Archive for the Category ◊ Wisdom Seeds 2009 ◊

• Thursday, July 23rd, 2009


Life’s Truth

Michael Jackson came into this world as a beautiful child as most of the world’s children do. Life’s uneducated, unhealthy pressures began to destroy the young child’s life from the very early childhood days until the very end. It is the same life’s pressure which is destroying millions of other too young children’s future days. It is destroying human minds, bodies and hearts this instant as I am writing my words. World, life psychology, teachers, healers and parents, everything, and for everything that is too early will be too late.

Michael Jackson was a great artist, a great young child and a great human being, despite his life’s pressures. Michael Jackson left his voice behind his name and much more for this world to think about and to learn. Too much and not enough possess the same unhealthy power. May God rest Michael Jackson’s soul in peace. World, remember the great artist, Michael Jackson and these words, “Too early is too late.”


Living Truth of 2008

Poor, don’t you see, not too many, but some poor are already rich. Their own promises and changes made them rich. Poor, we helped them with a little more than what exists in our pockets today. Poor, remember these words, “Only God and the system of work exist who can help us, the poor.”


The difference between some political power and God’s power is the same difference that exists between the hammer and the wood.


Where is the daily, healthy life’s education? It is extremely sad how our world follows liars and continues to “buy” lies.


Love is huge. I can share my love with the whole wide world. The more I give, the more I have.


Women of the world, hold your hands together like an iron chain and those who help you, will help peace, love and the future children of the world.


Oh, my wisdom, yesterday I forgot to tell you to help the wisdom seeds to grow. Today, I am sorry, but for this world it is not yet too late, today!


Please, don’t call me a philosopher. Call me by the name of what will lie on the top of my grave.


Half of the world, please help women because if women aren’t helped and can’t help this world, in the 21st century, this world will reach its end, but not the end of its suffering, and not the end of the world.


This world needs God’s help every single day and in the 21st century, it needs America’s help.


America, you must trust someone. Trust the time of the past and the time of the present so that you may be able to create a better future.


World, when I think so much, I see so little.


Before you do something think about it and ask yourself, “Can it be done?” think about the human mind and health.


Those who created poison did not, or could not, read the human mind.


World, at the present time, everything turns to truth. It’s a good time for all of us, and the deaf, the blind and the color blind.


WISDOM, twice, I lost my money playing the stock market. I have never lost any money from my pocket. However, if I did, I know that there are some who always look down and they would find it. I believe this money would be blessed.


I believe in little things. Little things we can make grow. I am fearful that BIG can make us all small.


I have two loves. They are love and healthy food.


Do we live and work for healthy food? If we don’t, can we live without it?


Wisdom, in every home and in every school there should be a sign posted on both sides of the door that reads, “We live and work for healthy life’s food.”


Today. President Obama visited Russia. That’s good news for today.


It was a great prediction to create poison, kill Nature and live free.


Four season’s of the year time prediction could be a little earlier or a little later. It is the same power as some human beings’ prediction power for today and tomorrow. Yesterday’s and today’s time is an old predictor and a teacher who stopped learning and cannot be helped. It’s the time that taught us all.


I never had a chance to vote for a woman and I never wasted a vote. In the year 2012 I am ready to cast my vote for a woman, regardless whether she may be a democrat or a republican. I’d love to see a comeback of two strong, pure American women and mothers in the election year of 2012. These two women could, and women will help love and peace thrive among us all in this world.



Strong Americans, every bird flies with its two wings, the left wing and the right wing, and one head. America, so far, so did you.

• Tuesday, June 30th, 2009


Wisdom, the history of the past is my pillow and every morning the future comes with its sunrays through my bedroom window. In 2709 my bones will be my love, the earth’s soil. God, let me return and find my life’s dream, find and meet love and peace.



Wisdom, why not plant wisdom seeds for everyone in this world?


I don’t mean to be humorous. I am a serious writer, just like the night and the day. God will not punish me if I tell this world that some of our marriages do not last much longer than one pair of underwear used to last in the old days.


President Obama killed a fly. It was very funny for those of us who never pick our nose. However, if President Obama and the world could discover where some of the flies and insects never land, it would be the first discovery of its kind which could help nature, special fruit trees, the green fruit, and our human health.


What human beings have not succeeded yet is to kill the truth.


World’s Wisdom, for all of us, it is not too early to turn money, diamond, and gold power into daily bread power.


Wisdom, let’s stop the war and the killing of the unborn.


Young people, some of our creations and food processes make me wonder, “What’s happening to our round circle and the two ends where they meet?”


Wisdom of the world, it you can have a son, why can’t I?


Wisdom, let the birds and the animals fertilize this earth, and let our words help all of us.


Wisdom, Nature, birds, and animals can predict the weather and time. Why can’t the human beings?


Wisdom, if the ants and the honeybees live a beautiful, peaceful life, why is it that we, intelligent human beings, cannot?


Wisdom, the political power throughout the world is winning, and that’s the reason why love and peace are on its way.


Wisdom,  Why should this world worry? This world is like one body and it is in good lawyers’ and judges’ hands.


Wisdom, world peace will not come alone.


Not all, but some animals, will be awarded.


I’m sorry, but I do not believe in “smart words”. However, God created our very smart body.


Present, just like the past, you are waking up too late. You are unable to feed many artists and writers. The future will increase our worth.


Doctors, autism and Alzheimer’s diseases are sitting around the table with many other diseases.


How can we discuss what IT is, if IT doesn’t exist?


  Nature is not a professor. Nature is a teacher and a healer.


Human beings, who are we? We are creating our own nature which is unable to grow.


World Wisdom, only respect and love for Nature can create love and peace.


Life, in the year 2012 and in the future, everything that’s growing will continue to grow to the end of the season. Beautiful Nature, my love, whatever I see on a daily basis YOU have discovered for me.


Nature, if you cannot help us, WHO will? I know that you will!


Wisdom, these are very sad words, “Nature will help us.” It is a very sad truth.


Nature will do what a human being cannot.


Future, I am so happy for you and your children. You will have what I did not have.



• Friday, June 19th, 2009


World, no matter how rich and healthy you are, pray to God for good health in advance and for America to be America, and to remain strong.


Wisdom, how beautiful it could be if I could let all of the animals roam freely and turn the jails and armies into a daily life’s school.


This world possesses a huge power of love, and we love in excess of what is needed. It’s a big love with very little sorrow.


Wisdom, in the year 2008 women and two women, two wives and two mothers, Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin, were insulted due to our big hopes. Hate will grow. World’s peace will not. It will not grow before women are able to help this world. World, give women what the world needs- love, sorrow and peace.


I am not referring to the process of decomposing, but I ask myself, “Why can’t our rotting history of the past help us? Didn’t we as human beings learn anything from our past history and why not?


Wisdom, bottom and top life philosophy, what some humans created, not what they could’ve created, will not walk away and it will not be late. We will get there.


It seems to me that in this world we are unable to stop paying the price for each other.


If laziness is not helped this world would be helped.


A human being does not possess any kind of a healthy power to be able to step over the balance of Nature. However, without God’s freedom he can turn himself and the world into devil’s power.


Pencil, you are old, tired and unhappy. I know why. You feel that you haven’t helped this world much. Please, don’t be sad and depressed. It’s not your fault. You always helped the honest children. I love you.


Each and every human being should learn and know that everything we do, see, and think is connected and interferes with our daily life’s health.


The process of thinking is worth more than half of the work.


Work possesses a power to help children think, work and live.


Where I was born the elderly often said, “If you worked, your thinking would be different.”


Professors and life’s educators, to take a step away from Nature is in reality taking two steps away from our health. How many steps have we stepped away from Nature’s healthy and unhealthy power? I believe we have gone too far and we are too close.


Poor, I love the rich. They don’t have to clean the bones. Leftovers have helped me a lot. I love the poor, as well. They felt sorry for me.


Wisdom, the poor will always follow the rich and use what the rich have forgotten.


I was born rich in an empty house.

• Tuesday, June 09th, 2009


Wisdom, it’s very difficult to help the political power because so far it hasn’t helped this world.


Happy birthday my love. Your birthday lives in my heart for all 365 days of the year, so please forgive me if I haven’t bought you a birthday flower. It’s not a real organic one, like the one of my heart.


Some of the world would like to change America- meat without the bones.


I am very proud to say that I was born in a European nest and have lived most of my life in America, a beautiful peaceful land.


America is a land where the world’s birds love to build their nests. Why?


If America changes so will the seas, the sky and the earth’s soil.


World, do you know what the difference is between playing a game with Nature and playing a game with America? Nature will win, but the world and America will not.


Until America lives, so will the world.


World, when I compliment America and God, I am protecting YOU.


LIFE, EARTH and WISDOM, work and the American system cannot be changed.


YOUNG PEOPLE, the end of the 2008 was an extremely exciting year. The year 2012 will be a very serious year for America’s and the world’s future.


YOUNG AMERICANS, America’s history of the year 2008 will be daily tested by some of the world’s insincere hope.


If you have never fought for freedom in your own homeland, you have no idea what freedom is .


At the end of the game the world is playing, the political power will come to an end.


How can any writer write about life and not write about everything?


When you love and have respect for a person, it is sometimes difficult to live with him/her. However, to be helped and served by a person you don’t love could be very easy.


People, there are a few reasons why you should pray to God that rice doesn’t cease to grow.


They were right. The old people used to say that one shouldn’t be afraid of the dog that always barks.


My friends, truth can hurt us just like our good friends, and it is better that it happens sooner than later.


Work and Nature’s power is always ready to help depression and many life’s problems, and it is the best power which exists in this world.


WISDOM, when you meet the parents, you’ll be able to gain insight and knowledge of their children.


Unified women of the world, only with your minds and hearts, can you achieve what money, men and political power has not yet achieved. You can stop the war, and the world can live in love and peace.


• Thursday, June 04th, 2009


People, God does exist. America is a little more than an eye of this world, but world and America, do not forget, Mother earth, Mother Nature, is holding our life’s key. It is a key which we’d like to have and with which we could lock ourselves behind the life’s door, and that would be the end of the world. It will not happen, because nature will fight us almost to the very end. Nature still loves us.


Because of the fact that we are considered to be human beings, our minds and hearts do, and always should, work together. Onions, scallions, our minds and hearts, create tears in our eyes. Why? Researchers, look into it. Scallions and onions possess the power over the power of many germs and diseases, just as some human minds and hearts possess the power over devil’s power. Researchers, my strong belief is that scallions and onions possess a healthy, unknown power which could help, not only human lungs, but human eyes and vision.


Beautiful nature, your silence is an amazing love, which at our present time, children miss. My criticism will not help you, but time will.


Writers, write and follow Nature’s powerful silence. Don’t speak and don’t sell your words to anyone. Don’t let the wind toy with your wisdom and your words, and blow them away like the dust.


Alcoholics cannot live far away from alcohol. Artists live, sleep and die with their art, and so do the writers. They live, sleep and die with their words. They all suffer a great deal, but not enough to stop. 


Wisdom, at the present time, what is the difference between us, human beings,  and Nature? Some of us forgot, some of us don’t know, and all of us lost what we all miss.


Wisdom, there isn’t anything easier in this world, for me, than to think.


I trust people’s facial expressions so much more than I trust their spoken words.


We always say, “Tomorrow,” and so I say, “Tomorrow will come. “


Not yet, one color cannot hurt the world, but respect and love for everyone CAN help the world.

• Tuesday, May 19th, 2009


Republicans for 2012’s Election Day, please make sure that you “plant” pure life’s psychology and philosophy which can bloom and blossom and you Democrats, please don’t cheat yourselves and feed the world, as well as America, with anything less.


What does the American system look like? It looks like an early Monday morning, dressed in working clothes. What do all of the other systems look like? They all appear to be pretty much the same, just like the moisture which can easily creep into your shoes.


“LITTLE” is blessed, and “TOO MUCH” is not enough to be blessed.


“TOO MUCH” never was, and never will be, enough for the devil to share.


The devil never shares what people steal for him.


I am able to describe how God’s power functions, as well as everyday and the four seasons of the year can, BUT NOT IN ONE DAY.


People, do you appreciate my life’s psychology and philosophy which was planted by Nature, and replanted by some human minds?


People, do not ever expect TIME to change. TIME will not change. TIME will heal and TIME will change some of the human powers and minds.


The days are here and so are the very familiar and predictable times, and in time, cows and donkeys will be highly respected and appreciated.


WORLD WISDOM and NATURE, we are coming back, but not from the same direction. We are returning from the other side.


Only ONCE, can it happen, and it will happen to humans, what has happened to Nature.


World, don’t you see, technology is unable to rest and sleep.


Beautiful children, you are the life’s love and so often, I find myself wishing, especially when I am writing, that I could be deaf and blind so that I wouldn’t know this world, as well as I know it.


Beautiful NATURE, WISDOM and TRUTH, I find that what has occurred to you so suddenly, right in front of my own eyes, and during my own lifetime, is so very difficult to believe, and it cannot be forgiven.


The uneducated life’s power is daily responsible for the future’s very predictable daily life’s problems.


We are not prepared for Nature’s love. We are unprepared for More; we are prepared to have and to take less.


America, in the 21st Century, the world will be covered with human sorrow. Your beauty will be wounded, but it will never be buried or destroyed.


The lies which have been feeding Nature for too many years, will wish to be destroyed quickly. They will be destroyed, but not quickly.


I used to ride him, but I had no idea of how much I appreciated him. He was old and stubborn just like me.


A donkey is a very wise animal. Donkeys created what the world cannot, and what same parts of the world are unaware of.


What is the difference between a donkey and America? The world will not know until all of the donkeys die out.


America, when the day comes that the children of the world stop loving the donkey, that’s the day the world will stop loving you, America.


WISDOM, from east to west and from north to south, there’s a cross covering the world.


WISDOM, by the year 2709 there will not be many zeroes left.


WISDOM, “big” cannot be insured and “small” cannot be afforded.


WISDOM, I despise lies, and especially the ones that often come into my empty plate.


We created great holidays for great heroes, and , everyday, we are creating great holidays for too many diseases. We feed them with very healthy power and food.


Prediction is a life’s combination, but not without God and His Nature’s power.



• Tuesday, April 28th, 2009


Beautiful Nature, my sisters and brothers, I am white and I love the white day, but I also love the black night. Black night wakes me up every night and tells me what to write. This night, the black night, is telling me the year 2709 will not miss the zero; 2709 will miss number one.


Pure life philosophy is no different than the taste of sweet and sour, and life and death. If you feel that it doesn’t have a good taste, you can always mix in a bit of sweet and sour.


So far, great Americans, great Democrats and great Republicans have held America’s balance. The end of 2008 did not, and will not, help America and the world.


WISDOM, silence is an immeasurable power. Great Americans, Democrats and Republicans, stay close together like the ants do in the cold weather, before weather gets warmer.


World, so far, America has “saved” you every time. The entire world is surrounded with an unhealthy power and bad times. However, if you’d like to know something about some of the world’s life philosophy, pray to God that time can tell you this, before BAD happens.


TODAY, you are not responsible for YESTERDAY. Life’s education WAS, and IS.


Teachers and doctors, THINKIING and SNEEZING possess the same healthy power.


It is extremely healthy for those who cannot “see” through the dark night to follow Nature and the light. Take an early morning walk and go to sleep early.


If you make good use of DAYTIME not only to live, but to work and think as well, you will be able to rest and sleep soundly throughout the night, just as well as the rest of Nature. Who told us we cannot?


I was born with work.


WISDOM, it never was, and it never will be too late, but that only holds true for EVERYDAY. WE, however, were born to live to be able to say, not too early, and not too late, the words “GOOD MORNING, GOOD DAY, GOOD NIGHT MY LIFE, MY BEAUTIFUL LOVE.”


I always fear some deadly life’s philosophy.


When I was young, a rooster always woke me up at the right time, throughout the black night. Today, the rooster is not allowed to wake me up. The black night took over and the black night, night after night, is waking me up, at the same time, and it is telling me, “Go write and tell the white day’s power to stop and help Nature to sleep.

• Thursday, April 09th, 2009


Parents, do you love your children and God? There isn’t anything in this world that’s perfect, but Jesus’ silence and His suffering were perfect. What was, and what is different, between my Mother and my wife is that I couldn’t change my Mother for another Mother. My marriage was not perfect, but it was a perfect suffering. However, my wife was my children’s Mother and I couldn’t change my children’s Mother for another Mother. Mothers and Fathers, do you love your children and God?


Science, your scissors are still sharp, but you will not succeed to cut off, and put an end, to the two ends.


People, we should be very happy. We can still love God.


People, what can we still do without God and His Nature? We can still spit up in the air!


Parents, always make sure that in your home and school, your children learn about one of the most important subjects – Who is Nature and What is Nature.


Bad people are punished only twice.


Secret is my luck.


Time and Nature cannot forgive.


Thank you God for those who cannot see; they are not lost.


If you would like to fight an enemy and win, fight with love.


This world needs only two steps of life  – one is love and the other is a strong, unbreakable law.


What is the difference between our law and God’s law? God’s law was made with strong love.


What will be the difference between us and the new world? A strong law and less work.


World, this is NOT the food Nature cooked and prepared for us.


Healthy food is the best possible diet and the best exercise for the mind, and for the mind’s body and heart.


I love Nature’s recipe. I eat everything and a lot. Thanks to God and Nature, I have never been ill.


Everything Nature is telling you, is not a lie.


I have never eaten a meal without having some vegetables and fruit. 


There will be no end, because what can be accomplished in twenty four hours will not be done in hundreds of years.


Technology, your legs are very tiny and your arms are too long. You have not yet acquainted yourself with the human mind. 21st century is, and it will be, a big creator, but it is, and it will be, a poor preventer.


Wisdom, I can see the TAIL is beginning to move.


What is the difference between advanced philosophy and some of our present life’s philosophy? The difference between the two is what could be between the head and the tail.


I love spring, advanced philosophy and a strong winter.


Every single time we finish playing a game with Nature, we can honestly say, “It was too early and too late.”


Wisdom, humans have created a tremendous speed, but there’s still one existing problem – we are unable to catch up to TIME.


Wisdom, when we catch up to Nature’s speed and time, we WILL BE great creators.


Nature, your life is as beautiful as it could be, and you always help me as much as you could. Nature, you and I, must always thank God for our beautiful life. If God’s Nature cannot help this world, noone will.


Science, Nature possesses the power to help the world, and Nature will use her own power to help the world.


Science, every child should learn at home and in school what a human mind is capable of doing.


What’s the difference between a poisonous snake and some human mind? The human mind can “bite” the entire world.


My love, Nature, I don’t know how far away we are from the moon, but I do know how far away we are from you.


21st Century, I can be as wrong as one day, but I cannot be as wrong as the entire week.


If man cannot help man, he will criticize and kill man, and so will Nature. It will criticize and kill him.


Doctors, teachers and leaders, if Nature cannot teach us, help us, and feed us, is your answer to this question the same as the time’s answer, and the answer of the present time?


Don’t speak of the future, speak about the present. The PRESENT WILL TALK about the FUTURE.


We were all created for one purpose – to live and to help each other.


Beautiful, innocent children, I don’t believe that God will punish me if I tell you that up to the age of seven, you should mainly occupy yourself by sleeping, resting, and playing with Nature’s body, heart and mind.


Wisdom, if I had the power, I would send all young, innocent children solely to the school of Nature where they wouldn’t be rushed to learn, but where they would “OPEN” THEIR EYES and MINDS, first.


Beautiful children, each and ever one of my written words is knocking, FOR YOU, on Nature’s everlasting life’s door. One day, I will not be here, but you must be winners. Winners never quit. Take over from where I left off, and carry on.


Wisdom, I am only a writer and I possess the knowledge to know that I cannot win, but I am positive that I can tell the world, “NATURE WILL WIN.” Nature, I see your most malicious power which you can possibly possess, followed by the mot beautiful days.


In this world, powerful, invisible visitors do exist.


Jealousy and hate were born on the same day. Hate was born without eyes, and jealousy with only one eye.


What does hate look like? It has a mind and a heart to destroy others and to destroy human sorrow and the world.

• Thursday, March 26th, 2009


I believe that life does exist on some other planet, and I also believe that Jesus left behind only one cross.
In thousands of different ways, SLOW is FAST, and NO is YES.
During our lifetime, everyone’s hands, minds and hearts should have the privilege of meeting an extremely rich friend, whose name is WORK.
Honest work can give and make what devil cannot.
Parents, introduce your children, at a very early age, to their best friend, WORK. There is a tremendously big life’s reason why young children love to work with their hands, minds and hearts. At the present time of our 21st century, it is very unfortunate that time and some children are sad. They are missing their very best friend, WORK.
Young generation, you may be able to learn to speak, and speak, all of the world’s existing languages, but if you don’t speak, or understand, Nature’s language and her mind, ask your teachers, healers and leaders, “What cannot happen to them and to you?”
Life is, and can be, like the water in an open, or a sealed, bottle.
Life, “How sweet is sweet?”
Life can be like many things, but it cannot be like nothing.
White day, white milk, white snow, and good work, help all of us.
Noone is aware of it, or can actually feel, except the young children and Nature, how badly children miss their LOVE, the love of the beautiful Nature.
Through good work you can meet God, and you can meet the Devil through many lies.
What good work doesn’t do, we love to do, but I don’t know how long it will last.
 ECONOMY, what is the difference between technology and work? The answer is, “Poor work,” and “No work.”
No mater how good of lawyers, psychologists or life’s philosophers we are, we cannot make money and separate the everlasting marriage of time and work.
I sometimes wonder why do some people seem to complain about the rich people, but not about the rich work?
WORK, you made me, and WHAT I am NOT.
Life, if you are unable to leap from one life’s step to the next, and over the steps, what will happen to your life’s last step and the first step?
Work, can you tell some of the young people, how many teachers, healers and leaders you had?
It is very difficult to believe how one WORK supports and feeds many lies. How beautiful life could be, without any lies, three days of work, shared taxes and shared lives!
What would you do, if you couldn’t help people who needed help?
Wisdom, we reached the 21st Century’s life’s history with many positive answers and truth.
Don’t tell me what you can do, but show me what you have done.
Without money, or with very little money, life was, could be, and will be, a very beautiful, healthy life.
When the human being began feeding Nature, he should’ve known that Nature will stop feeding the him.
Nature doesn’t like to be fed. Nature loves to be helped and respected.
People who love and respect Nature, respect themselves, and God loves them.
It’s too bad to be the end.
I think that the saints died.
It is very difficult to live in this world, at our present time, and not sin.
In my early childhood days, I bartered milk for bread, corn for wheat, and a good day of work for a good day of work.
What is the difference between Mother Earth’s soil and Mothers? There is no difference. They’re both treated the same.
God’s people, don’t ever quit! Don’t’ give this beautiful world, our God’s gift, to the devil.
We have changed everything, and time will change everything we have done.
We had time, and TIME has the time we don’t’ have.
What money can do, money cannot buy or share.
FREEDOM, too many things we have done and created, have been done, free from freedom.
Beautiful Nature, how can I please the people in this world by not telling them their truths?
There is nothing more beautiful in this world than to be able to die and not be lost.
I believe that I once wrote it, definitely, but I will write it again. The world, together knows everything. You know something I don’t know.
Thank God I have two “healthy” eyes. One always tells me luck and the other one the truth.
WISDOM, no matter what you are thinking or doing in your life, the mention of the word God is ENOUGH.
People, we never talk about what does not exist.
I believe you have found what I have not.
A tiny love possesses an immeasurable power.
A big respect is a beautiful love.
What is the difference between a very big LOVE and TOO MUCH? There cannot be enough of it.
WISDOM, life of huge respect and a little bit of love, could always be like the first day of spring.
WOMEN, a long dress is a big hope and a short dress is the end of the summer.
Women, your secret is a rich, beautiful flower.
A woman without a secret is the end of Fall.
What could be the difference between a man and a woman? A beautiful, different, kind of love.
Love begins like a beautiful spring, and ends like a winter.
God, please take me before LOVE in my eyes, dies.
Anything superlative has only one place to go – DOWN.


• Thursday, March 19th, 2009


America’s Wisdom, work created only one system, and idleness, or no work, created the rest of the systems.


Work, I’m so sorry that not too many people are fighting for you.


God, if everyone were as poor as I was, who could’ve possibly helped me? My parents always told me, “Work!”


Poor people and rich people, are good people. Those who’d like to be rich, but not work, are the world’s trouble makers.


Poor people, WORK is a tremendous richness. If work cannot help us, noone will.


POOR, if the rich didn’t exist, we would be extremely poor.


POOR, we should never lose our hope, as long as WORK LIVES.


POOR, without any questions asked, WORK can make US RICH.


Wisdom, you will never be able to see an election day when WORK wins.


Nature, don’t be so sad. Whatever is happening to you, is happening to us, as well. We will not be able to help you, but you will be able to help us.


Nature, your wisdom is beautiful. You are so fortunate. Our doctors don’t have to alter, or change, your mind, or your heart.


Nature, we have an abundance of soap in this world, yet we cannot “wash” water. What should we do?


MOON, wake up!


MOON, don’t worry! We are not interested in your secret.


World’s wisdom, we have so much, and we need so much of what money cannot buy.


I miss a good laugh and the “natural” comedians.


Nature, we have turned everything into NATURAL, and it will take you hundreds of years to catch up to us.


Wisdom, adoption cannot adopt, what we, humans, have adopted.


“STUPID,”  Nature and Truth love you, and I could never find you.


FLIES, when I go to my resting place, someone will plant your enemy, and your secret, on top of my grave.


Insects and flies, when man created poison, he created your freedom and shut his door.


Fly, you are a smart friend, just like an enemy who is never too far.


FLY, can you write down and plant your wisdom seeds? I believe you should, because you have so many deep secrets you could share with us.


Fly, when you are “pissed off” like I sometimes am, what do you do?  I know, you, too, love to play a game with the human mind! Well, I always believed that it is better to laugh than cry!


WISDOM, please leave your wisdom HERE.


World’s Wisdom, what is wrong with our wisdom seeds? What kind of a fertilizer do they need?


Organic fertilizer possesses the same power as the World’s Wisdom power.


Wisdom grows the same as grass, flowers and trees, but it does not grow life those who like to design babies with a black moustache and black hair that’s combed to one side.


World’s wisdom, let’s talk about, and study, Adolf Hitler’s mind before we talk about the “baby designing.” God, help us!


Wisdom I strongly believe that it will not take too long before new surprises arrive. It is eminent.


Future, you are fortunate. Our history and our processed foods will help you.


God’s people, please don’t mention the words, “designer baby.” The devil always has been, and is, a great designer, in his own mind.


God’s people, please follow the four seasons of the year, their unpaved and a very rich road. It is a road which will not, and cannot be changed and turned into a new design.


God’s people, plant wisdom seeds and follow the daylight from east to west, and you will be able to follow the light from west to east.


Future, your shoes will barely make it, but you are very beautiful and our roads are very tough.


Beautiful babies, beautiful angels, W. W. II was a man’s creation.


Beautiful angels, beautiful birds, you were created before the plane. The plane is hitting you; you are not hitting the plane. Who will insure you? Your freedom, as well as mine, is lost.