Beautiful healthy nature for too long.