• Friday, April 30th, 2021


World I love to know, if anyone in right mind in 21st century in this world exist, who can tell how and when this world can get better before worse. But, I don’t mean only for one day.

• Friday, April 23rd, 2021


Freedom, why I have to sign my name, and not to be able live free and die free. Freedom, something is very wrong with you. Because you lead life, and health on this earth, and you don’t have to sign your name. Why not?

• Friday, April 23rd, 2021


Modern technology I wish I love you, and I die stupid. I will be very happy in my grave.

• Tuesday, April 20th, 2021


World days are here, but not all yet. 21st century, life history will ripe. Satan will be able admit, too late. God freedom was very beautiful and healthy, and too much, never enough, and this is how this world will end.

• Tuesday, April 13th, 2021


One God, one night, one day, and how many devils exist. But my life told me, I could be devil, if I like to be, young world, life could be beautiful game, doesn’t matter what you doing, think hard, wide, deep, and high, before you say yes.

• Tuesday, April 13th, 2021


But will be worse, only human minds in advance, help Nostradamus prediction.

• Tuesday, April 13th, 2021


Very highly, I respect and love to hear rooster voices, same as I respect and love Jesus Christ philosophy, everlasting love.

• Tuesday, April 13th, 2021


World religion and politician, what could happen to God creation on this earth without guns, bombs, and all existing life poison. I can find only one answer, devil will starve, but will not be able to die. World, how many answers you have?

• Tuesday, April 13th, 2021


World religion and politician, in 21st century, one gun is too much, and too many, will not be enough.

• Tuesday, April 13th, 2021


I love to be known, who I was. I am handyman, God and his nature helper. Thank you God, thank you nature, for best job on this earth.