Archive for the Category ◊ Wisdom Seeds 2011 ◊

• Wednesday, December 14th, 2011


In our lifetime what our eyes can see and what our minds can feel is deeply connected with our daily life and daily health. I live in the 21st century and it seems to me that what humans and their technology discovered is much less than those who died a long time ago have forgotten. That is the reason why our unhealthy and unhappy bodies fight our minds. I believe that through some of Samuel Hahnemann’s, “Father of Homeopathy” days, it was not very pleasurable to see the future of this world.
Parents, teachers and psychologists, nothing is more important and healthier in this world than to TEACH the children HOW TO THINK, WHAT TO THINK and WHAT TO THINK about NATURE. By doing this, you will teach them how “healthy” they can live. Nature, everything what breathes, moves and grows, will daily occupy their minds and preserve their health. Health is happiness and happiness is health. However, this cannot take place without Nature’s daily help. People, we can be good teachers, but we cannot compare ourselves to Nature, the everlasting and wonderful “babysitter.” Human minds, old and young, continuously and always need throughout days and nights, a babysitter, from the very first day until the very last day. Thank God and His Nature because nature is the only one healthy and inexpensive beautiful “babysitter.”
My children and grandchildren, follow Nature’s footprints. When I die, turn over the 365 pages of some of my years. One side will be black and one will be white, but look inbetween the pages and you’ll be able to find my remaining “living” words. My beautiful grandchildren, although I wished to share my wisdom with you, you were too young to understand me and my wisdom, as I too, was too young to understand and appreciate the wisdom my elders wished to share with me, when I was the same young age as you.
When I was in the first grade I remember my teacher asking me, “How many days exist?” I replied, “One.” My teacher as well as my class, laughed. I did not.
Nature, most of the 21st century world is unaware of how beautiful and healthy you are.
Nature without you I would be lost.
I never lost my friend. He lost me.
We can lose everything, but we cannot lose what lives in our hearts.
Wisdom, I always make good business with good words, but not with “temporary” good friends.
America, I love you and because I have a high regard for you I am making this statement. America, on 2012 Election day, don’t make a mistake. Newt Gingrich would be the best president for the U. S. He doesn’t act like a “political puppy.” He grew up like a hunting and a watch dong. He is exactly what America and the world peace needs. What is good about Newt Gingrich is that God can forgive what an unhealthy human mind often cannot, and that is the reason why this world is the way it is.

• Sunday, December 04th, 2011


Good people, you cannot escape from hate. No matter what you are doing or where you are going, if you are going to work, hate will not go with you. Hate will wait for you. Hate loves to walk through your front door and lock you up behind your backdoor.
Human wisdom exists beyond the human sperm.
I cannot find any difference between the daily healthy food and the daily healthy life’s education; this world, pretty much, seems to be missing both.
This world begins to think about “IT” too late, and it is the life’s power which normally turns and suffers too early.
No one can predict the future better than the past.
God, you know, my love is my sin.
Healthy thinking always turns out to be the best work and the most beautiful art a human being could create in this world.
People, don’t ever complain about the politicians and the lawyers. It is not their fault that they exist.
Sometimes, life could be like a heavy load which the politicians don’t like to unload.
World wisdom, so far, what has the political science done and what will it do for this world?
This world is starving and that is the reason why too many diets exist.
How would this world look without the lawyers and the politicians? This world would look like a sunny, mild day without any wind.
People often say, “Don’t judge me.” Why not?
If you cannot judge people by their thoughts, you are missing the most important life’s sweet taste.
As I observe Nature and time, as well as my writing and the time, I have come to a realization that just like Nature I cannot speed up and I cannot slow down. Time is in control.
World wisdom, without wisdom I know how difficult it must be for you to live.
World do we know what freedom is and where it is?

Big world, please stop playing life games with tiny Nature and tiny Israel.

This is dedicated to America’s 2012 Election Day. I heard the old wisdom saying that a woman cheated the devil. I believe it is true, because a woman is a beautiful, immeasurable power, but no one was able to tell me how she cheated the devil. My discovery is that she told the devil “No.” Some of your world’s “unhealthy” life’s psychology and philosophy, please don’t get confused with what I am about to say. I am very proud and I love to say that my Mother was a woman.
World, don’t speed up and don’t lose time. Help women. You will help Nature and the world.
The power of Mother earth’s soil, animals’ fertilizer and health possess an everlasting power over any other life’s existing power.
Nothing has no existence. However, something worse than nothing does exist, and it is the something that some human minds and lies create and are creating, and the world cannot stop talking about it.
I’d like to introduce you to my son Stephen Fanuka’s show “MILLION DOLLAR CONTRACTOR,” by saying the following, “Thank you God, and thank you good America for everything that I and my family own and have.”
A chicken is still a chicken and an egg is still an egg. A chicken was born before an egg and a teacher was born before a professor. I love chicken and teacher power. It’s a power, which can help what comes out from an egg.

If there was an existence of only one woman, in which direction would the men run?
Through my lifetime I was unable to find any difference between a woman and a beautiful rose with sharp thorns. It’s something sour and very sweet and how sweet it is its taste cannot be described. You have to be a man to be able to taste it.
Technology, I didn’t believe those who taught me in grammar school that man evolved from a monkey, but I believed those who taught me how they talked and thought. Somehow, and for some reason, they turned into monkeys, monkeys who never changed.
Technology, you have destroyed Nature and physical labor, but if man evolved from a monkey,  we would soon have to go back to live where we used to live, up in the tree. However, there aren’t enough trees, and monkeys don’t plant trees.

• Friday, October 28th, 2011


World technology and world political power are married and deeply in love, too much, but in the 21st century for one day and for Mother Nature it will not be enough.
Technology, I would love you if you could make friends with my love, the beautiful Nature, God’s creation.
Nature, Mother earth’s soil, can you tell us humans how and from where healthy, everlasting economy grows?
World’s parents and grandparents, please wake up! Don’t you see that our children and grandchildren speak to us less and less each day. They don’t know that technology is keeping them so busy and wasting their lifetime; it’s destroying their young minds what money cannot possibly buy.
Sex is so beautiful that it can make us so mindless.
What the world doesn’t have and cannot accomplish, the world cannot stop talking about. Number one is healthy food and number two is healthy sex.
World, our life’s intelligence is contained in our minds and what we put in our daily dish.
World War II, Sept. 11 and Osama Bin Laden’s death possess power like an old mulberry tree with strong roots. The tree can be pruned, but the new sprouts will not stop sprouting and growing.
In the year 2008, America didn’t win. America and the world began to suffer and they’re still suffering. In the year 2012, America has to win. If America doesn’t win, the entire world together with America will be a big loser. What and who, will win?
Wisdom, if you’d like to help tomorrow and this world, how long can you remain with one day and one political party?
Our life’s education walked away, too far from Mother earth’s soil and Nature’s roots, and it is at a loss.
Most of the third generation of this world has never tasted the sweetness of the organically grown ripe fruit, right off the tree.
A ripe fruit and a ripe person pretty much “taste” the same.
If you like tomorrow, and if you live in America, always vote and work for America and tomorrow.
Pres. Obama
My life philosophy is that I like to be me, and not to talk about, “Who said it, and what did they say?” I am not so thrilled with Pres. Obama’s life psychology and philosophy but, I open my philosophy’s door for his few words, “Stop drilling.” It doesn’t matter what happens, but it will be better sooner than later.
Technology, you are a great world’s fighter and a very lousy world’s provider.
I need help from the wise, the smart and the dumb. I cannot figure out how our world can be helped before the world’s political power dies.
Everything that remains what Pope John the 2nd “forgot” the world uses, because it is so beautiful and healthy. It’s his great peaceful, life’s education.
In the 21st century this world will change enough for the world’s dormant wisdom seeds to begin to sprout.
There is something very wrong with the world’s politics and some religions’s psychology and philosophy. Political powers cannot stop fighting, and most religions are just calling God, but in the meantime and for too long, deeply wounded God’s creation is suffering and dying. World, what’s going on? God will not help and the devil is very much afraid.
When I think about guns, they are everywhere. I believe this world needs only one gun.
Young world! Share honesty and the world’s ideas, before you share anything else. You will be able to share everything, just like the days share, with every day.
I believe that when we people kill one person, we are actually killing more than one.
Plastic surgeons, I can well remember when 65 years ago, in Europe, stockings were very stylish, as well as very expensive. At the present time I can see a comparison of the stocking of 65 years ago and the face lifts of today.
World wisdom, when bad things happen to us, people, we ask, “Where was God?” However, when something happens to us that pleases us, we rarely ask, “Where is God?”

• Friday, September 23rd, 2011


WORLD GOVERNMENTS, do you know a human being cannot be what he is not, because good Mother Nature doesn’t, and will not, follow us.


I had a dream that I landed on the moon and that I met Laika. Laika did not bark, but she did say, “I did succeed, but Nikita Krushev did not.”


Black and white, what is wrong with us? Pres. Obama is black and white and cannot make us happy. Whose fault is it?


Black and white, I believe that perhaps we should have two presidents a black president for the white people and a white president for the black people. I am sure that they would be good friends.


It’s funny that millions of us, Americans, cannot help ourselves; how can one president help all of us?


What is the difference between the animals and the birds? Birds fathers and mothers take care, together, of their own babies and the animals don’t. The mother takes care of the babies and the father walks away. The animals walk way.


What is the difference between some of us, humans? The difference is what the difference is between the animals and the birds.


A very successful generation exists. Money speaks for them, but the dead cannot.


Technology, drop dead, but not tomorrow. Do it today! Tomorrow could be too late.


Technology, how healthy you are. You must drink a lot of skim milk like the early spring.


Technology, you possess a power like the mushroom, the coockoo bird, and the mule. Just like the mule, you cannot give birth. You will die only from your own natural causes.


Technology, you only know how to fight and kill. You don’t know how to love, prevent and protect.


Nature, something is very wrong with you. Through enumerable existing years, you only wrote one book of 365 pages for 365 days, for one year, year after year,. Nature, look at us humans. We wrote much more than 365 books for each day, and yet, we haven’t changed these “stupid” days.


Our Mother earth is very unhappy with us, human beings. We covered her face and we are stuck underneath the busy and “dirty” sky.


Technology, do you have any idea why I hate you? It’s because too much is not enough, and it will not be enough for one day.


Technology, what is bad about you is that you have no predators and no balance. You are falling too deep. Mother earth will suffer for too long.


Technology, it is very unfortunate that you are unable to nourish Nature with good health.


People who always complain about the past, are losing time and their future will be pretty much the same.


A beautiful great history of God’s creation exists. Between the black night and the white day, there is no hate, just love, which peacefully turns this world around. This is not philosophy, but it is a great healthy life’s psychology, and a healthy life’s education from one end to the other.


Our world’s teacher is definitely exhausted from hearing us asking and talking, but not doing.


God’s people, walk with God.


All of the beauty of this world cannot be as beautiful or compared to my health and my home. I love my health and I love my home.


To have a little and to live well is the most beautiful and best life.

God’s law is a healthy and beautiful freedom.


In this world, money talks and makes the laws.


God is a good teacher and that’s why HE doesn’t forgive everything. If God forgave everything, the world would not exist.


• Sunday, September 18th, 2011


My life’s philosophy is very similar to each day which brings more or less the same things, day in and day out.


I see this world’s life philosophy is lost and far from “healthy” nature, but very close to “unhealthy” nature.


HEALTH and LIFE’S EDUCATION, no matter what you are searching for, if you’re unable to find it through Nature’s daily pages you will not find it through the human books’ pages, but what you will find is “very many wrong life’s exits.”


Young people, how will you get to where you’d like to go and find and meet a beautiful healthy life? Going there, don’t rush and don’t lose time!


Young people, if you like to live a beautiful, peaceful life, don’t talk about it and don’t follow the unforgettable history of the past. Follow the positive power which has no promises – and that’s daylight, and your best friend, work.


Young people, please follow God’s creation, a positive, beautiful and healthy power, the silent promises.


Young, if little things and a tiny hope cannot make you content, neither will big hope or big things.


Young people, stay away from too much because it will not be enough.


Young people, you cannot walk away from Nature and not be lost.

When you walk away from Nature, there’s only one life’s exit which leads through the “bad,” unhealthy Nature’s door.


Normally, the guilty don’t like to talk about it.


A good friend and the first love cannot be erased from the heart.


A good friend does not “live in your pocket,” because you live in his heart.


Don’t’ worry about it. A good friend is not easy to lose.


You cannot be a good cook if you do not have good taste, and you cannot be a very intelligent person if you cannot “taste” what other people feel.


When one talks to people or cooks, it’s always best to use a “low flame”.


Three most important life’s recipes that every person in this world should learn and know are: what to eat, how to cook, and how to live.


POOR, if we would like to live a better life, we have to follow the future and not the past.


Communism could be the greatest system for all of us, if those who like to share also like to work.


Only honest and healthy work can “tell” how and why the politicians and lawyers were created.


Hollywood, you showed and told this world what money can do. Can you please tell this world what money cannot do.


Hollywood, Ronald Reagan was a great life’s actor, psychologist and philosopher.


If historians learned history, this world would live in peace.


What we learn, we learn. They were always right. They always said, “Be careful what you say when the young children are around.”

Children can learn, a lot and everything from a human being, but very little without Nature.


What is the difference between Nature and a human being? Nature does what it must do and humans do what they don’t have to do.


In 21st century human being is wasting his lifetime more than it has ever been wasted before.


When money stops talking, just like wild flowers and grass, love and peace between us people will begin to thrive.


God didn’t create money or anything else that cannot be shared and we cannot ask God for more.


Birds and animals recognize colors and people’s minds.


Dedicated to us, the poor. People say that chickens are dumb. Yes they are for one reason. They always follow each other for no reason.


In this, the 21st century, some human truths will reach the end of the end.


• Saturday, July 30th, 2011


Young Americans, little by little, then very quickly, in the year 2012 and then in 2016, you can do it. You can change beautiful America, but not without changing the world and Mother earth’s face.
The entire world, pray to God for health and for America to remain a strong America.
Some of you young Americans, your political philosophy is great and it’s something that you have to give, but not share. Just wait.
So far, what is different between every other system and the capitalist system is that what capitalism makes and earns every other system loves to share.
Great economy, some of you doctors and professors, in our present time, the 21st century time, every sickness turns into a good assembly-line business.
Technology, where are you unable to stick your long fingers and nose? You are destroying the young children’s minds and the entire world. Goodbye to freedom and privacy!
Technology, what doesn’t die cannot live, but there is something exactly one hundred percent worse than nothing.
If you don’t have anyone don’t be sad. You can have good God and live your own life.
Young world, wake up, because the old will not.
No one was born yet who could teach me life philosophy better than life, truth and lies.
POOR, what is wrong with some of us, poor? We don’t like the rich and we don’t’ like the politicians and way too many of us don’t like work, but we like to eat. We are a big world’s problem.
POOR, think about it. Why should we never criticize the politicians? They are doing their jobs very well working for us. If they didn’t, they would be poor!
POOR, it’s the honest truth that we are the best possible friends the politicians can ever have.
I wonder what would the politicians occupy themselves with, if there were peace in the world?!
If there is an existing power which supercedes the power of a good parent or a good teacher, it’s a power which can never find and meet ENOUGH. However, there is a power which can meet the end of the world.
It seems to me that some of you doctors and professors have not quite yet learned how to play, games with Nature, because Nature’s glass is full and you’re still pouring into it.
Some of you doctors and professors, what do you think, if Spring were to be fed with skim milk, what would happen to Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter? I think the world’s history wouldn’t exist.
American women and women of the world, Mother earth and Mothers’ world are asking you to stay unified for America’s primary and Election Day of 2012. Women, you’re capable of accomplishing what men haven’t, couldn’t and won’t accomplish. Very serious world history will be made on that day.

• Friday, March 18th, 2011


WORLD WISDOM, changing America will be a very unsuccessful and long world history.


A young 21st Century, it is very ugly and very wrong killing people, yet it could be much worse and even uglier, once the job is done, not to be able to live and not to be able to die.


It’s not normal, but it is the same, to be either too dirty, or too clean.


Definitely, we can all live a very simple, good life on this earth knowing that more is, and will be, less.


LIFE’S UNEDUCATED LIARS, you can feed the world with your lies, but you cannot and will not, succeed to feed Nature’s and the Earth soil’s mouth with your creations and lies.


WISDOM, it’s an impossibility to speak to Mother earth soil without bending down, and writing the proper healthy philosophy and not to be connected with the world’s, as well as your own, mind and heart.


If good people worked for an award, they would not be good people.


Once a year I listen to the news, but every day I say, “God, help us!”

• Friday, February 04th, 2011


In the year 2008, Hillary Clinton cried for America in advance, and Hillary Clinton is the only one who could help Democrats in 2012’s Election day to look good.


Wisdom, I didn’t plant wisdom, I’m just collecting, in the 21st century, some of the dormant wisdom seeds, knowing that some of them will take a long time to sprout, grow, bloom and blossom.


A good wish is, “God be with you” and a good job is, “you stay with God.”


Parents, if you don’t have the time to talk to your children, tell them everything in a few words. Tell them, “Don’t ever walk away. Always stay close to God and His Nature.”


Beautiful silent voices keep my mind occupied and people’s voices, very often, make me lonely.


People are always rushing and discussing what they have done and where they were, and very little is spoken about where they will go, when they finish the job.


What is the difference between planting and praying? There is no difference – you have to wait.


If it doesn’t exist, people wouldn’t talk about it.


WISDOM, an easy life must be an ugly life.


WORLD WISDOM, the black night, so far, hasn’t succeeded to change the white day, and the white day didn’t succeed to change the black night, and that’s the reason why day and night do not fight. They always wish one another a good morning and a good night.


‘ The word NOTHING cannot make me happy, but knowing that light exists, writing in the dark brings me joy.


WISDOM, for young children, too early is, and will be, too late.


Parents, there is no difference between Spring time and young children’s time. Time cannot be speeded up, stopped or added to. Parents, Spring time is asking you, “Follow me and my children. I will help you to walk through the Summer’s door.”


I wonder what will be that God will create, what God has not yet created.


MOTHER EARTH and MOTHERS, I very often hear some people say, “Our Fathers.” I cannot understand the meaning of those words because our Fathers always were and still are, the sons of the Mothers’ world.


TECHNOLOGY, you’re playing a game with Nature. If you can win, the world will not exist.


Technology, you have only one existing predator, technology.


In this world, many dogs bark. China remains quiet.


Some parents must use great psychology, without any philosophy, because some parents always have good children and good dogs.


No matter what you do in your life, don’t rush and don’t lose time.


Everyday’s first life’s step is to take care of your health, because you’re never too young to die.


The only longlasting life’s tools are: healthy thinking, doing and eating.


WORLD WISDOM, there is a small percentage of people in this world who punish their own children, grandchildren and us all.


What this world is missing is the healthy nutrition which would be able to save and prevent human beings from diseases and medicines, the latter which comes without any labels of its contents.


WORLD WISDOM, I followed the wisdom of the world, and found myself living in America.


WORLD WISDOM, America plants wisdom by the hour for the following day.


WORLD, so far, you are the body and America is the heart.


WORLD WISDOM, I wonder why is it that the whole world likes to come and live in America.


WISDOM, if America didn’t exist, how could this world run away from some of the world?


God, we sell our human creations and everything is 100% natural including the lies.


WORLD WISDOM, think about it. What is the difference between the organic sperm and the non organic sperm? What consequences will we face, and are we facing? It worries me.