Young world in 21st century. Daily life reality, telling you. You can trust, only one life system, and one life school. God and his nature, system, and life school.
Young world in 21st century. Daily life reality, telling you. You can trust, only one life system, and one life school. God and his nature, system, and life school.
Politically power and money power, was married, but not forever, and never was blessed, and possess 100% worst power than any bad weather. Because bad weather, stop, but politically power and money power cannot stop, but will stop, sooner than later.
God people, only pray for all of us, is not too late. Money power, winning and will win. Create one world, cold grave.
My dedication in advance, to America election 2020. I strongly believe in 21st century, too much and never enough, and doesn’t matter what is, have to end, and will end. What money power and modern technology, never did, and never will, promise to the world. Very rich, middle class, and poor, together will share, devil will turn very poor, paying for everything, and all. God people, don’t be afraid. Almighty God love will not end. Prayer never was, and never will be life and death waste.
Human beings never did, and never will kill each other for love and peace. World our enemy, never fight, they always staying home, having good time. With they family, and they own friends. Who feel, and think like them. But our enemy, world enemy, sending our children, and grandchildren, in every war, big and small. Fight for them, and die for them. World, our love, our children and grandchildren, who did die, and will die, fighting for our world enemy. We call them heroes, and we are always, again and again, life uneducated losers, who live, in deep life fog. Our children and grandchildren, who fight and die for world enemy. Whose heroes they are? Human beings never did, and never will, kill each other for love and peace on this earth.
America definitely will be very beautiful, and healthy. Make America great again. Live underneath, healthy, clean sky. Breathe healthy air. Drink clean, healthy water, and eat, pure nature energy, healthy food. Make paradise, underneath the sky. Us used to be, from living hell. God will help us.
Adolf Hitler was perfect and positive. Before WWII started. World in our dictionary, many unhealthy sick words exist. But from all of them, two words is worse, words perfect, and words positive. Two words, which did, does, and will destroy this world. Before WWII started, Adolf Hitler, was perfect, and positive. Words perfect cannot be changed, cannot be bend, and cannot be shared. Always before is, too late. Words positive, always need very big help. Think healthy, over and over, again and again, before is too late.
America and rest of the world, so far, what we vote for, we have. And we can tell, facing God. Is our and nobody else. We create, and God cannot and will not, share with us, who will.
World science, by almighty God and his nature, life, and death law. For you is and will be, too late, to discover, too early is too late.
World what we did to this nature, God creation when we pray. We should look down before we lookup.