God, work, and America are the best seeds which can be planted, and which will definetely grow, bloom and blossom.
Yesterday, America was strong and rich.
America’s wisdom, if HONEST WORK cannot help you, neither will TALK.
America, TALK is a breathing power; WORK possesses a power which supercedes breathing power.
WISDOM, if honeybees didn’t live a beautiful healthy life, they would all live freely in a jail.
Work doesn’t lie. It’s only work that has the ability to tell us and show us the value of people’s thoughts and the existing differences.
The whole world, unified, knows everything and only WORK can give us everything.
People who dislike WORK DO NOT pay taxes; they collect TAXES.
It doesn’t matter what we create, human beings are great creators. However, no one was ever born, or will be born, who could possibly create a system which will please people who dislike to work.
I love the wisdom honeybees possess and their “living life.”
WISDOM, would God and Life punish us, if we were to create laws and life by which honeybees live?
WISDOM, where are you? Can you hear me? I am suffering here, along with Nature. If you are unable to help me please tell me why?
WISDOM, please tell me, for how long will you be able to feed and teach Nature how to live?
WISDOM, the truth is here. What will the children do, if their minds cannot help WISDOM?
I hope we are all aware and know the reason why Nature’s WISDOM and power possess WISDOM and POWER which supercedes that of a human power. We are losing this game too early.
I was a foolish little boy. I heard people saying “NOTHING” and I spent time searching and looking for “NOTHING.” What I did find in the dark was my broken nose.
LIFE, everything has two ends. “NOTHING” has only one end, and there could be a possibility of one end.
What we, as people, normally do is both complimenting and insulting. However, our past, our land, and our neighborhoods where we live, are revealing the truth to all of us.
WISDOM, wounded NATURE is barely breathing and it is asking us, “Who wrote so many books and why?”
WISDOM, if NATURE is unable to teach our children WHO can, and HOW?
“Healthy” food possesses the power to help the disease suffer and die.
When I think about NOTHING, it is then that I find SOMETHING. The devil always lives with a big hope. At the present time the devil is asking all of us to pray to God.
Americans, buy puppies for your young children. It would be very healthy. By having puppies, your children would learn and have what our words attempt to convey, but not fully express. You, America, for yourself, purchase what the past and the present are telling you, “A BIG WATCH DOG.”
I am a grateful to the wisdom of the beautiful people who are helping me to spread and plant my seeds in this magnificent garden of ours.
Wisdom is an everlasting flower possessing thousands of different kinds of seeds.
WISDOM, 21st century will leave behind an undecomposed history, and many dormant wisdom seeds.
I wonder what do Nature and Work think about our psychology and life’s philosophy.
This world is curious to know what is the future’s prediction. I have trust in our truth’s and time’s prediction.
First step can predict what the last step cannot.
There are many predications in the 21st century which we cannot stop planting.
My love, you were stronger than my prediction.
GLOBAL WARMING, what we could’ve done WITHOUT money, we will not do WITH money.
HEALTH, you cannot succeed exercising your body before you exercise your own mind.
WISDOM of Black, White, Yellow and Red, this is how we must live. Everyday is self employed and helps another day.
WISDOM, our tow hands have never fought because each hand works for itself, helps each other, helps one body, just as we can help one body, the beautiful God’s world.
WISDOM, work overpowers the wisdom power.
WISDOM, My FRIEND, WORK, your philosophy is the best of the best. In many ways I am very sorry for why I write about life’s philosophy.
TRUTH, who is your psychologist?
WISDOM, wait. Psychologists are extremely busy. Life’s philosophy is dying.
YOUNG WISDOM, YOUNG PHILOSOPHY, if you’d like to learn about the healthy life’s philosophy and psychology, talk to Nature and bring Nature to your school every single day.
WISDOM, my brothers and sisters, it is not too early to tell you, I, too, have one good sister.
The earth’s soil will tremble, long deep rivers will grow, curses will drown, and as always, the sun will rise just on time.
Donkeys and cows will open the new world’s doors and they’ll keep them open for a long time.
Brothers and sisters, let’s live and pray and let the live pray remain behind our days.
This is dedicated to the American people, the Democratic and the Republican party, 2008’s Election Day, and every newspaper and magazine. I WAS “THERE” and ended up in America. I tasted and passed through the needle’s eye. I tasted the regime, the political party and the pressure. American people and the world, if you like to live a peaceful and a beautiful, healthy life, plug up both of your ears. Follow each days daylight, from sunrise to sunset. Work, and your life will definitely be helped, and you will be able to help those who are unable to work. Please help the lazy and those who dislike and don’t want to work – DON’T help them! Before I go to my final resting place, I’d like to see my everlasting dream playing on a big screen titled, “Work and America, ONE Beautiful Regime.” Hollywood movie makers, I can help you. I have a few titles which resemble and taste like my writing. You can teach me and I will teach you.
Women, stop feeding the devil and those who don’t possess a realization that you are the mothers of the world.
LIFE, just like the new grass, new wisdom, and new wisdom seeds will grow.
Work and America were blessed only once.
America, you need a good watchdog. A dog is a dog, but please don’t buy a puppy, buy a dog.
Americans, our life and our country is like a roof. One water drop, one leak- drop by drop, can change a huge roof.
Too many American-born young Americans, America has fed TOO WELL. It is now extremely difficult, for some of them, to understand and follow some of the world’s philosophy and psychology.
So far, America has been fortunate. Riches have been created and preserved.
America’s riches, if America allows it, can be changed and consumed, but they will not be long lasting. And, I, you, and you, will all be very poor.
WORLD, our best friend, our teacher and our leader is WORK.
LIFE is law. Honeybees and ants live a healthy, beautiful, peaceful life. Why?
For me, sitting all day, is the same as sitting on my grave.
What is the difference between Life and Death? When we die, we will not be able to lie.
The raven raised his voice, “America’s 2008 Election Day’s, big hope created big hate.”
ONLY WISDOM and WORK can help America and the world.
World’s Wisdom worries about America’s 2008 Election Day, and the changes it will bring.
Wisdom never sits and gets very little sleep.
People who fly very low, normally, do not fall.
TALK has not yet completed its task.
21st century’s wisdom and WORK are sufferring.
How can I walk away from America? Where would I go?
We basically live for our consumptions and our excretions.
We pretend to be big, smart and powerful, yet, a small toilet bowl controls us, daily, and we can’t say “No”!
If America and the world open their doors, America would become ONE big world.
Black and white, alike, why do we hate and fight one another? We cannot change the Night and the Day, but we can, and we must, help each other, just as the Day and the Night help one another.
God is not self employed. He is helping us ALL.
Colorful world, we are all self employed. We don’t have to work for each other, but our good life’s law and our friend, WORK, is asking us to respect and help each other.
WORLD, LIFE PSYCHOLOGY and PHILOSOPHY, when Nature is in trouble how can our wisdom not be in trouble?
Riches grow from very small and simple things.
Where God does NOT step, riches do not grow.
The World is unaware of how much the world is searching for God.
The World is searching for God’s power, earth’s soil and women’s power.
This world is not yet, completely lost.
This world is still playing games with NATURE, like a seven month old mouse plays with a seven year old cat.
If you are unable to interpret the mind of the four seasons, you will not be able to “read” my philosophy’s mind.
NATURE is winning. What are we going to do? When Nature wins, we should NOT LOSE. I have a strong belief in God and LIFE. The four seasons do not lie. The worst will come to an end, and it will not be late. Riches grow from very small things.
WISDOM, beautiful Nature, your beauty is God’s wisdom.
WISDOM, silence and a stone possess an immeasurable power of wisdom.
WISDOM, I can see what I am looking at, but I am unable to see the end.
WISDOM, in March, when snow covers the ground and the raindrops are falling, my wisdom seeds are growing.
WISDOM, the devil always likes to eat the same food, and he daily loves to have three fresh meals.
WISDOM, you are losing your balance, just as our Nature is losing its balance, but Nature will help you, to help and heal this world.
WISDOM, why do children love to hide, search and wait for the truth?
WISDOM, what can happen in two seconds, will not happen in thousands of years. In two seconds, this world can live in peace.
WISDOM, please tell me, if for you, I’m planting my wisdom seeds too closely. I can plant them far apart, as well.
WISDOM, what is impossible for us, WILL be possible for the NEW WORLD.
YOUNG WISDOM, there is no better existing wisdom than the wisdom which is found in the four seasons of the year. Each night, and each day help life and death.
WISDOM, always simply smile, just like the early’s sunrise, and sometimes laugh just like a good summer, laughs.
Wisdom is always prepared to smile, but not laugh.
WISDOM, there is no healthier food than WISDOM of LIFE.
God’s wisdom, YOU ARE the beautiful NATURE.
NATURE’S wisdom and power, possesses the power, and supercedes the power of technology’s wisdom and power.
WISDOM, our pigment has never, and will never, punish us, but our wisdom HAS and COULD punish us all.
Our wisdom is turning into hate. Hate is a pressure, and pressure must talk and laugh excessively.
LIFE’S WISDOM and HONESTY, I strongly believe I have discovered an everlasting flower.
WISDOM,I am aware of the fact that at times, I plant my wisdom seeds very close to each other, all in a single row. It shouldn’t be too difficult to gather them.
WISDOM, what difference is there between a jack rabbit and a good politician? The jack rabbit has four legs and it leaves only three footprints on the fresh snow.
WISDOM, air was created before wisdom to help create our wisdom. We are creating the power, which enables the air to destroy our wisdom.
LIFE, what is the difference between beauty and health? The difference is the same as the difference which exists between SILENCE and WISDOM.
Parents and teachers, please teach your children, at the RIGHT TIME, how to plant and grow the wisdom seeds.
WISDOM is as huge as this world and it can rent the tiniest space that’s possible to inhabit. If you have a difficulty believing this, the survivors of W. W. II can still tell this world the truth.
Wisdom is life. Wisdom is freedom. Wisdom is love. Wisdom is bread. Those who love and pray for love, WISDOM, love will come.
World’s wisdom is the sole power which can save the “live” numbers. World, let us, ALL TOGETHER, pray, plant and grow the wisdom seeds, TOGETHER!
2008’s AMERICA’S stock market went down. Some of us, the poor, didn’t lose any money, but no matter what, this is a good time for us, the poor, to pray for the rich.
Colorful world, if our wisdom were to be as beautiful as our pigmentation, this world would be a peaceful, fortunate world.
During the Presidential Debate of 2008, Senator John McCain delivered a beautiful worthwhile, friendly message to the wisdom of the world, not too early and not too late. WISDOM, the debate between the fruit and the mature fruit tree was extremely enjoyable. It was a debate between a strong new wind and a familiar early blooming spring. America, it is not too early, but for you, it could be too late, to blossom. America’s and the wisdom of the world, psychology, bottom and top life philosophy, please wake up! This world is falling apart. America IS the heart of the World. John McCain possesses a huge human power which is, perhaps, higher than his own political power. I strongly believe that with the help of John McCain and OUR HELP, the earth’s soil, the women and the children, our entire world’s healthy economy, we will BE AIDED. Our world lacks more than anything, HONESTY, PEACE, and LOVE, which I believe John McCain will deliver.
CROTIA’S WISDOM and the POOR, ever since I was ten, and throughout my life, I would have given with all my heart, Croatia to strong America.
America’s wisdom, bottom and top life’s philosophy, please wake up. On 2008’s election day, the weight of one strain of hair could have a serious effect on America’s future, freedom, and healthy economy.
America Wisdom Seeds _ Thank you for hanging my wisdom seeds at the top of a very “high” tree. America’s life philosophy, I would be extremely happy, if next to my wisdom seeds, you could hang the phrase which I am dedicating to America’s 2008’s election day, the words, “women’s beautiful lips.”
As I sat in my first grade class, I remember asking myself, “Why am I younger than my teacher?”
If the world stopped spinning around, the green fruit would fall down, before the old tree dies.
What could be the difference between SHORT and LONG? The difference is the same as that of the YOUNG and OLD!
Young world, you are still unable to tell what I can tell, “I am old.”
AMERICA, it doesn’t matter what it is, whatever grows can grow larger than the words, “I’m Sorry.”
Young history, what is the difference between the organic eggs and eggs? TRUTH, it is extremely difficult to believe what human beings have done to your truth.
AMERICANS, we should never play around with the organic fortune. Every morning when we wake up, we should say, “Thank you God and America for the organic luck.”
When I am facing a woman, I am facing a wide, open beautiful field.
LIFE, “nothing” doesn’t exist, but it could be created.
What a woman can do, the rest of the world cannot, and will not do.
Our present and our future are very predictable. Women, please help women.
Too many of us are politicians, philosophers and psychologists and are very confused. We pay others to talk to us.
Nature’s imbalance is the witness. At the present time just about thirty five percent of the wise strong minds are supporting this world, sixty five percent, without their knowledge, are searching for help.
The world did and it will change, the poor and the rich will not.
I thank the rich. I work for the rich and I try to help the poor.
If America changes, the world will change. The poor will work for the poor, fight and share the blood with the poor.
POOR, I don’t think our past history was, or will be, helpful. However, big patience, time, a strong mind, daily life’s education, hard work, love and respect for everyone, will take us far. It will help America and the world. Our history is telling us, the poor and the rich, what some who lost their lives for us, are unable to tell us. Poor and rich, we, at the present time, live on the same boat, named America. We are surrounded with 21st Century’s rough times, a rough deep sea, a rough world. The sky is too high. America was discovered only once and it is THE ONE. We have nowhere to go, and neither does the world. Our life’s balance depends on the weight of a strain of hair, not a pound. Poor and rich, we don’t know who is holding the life’s key, but I am certain that God’s promises will help us all. Be patient. At the present time, the rest of Nature is telling us, people, to stop playing games with our religions, organic freedom, the earth’s soil and the sun. SMART, stop asking the chickens, “What happened to the eggs?”, and the women, “What happened to this world?” When America was first discovered, it was helped and built. America was, and is, and must be very strong, IF IT HAS TO BE! YOUNG PEOPLE, what could be the difference between SHORT and LONG? It could be the same difference there is between CHANGE and Make, and it is very easy to change and very difficult to make. Here is a fact. We changed Nature. Nature is asking us, “Can we make it?” Our freedom and health is asking us daily, “Can we make it?” YOUNG WORLD, can we change it? OLD GOOD GOD, can we make it? In my eyes and in my mind, I see one America, one huge beautiful island underneath this sky. 2008’s election day, please don’t change America. Keep America strong and help the world. If the world stops turning around, the fruit will fall down, before the old fruit tree dies. OLD, I know how beautiful it could be to die and leave behind a PEACEFUL WORLD TO OUR LOVE, our young grandchildren, and our daughters and sons.
NATURE, you are my love! My friends and readers, please do not ever attempt to mix oil and water or any political power with my life’s philosophy. You will lose extremely valuable and unsuccessful time!
World book reviewers of bottom and top life philosophy, I promised God and His Nature that in my Wisdom Seeds and all of my other writings, I would never hurt or harm life and truth. Is that possible? Bottom and top life philosophy, book reviewers including the N. Y. Times, and my native land of Croatia before I die, can you please tell me where I stand. I thank you in advance. You will always be in my prayers, where I am now and where I will, someday, be standing.
During the worst and the best of days, my Mother always had faith in God and America, and God and America could not alter her thoughts.
I am wondering, “If people don’t think, what are they thinking.”
The world doesn’t know how lucky it is to have America!
America, what is the difference between MAKE and CHANGE, but, I don’t mean, change and not make.
If America didn’t exist, WHO would this world be? Don’t ever think about it, because there would be no world!
When I was poor, I found riches.
Whenever I write, I am very grateful to God and America.
When I was a very young boy, God helped me, and America dressed me.
If you don’t like to work, you won’t like America.
Truth, until the day people complain about America, they will have a good life, but when they stop complaining, they could have a poor quality of life.
A woman gave birth to me, the soil fed me, America saved me, and the sun warmed me.
I wish that one hour before I die my beautiful wife would tell me, “I lived with you, in America.”
I always think about us, the immigrants, and our life. Many of us came to America and stayed in America. We made a long trip like Laika.
Taking a step back is like taking two steps. When I stepped foot on America’s land, I made four steps.
America is the world’s nest.
If you fight America, you will fight your own people, and you will not win.
When I first came to America, I bought my first waterproof shoes. My Mother could not believe it, because SHE was my shoemaker.
If I lived in America, I would never have come to America.
Everything my Mother and America have given me, I will leave for this world.
When I die, I will not cross America’s borders.
New York is my beautiful town. Come to N. Y. and you will find what you haven’t ever found, but I’m sorry, you will not be able to take it home.
What exists between my two hands, exists between America and the world. Foreigners have helped to build America, and America helped the foreigners around the world. God’s truth cannot die.
America, keep my life’s philosophy, like the olden days kept a broom, behind the front doors.
Devil, I know you are extremely happy doing your work, but when you are finished, what will you do?
For five years I was the bee in my garden. If there’s no bee, there’s no squash. Finally, I gave up, so this year my wife asked me, “Where’s the squash?” I told her, “I cannot fly. No bee, no squash!” Nature’s truth is here.
World, by walking where you already were, you will lose “big” time.
I love the donkeys, and no matter how I look at it, they are the best. God loves them.
The world will not know the difference between the donkey and technology, but the donkey will know.
The donkeys “carried” this world. They were the first, and they will be the last.
This world doesn’t need any answers.
What happened to the mule? Why can’t it reproduce? Can we do something about it?
Time, I am so sorry howyou are passing by.
Autism, something has happened between the earth’s soil and the sky.
We are walking and we don’t stop to look up or down. We are just walking.
Who is autism and what is autism? Why is Nature turning into autism?We shouldn’t ask so many questions because there are too many existing truths. World, if we don’t follow the truth, it will follow us, to the very end.
If the heart is empty, what could be inside of it?
What is the difference between a woman and the earth’s soil. A woman can hardly express her pain, but the earth’s soil cannot.
The poor and the riches of the world, cannot destroy the world.
If there’s no existing balance between the small and the big, the world can be destroyed but not ended. The small will take over.
God and technology is proving to the world that all our creations and lies are turning into truths.
World, I have so many wisdom seeds, but do you have room to plant them?
Short thoughts, my wisdom seeds, should help to save many trees.
If you want to, you could make your life as it is. Try to make it not too long. Be happy. Make it simple and short.
Not a day, but the days, will come.
What is life’s philosophy, and what could it be without God and its Nature’s power?
I love the old dormant wisdom seeds and their children. They will bloom and blossom and they will never stop helping the world.
The truth is that in every harvest a few bad seeds exist. We are poor farmers because we plant them.
This world is no better, or worse. It could be better but not worse.
World, you better believe that there is only one leader!
If you’d like to be a hero, don’t destroy. Help!
Almighty God, let’s respect and love one another. We can turn freedom into an almighty freedom.
The world is struggling because we work for money. No one has ever taught us why the money doesn’t work for us.
What is the difference between respect and freedom? It is the one truth. When respect for each other is lost, freedom has been lost.
If snakes didn’t exist, we could kill the very last one. I prefer not to kill it.
The world walks backwards. No matter what we are doing, are we aware that we are going back, backwards? Many of our words and live numbers will be lost and forgotten. In the meantime, the world will pray and…? It will take seven long steps, the longest Nature can make, and Nature WILL MAKE. I see freedom over my grave. A rooster’s voice will shake my very old, decomposed bones. I see a dark green earth, a beautiful, peaceful land, green grass, ripe fruit, children playing, beautiful women wearing freedom and long dresses. I see a strong man. What has already been done, time will change, what we could not change. The day will come when the world will pray and stand very close attached to God’s beautiful Nature. Our history will be an unforgettable, unripened, green fruit.
When I attended school, there was no one who could make me as happy as my eraser.
It’s a great law. If you don’t like it, don’t look at it.
World, what have we done, and what will we do, on time?
I am sure I know what my empty plate holds.
This is what this world needs: pray for each other and help one another.
Autism is growing very rapidly. It is very big and it is here. Autism is in the air, and it is everywhere. Parents, earth’s soil and sky, everyday I suffer and cry. I cry, just like you. Earth’s soil and sky, please help us, world! Autism is everywhere.
I loved, and I still love President and Mrs. Regan. They were a great couple and beautiful Americans. Their warmth shone on their faces.
People, if we are not worrying about Nature, how can we worry about our health and freedom?
We are very big because we are not standing next to Nature.
It is extremely healthy, and you will definitely always be helped if you, exercise your mind!
We went through more than half, and way too many of us are unable to tell what a lie is.
What is the difference between Nature’s balance and the human mind? There’s no difference. When Nature loses its balance, we lose balance in our mind. What Nature loses, we don’t gain.
Good luck has always been on my plate. I find it, daily, in my meals. Thanks to God and his Nature, I have not, yet, been sick!
If money doesn’t work for you, you will work for the money. Leave something behind and die with something.
I saw an empty sack, but I never found one. Truth was inside of it.
How we treat and feed our soil, daily interferes with our early life, and our premature death.
Earth’s soil and woman’s breasts are a God’s gift, a gift for every child and his world. “Nothing” does not exist, but if it did exist, it existed before God created in his mind, the earth’s soil and the woman’s two breasts. I am not asking the blind and the deaf who will be able to hear and see, I am asking the deaf and the blind who are not, at our present time, able to see and hear, “What happened to the earth’s soil and to the woman’s two breasts and why is it happening?” If it is a bad year, we’ll live with a hope that next year will be a better year. If two breasts are both removed, beautiful child, a piece of our world, what then, is your hope? Cancer, a power higher than that of the devil’s power, is destroying one earth’s soil and the two breasts of a woman. It is destroying the world, our God’s gift. This world is younger than love. Love possesses the power which is mightier than the devil’s power. We cannot dedicate and give this world, our beautiful God’s gift, earth’s soil, women, children and man, to the devil. A very unhappy devil could take what existed before the earth’s soil and the woman’s breasts. Deaf and blind, please give the world a hand and take us home, today, before it gets too dark.
A bad teacher is a very expensive life’s teacher.
What the OLD once believed, the new world still needs to discover.
NATURE, I will not be here, so I forgive you in advance.IT will not be your revenge, IT will just be your truth.
America, Mother Nature is telling us that we were the FIRST, but we will not be the last.