From first day when I was born, my love nature heal me and teach me for free and grammatically free, I love how nature think, talk, share, love and live. Nature freedom is nature everlasting, healthy beautiful life school, school without any life pressure, how sweet is my body and mind cannot express so and my life cannot express, my love nature, when I die, hug me tight, and longest as you can.
Many life different category, autism exist and genetically modified power is worst and cannot help and cure austic world because autism cannot cure autism.
Young world if you worrying for yourself today, like I worrying for you for tomorrow. You will be able help yourself and peacefully live like rest of the nature. God creation healthy think, and healthy live.
Very often words what happen to this world, daily resting, with both feet on my mind. World this is nothing yet. Because modern technology did not deliver last unpromise yet.
Oh my love this morning and most of the time, I was wrong, you was always right. If I die before you, same way as echo, between two high mantels, you will be able hear, my words, talking to you, again and again. My love, pray God for me and you.
World what we can do, and what we can leave forever, for our children, grandchildren, and the world. Always will sprout, bloom, and blossom. Everyday we can plant healthy good words.