• Friday, April 09th, 2021


World high education, highest you climb, deeper you falling. Daily life reality exist. Our mother earth, moon and stars, telling you, you did so much, only for human minds, but not for one whole day. And what you did for human bodies, and rest of nature, bodies and minds is 100% worse then nothing. World, I promise you, what modern technology never did, and never will. Pray God for nothing. Love and peace will be include.

• Tuesday, April 06th, 2021


World stop destroying bibliography, 365 pages bible of the year, beautiful nature, God creation. World, God can forgive us, but his nature cannot. One tomorrow will come and will be so much worse then Nostradamus prediction. America was and is, mother of the world, and will be last mother of the world, and what modern technology never promise to this world will be so much worse the end of the world. World so far in our past, world future was planned, but what is good about God creation, time and days did not change system and minds. Today is ready to help every tomorrow, but not more or less. Then just what God create. World I am 100% sure, nature God creation waiting for us human help, world can we help us self before time come for middle class, rich and poor to be able share what God did not create and modern technology never promised to the world.

• Friday, April 02nd, 2021


Happy Easter, Mother Earth and to everyone and everything and all. Everlasting truth, underneath every existing stone exist, visible and invisible for human eyes. Beautiful silent, secret, everlasting love for love.

• Thursday, March 11th, 2021


Stupid never was born, but only stupid can create stupid, and what almighty God could not create, for his nature, stupid did create. And is not too early to tell.

• Thursday, March 11th, 2021


History will tell the worst poison and life waste was human mind.

• Tuesday, March 09th, 2021


I love to ask, one question, whole wide world, one God, and many religions exist. In our 21st century, present time. Which religion is healthy and good religion, without pure nature energy. God creation.

• Saturday, March 06th, 2021


Thank you nature and God, for my beautiful life, my lifetime was and is my life education through all my lifetime, observing nature and human mind, how I think, live and write, in our present 21st century time. I am 100% positive, for 85% people is waste time. God and his nature is my witness, this world is lost and 15% of the people are not able help 85% of the people find themself close to one end. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, I was born, 1939 in living hell, World War II, born too late, to be able help this world. Alexandria enjoy your mind, love nature and God, and love yourself, this world, only God can help.

• Friday, March 05th, 2021


World science, psychology and philosophy, seems to me, in 21st century big heads without neck leading the world, on one way, dark road, far away from healthy nature, God creation. World leaders, entire nature, including our human bodies, asking our human minds, what you doing, where you going, who love you, and who you are. Human minds, too many dormant life question exist, and only one, life answer, sprouts. Answer which, cannot please moon, and any planets, including planet earth, our mother earth. Answer is, who we are, we are very guilty, refugee from planet, our mother earth, walking on one way, unknown dark, life road. God people and we are, not free to live healthy and die free.

• Monday, March 01st, 2021


America election 2016, cannot heal, un-united America before truth is discovered and united. America seems to me, our science, psychology and philosophy does not think un-advanced too early is too late, and our election 2016 right from beginning, was and is include, too early turn too late. For today and could be for long future days. America mother of the world, only God truth, can unite us, heal us, and help us all, including help rest of the world, but our, I’m sorry never did and never will help us all. God help us all. American live in love and peace.

• Monday, February 08th, 2021


Underneath this sky, world cannot get better, before worse. Nostradamus prediction was and is very close, but my is worse. America was and is, first mother of the world. And will be last mother of the world. Zero will lose value. Numbers from one to nine will badly suffer, but will not all forget everything. Rich and fat flies on one way road, will make turn. So and number one, everlasting love will make turn. World don’t waste time, pray and love God.