Archive for the Category ◊ Wisdom Seeds 2009 ◊

• Tuesday, December 15th, 2009



People who lack a healthy life’s instinct cannot be animals or birds, but they can become bad human beings.


Life, sitting between four walls, a roof and a floor is not a healthy life.


Black night, why are you waking me up before sunrise?


Black night and white day, how long have you been married? You have so many children and they all look the same. A long time ago, my great grandmother asked me, “I wonder, where do they all live and return one by one, at exactly the same time?”


Old people, the government will pray to God for us until we live and we should thank God that we are able to eat.


People know everything, but they don’t do anything until the war begins.


Nature, can you create some doors and windows, like we do, to be able to get some fresh air?


Nature, do you hate us because we use so much gasoline and perfume?


Nature, what kind of life philosophy would I be able to write about if I didn’t attend your school?


Wisdom, too much is not enough. “Too much” and “smart” are two words possessing the same power.


Wisdom, this world can be helped, but it cannot get better before it gets worse.


Wisdom, people who love to work don’t have time to talk.


Wisdom, people who hate to work are unaware that they dislike themselves.


Wisdom, not working, is punishing all of us, directly and indirectly. It’s making us pay high taxes, build prisons and dig, prematurely, many of our graves.


Wisdom, I believe in God, work, a fork and a spoon.


Wisdom, rich and “riches” are not the same. Money still doesn’t know the value of “riches.”


Wisdom, oh how beautiful this world could be if all the rich understood the value of “riches.”


America’s young wisdom, nothing is impossible before you die. Your life could change overnight, unexpectedly.


Wisdom, good taste no one likes to taste only once. So, I , too, am saying more than once, “Work and the American system will live forever.”


Wisdom, 21st century’s time desperately needs more than ever before, teachers, healers and leaders who believe in God’s creations.


There’s a huge difference between us, the poor. Some of us will not bend down to pick up a penny, yet some of the rich will.


Wisdom, no one can have a better recollection of the rich parents and the poor children than the very last penny.


I heard my Mother’s words so very often, “Be careful! That’s not for you!” As a result, when I first sat in my grammar school class, I was afraid of what I should, or should not learn.


Wisdom, I was a fortunate child. I never searched for wisdom; wisdom followed me.


Wisdom, life becomes very sad when the very young children must follow their parents, before their parents can follow them.


Wisdom, how beautiful is God’s wisdom? One tree can feed us all. I remember when I was picking fruits off a tree with my Mother I asked her, “Why, on the same tree, does a small and a large fruit grow?” Her answer was, “It’s for the poor and the rich.” God’s wisdom is extremely beautiful.


My wise and patient sister, Vera, recently told me, “If someone were to follow you through the forest, they would get lost.”


Life, what’s the difference between life’s instinct and wisdom and between sunrise and sunset?


Wisdom, where can one find an “unhealthy” human instinct? Remotely removed from Nature!

• Wednesday, November 25th, 2009


Can some of you doctors, professors, life psychologists and philosophers help put my mind to rest?  Please help me to understand why there is such a disparity in price and “power” between the two different life’s eggs.  Should I have concerns about the life-giving human sperm?


Some of us do not yet believe that whatever it is we put in and plant, it will come out.


Republicans, your luck may bloom and blossom in the year 2012, but stay close to Nature and God, in order that you may win respect, love and peace for America and the entire world.


Mothers and Fathers, what has been created by God and his power of Nature, has a right to live in love and peace, my dear wife, just like you and me.


NOTHING does not exist and everything that speaks can turn in a political power, a power which cannot be destroyed.  It’s a power which can, and will die solely from natural causes.


My good friend, John Skrabonja, I remember the day when your life philosophy and your bottom lip touched the tip of your nose as you told me, “You’re trying to change the world.”  The truth is that I will not succeed, but the tough times will succeed, to change this world.


Oh my love, most of the world is just like you.  You choose to eat the best piece on your plate first, and I choose to leave it for last.


Good God, let me live one more hour so that I may taste and see the world’s love and peace.


The future will be able to see God’s name rest.  Our nature, the Mother earth and the Father sky, and the daily physical labor are telling the world that our life’s psychology and philosophy doesn’t work as a team, as the black night and the white day do.  It’s a shame that the “tough and the  bad time” will accomplish for us what we cannot accomplish with the “good time”.


There isn’t anything in this world that is more healthy or beautiful than to live with God and a small hope.


No one can compete to grow with the small hope.


It doesn’t matter who wins the election of 2012, the Democrats or the Republicans.  It is of utmost importance that America wins in order for the world not to lose.


Human power which supercedes the power of day, is not a positive, healthy power.


World, can’t you see that behind our days and our technology, a new world, a new Hollywood, health and beauty exists.


BLACK, WHITE, YELLOW and RED, if someone put something in a black, a white, a yellow and a red bag, what would you do?  Would you choose by the color of the bag or what’s inside of it?  Black, white, yellow, and red, our skin color is extremely beautiful, but what’s underneath our skin and in the bags, could also be the same-good and bad, ugly and beautiful.  The truth will definitely be there.

• Friday, November 20th, 2009


How beautiful it is that everything grows, and how sad it is that nothing grows faster than human hate.


Hate and rust are purely human creations and they’re not immeasurable powers because they’re not God’s creations.


World Life Philosophy, today I would give more for less before I would give everything for a little.


The day I was born was the day I was, once again, married to Nature.  I accepted Nature’s ring, my love, my life’s philosophy.


I wish that all of my closest friends would live fifty years longer than me, especially my brother in law, Joe.  I would be so happy to meet them once again.


Ever since my tender childhood days, it was always difficult for me not to help women and mothers’ love.


People, can we wait, given the fact, that time doesn’t wait?


Yesterday, someone who knows me my whole life and knows that I attended four years of grammar school asked me, with a big grin on his face, “Who are you?”  I answered him, “I am very proud to be able to say that I am a Croatian, an American and a human being.”


Nature, organic egg, the pure God’s creation, is asking us, “For how long can we lie to ourselves?”


World Wisdom, it would be the first time in history if America couldn’t help the world. Then, the world’s devil would walk on his knees.


I loved Pope John the second’s, Mother Theresa’s and President Regan’s life and death psychology and philosophy.


The year 2008 will not bring any luck to Mothers, Mother Earth, America and the world’s peace.


Health, where are you?  Can you hear us?  Daily, we talk about what we don’t have, and we’re selling and buying what money cannot find.


World, we need God’s help the same way the blossoms in the spring need the bees and the wind.


How beautiful and healthy is it to have two everlasting friends-, God and work?  It’s extremely beautiful and healthy!


Mother Health, I’m waiting for you.  I promised myself that I would write about you every single day.  Where are you?  Anyway, in the meantime, I’ll write about some of your children and your closest friends.  I live with a huge hope that you, Mother Health, will come.


Sad, 21st Century, World War two proved and is still proving to us, what a devil’s mind which, lacks any respect and love, has done and continues doing, to good and innocent people of this world.


Healthy food is extremely expensive and a healthy life was always inexpensive and affordable.


What’s the difference between a lie and a day?  A lie can look like the morning, but not like the entire day.


What’s the difference between a lie and the truth?  A lie cannot live without the truth.


Day, what would we be able to see and find without your light?


Truth, what are you doing?


Human freedom, without God’s freedom, possesses the power to climb too high and walk too far from its luck.



• Saturday, October 24th, 2009


Nostradamus didn’t reach the end of time, but he has reached the time of 21st century.   He “met” the entire world that possesses two different kinds of chicken eggs.  One is the very expensive organic egg and one is the cheaper egg.  They are two very different eggs, two very different sperms, two different lives and two different minds.


A beautiful healthy life looks like a two way road and our freedom in the 21st century looks like a one way road.


The dead are unable to speak and let us know what happened to them.  It seems to me, talking about expensive organic eggs is the same as talking about the last year’s spring, summer, fall and the last winter days.  World, this is something very new.  Has this world already died and no one told us about it?  God rest Nostradamus’ soul in peace.  He was not far from the “end of the organic egg”.  I wonder what the new spring and the two different prices of the eggs will bring to our summer, fall and winter days.  What will they bring to the human sperm’s life’s body and mind?


I can envision Manhattan as a beautiful farmland.


Beautiful children, always follow “one eye”, the one face, the one day from sunrise to sunset.  Follow your luck.  Through the dark night you’ll be able to sleep and rest with your luck and peace. 


Some of us and some of you will destroy the rest of the days just to remain and to be in power of our country and our world.


Some of you life’s professors and educators, can you tell what was wrong with my parents when they told me, “Don’t pick the green fruit and take it away from the mother tree”?


Human beings are responsible to help Nature and to prune the trees and fruit trees.  However, human beings do not possess the rightful power to alter Nature’s diet and take away its meal which was prepared through the long century and cooked through the four seasons of the year.


What’s the difference between big and small?  Normally, at the end, big can’t tell you the difference.


What’s the difference between us, people and lawyers?  Lawyers don’t have any enemies among them.  They are all friends.  We do have enemies; we fight our friends.


God, I am not referring to humans, but how can I possibly please the rest of your creation in my writing?


Work is definitely older than the power of politics.  It seems to me that the power of politics was created for every OTHER day, but at the present, it’s for everyday.  Americans, whether we like it or not, we better pray to God for a strong American politician.


All our enemies, the diseases, sit with us, as we enjoy eating our daily meals.


Parents, good God can pass through the “needle’s eye” and if a child can pass through the “needle’s eye” in school, don’t worry about him.  In my elementary school I barely passed through the “needle’s eye” for four years, but one year I was unsuccessful and couldn’t pass.  God hasn’t forgotten me and my life’s luck, which I love sharing with you, parents.


Young Americans, you can find everything in this world, but you cannot find a better system than the originally-born work system and the old American system.


You can taste the American system just like food.  If you don’t like it, you don’t have to eat it.  The kitchen door is never closed.  The rest of the systems you cannot taste.  You must digest them and eat them behind closed doors.


America, love yourself.  This world loves you a lot.


What’s the difference between a living bird and America?  Every living bird flies with its two wings, the right wing and the left wing.  Strong Americans, Republicans and Democrats, only the living birds are able to fly with two wings, just as the healthy and strong America always flew.


World, you don’t have to ask the birds and the animals where they love to fly and go.  It is certain that they will not go where there isn’t any food or freedom.  I followed the animals, the birds, and the people, and I ended up in America.  It’s a shame that after I learned everything, I then left for America.


I have lived in NYC for the past fifty years.  During that time, Mayor Koch, Mayor Giuliani and Mayor Bloomberg, to my knowledge, were the best mayors.  They helped the “living” of NYC before they helped the dead.


World, think about this; some of us, if we could, would change God’s term limits.


• Wednesday, October 14th, 2009


May God help us in the year 2009 and in the near future. May HE help us in our homes, on the avenues and on the streets. May HE help our children to sing in their classrooms, “Good God, Good God, help us, help us, the world is lost; we are lost. World, please pray for America to remain strong and to be able to help the rest of the world.


I am not of Jewish descent but I am a human being. I cannot tell you more or less but if you like to compete with the Jewish people, don’t fight with them. Think and work and the world will win.


World, with our life’s fiction we are running in a round circle far from one end. The truth will wait and win.


What cannot die? That which cannot live.


Life’s psychologists, philosopers and writers, when you combine all categories of life tohether it’s ONE LIFE. What’s easier, to live, or to write about it?


People of the world, Mother earth’s soil is telling us that we have become very lazy and unproductive and we live an extremely unhealthy life. Most of the world lives without asking any questions. The earth’s soil and the time have the answers for the whole wide world.


Almighty Father, a woman helped you. Please help me to help the women of the world to create and to lead love and peace.


What many men plant and how they walk away from women, the mothers, is a sad wisdom and sad wisdom seeds.


A “bad” roof will cause “bad” walls and weak floors, and a “bad” man will cause a “bad” woman and weak children.


World, we are still climbing higher and higher, and we’re falling deeper and deeper.


All of us will die. Only, those who lived and have died are my witness. Some who have died are still waiting.


In our life, it is most important NOT TO FORGET that we WILL DIE.


Many categories of life exist. Living and dying is one of them.


God, I love my job. I love to write and I love Nature. God, I wish that I could help your creation, the beautiful Nature. I will leave behind, Nature, and for Nature HER first and last words.


Life, I wish I could criticize the dead.


Oh, God, please stay with us and tell us, parents, and grandparents, our doctors and professors what our children are missing.


LIFE’S HEALTHY ECONOMY, the world doesn’t know WHO Nature is. The world won’t tell you, but what Nature will tell you, you will do.


World Wisdom, just think about it, “What’s the difference between Mothers and the Mother earth’s soil?”


When something bad happens people are frightened. Why aren’t they afraid before it happens?


I am aware of the fact that I criticize this world. I wish I didn’t, but I am not criticizing everyone. My son and my daughter smoke and I criticize them. I only wish that fire didn’t burn.


I will die, but my deep rooted writing, every day, and Nature will live, grow, bloom and blossom.


The day will come when “NOTHING” will be very expensive. Don’t throw away, “NOTHING.”


Only respect and love possess the power over the devil’s power.


Of all existing animals of the world, humans and sheep are pretty similar. The major difference between the two is that the shepherd watches over the sheep and guides them whereas our shepherd watches over us, but we still allow ourselves to get lost.


How beautiful and healthy our life’s economy could be, if pure healthy Nature’s power could nourish our hearts, bodies and minds.


Beautiful, colorful world, there is no other way; just follow the daylight and the truth as the rest of Nature does.


World, IT is here. “Uneducated,” daily life is here, far from Nature and God.


Every night before I go to sleep I say, “Good night Nature. Tomorrow, you will be here again. Please, help your enemies and your friends.”


Truth, I am not asking you for anything else in this life, just help your truth.


Beautiful women, truth has a father and truth is the mother.


I don’t think I’m wrong when I say that the whole wide world knows everything.


The poor and the rich always existed and will exist. Poor, there is no other way for us, poor. We must work and stand as close to the rich as we can.


Dumb and smart, poor and rich, I believe we are getting closer. We share and we will share all of our truths.


I find it extremely pleasurable to engage myself in conversation with people who like to converse about healthy organic foods and our great U. S. A.


• Saturday, October 03rd, 2009


Life’s balance is something that you and I can call our truth, you and I, white and black.  Two colors can create ONE, and one color.  A black woman and a white man or a white woman and a black man can create ONE and one color.  It’s one compatible perfect creation, and it is not mine, and it is not yours.  It is OUR creation and OUR truth.  In love, and with love, give and take possess the same power, but the nine long months of gestation cannot be compared with a few seconds of enjoyment.  Every Mother deserves the highest life’s reward, as it already is and exists, and so does a good providing Father.  However, Mothers, you brought into this world, with God’s help all innocent and beautiful children.  Throughout the world and in America there are many of you, children, whom we can call, “our children”.  It’s one color created by two different colors of a man and a woman.  Please, add a few of your words next to mine and help me support a beautiful God’s creation of balance and truth.


The entire world has changed so many times, but my hope is that America DOES NOT CHANGE.  However, if America DOES CHANGE, the soft bones of the poor Americans will be consumed by the entire world, and especially by the Europeans.


No matter what we do today, tomorrow we will be paid.


People, our future cannot run away from our past.


If you’d like to turn your life into a different direction, you must think about it and work for it.


The best thing for this world and the worst thing for the political power would be if all the people worked and knew how and what to think.


WORLD, where are we?  If all of our fiction and lies were to die today, what would happen to us tomorrow?  Would spring be able to bloom and blossom with skim milk?


Nature is big and strong like an elephant and a human being is tiny and a huge trouble like a point of a pencil could be.


Pencil, it is not your fault what the world creates and how this world lives.  It is the fault of some who drew too long of a line from the dot and who have tied up the world into knots.


Our technology creates numerous large, powerful powers without knowing how fast “small” has the ability to grow internally.


People, we can cry, we can laugh and lie, but our past is our best life’s resume.


How sad it is that despite the richness of our Nature and our earth’s soil, we, humans, are not reaping the riches!


Beautiful children, I love today for tomorrow.


November 3rd, 2008

Today, I would not change my life’s philosophy and America for the whole wide world.


I have a strong belief that if I could have all of the world’s existing money, many truths of the past and the present would suffer. However, I am positive that I would be able to help Mother Nature and the world with matches and a strong wind.  I would burn all money of the world.  In the future, people’s power would be able to tell if new money will be printed and if a new devil will be born.


I am not sure if I dreamed it, or did I really hear the words of the author whose book is titled, “Only Super Rich Can Help Us”.  It’s a great and a very healthy life philosophy.  How many times will THEY HELP US?


A great generation was, is, or will be?


People who lack respect for work, lack respect for another human being.


Every day, as I pray to God, I find America more and more on my mind.


I see this world as a deep sea without a shore, and I see America as a tiny little island.


• Friday, September 18th, 2009


Since the past has not surprised me, neither will the future. As I observed the young minds of children, I knew that my hope and my wish would not die. World, I will not be here to see it, but my wish will not die. “IT” is impossible, but not impossible to think about. I’d love to hear Albert Einstein and his friends ask Nostradamus a few of life’s living answers.
Many beautiful flowers exist in this world. Most of the yellow flowers will destroy themselves, by their own power.
21st Century is fertilized enough to enable wheat and very tiny things to grow.
God’s good people, please walk in a round circle. If GOOD cannot catch BAD, GOOD will wait.
I don’t mean you, Nature, I’m directing this statement to us, the people, “The more we learn the more we need and the less we have.”
NATURE, you are beautiful. Throughout the four seasons of the year you always wear the same clothes and the same mind. Please share your secret with our psychologists, how and why you are able to rest and sleep, and how you are able to live a beautiful peaceful life which very much resembles my life’s dream.
Without any money, just with respect and love, this world would be very rich.
Thank God, it is so very healthy and beautiful that “riches” and love cannot be bought.
Today, hold a piece of bread in one of your hands and in the other hand, hold all the money of the world. Tomorrow, the whole world will follow one of your hands, that hand that’s holding the bread. WORLD, we follow money and we will not find bread.
WISDOM, this world is an unusual fruit. Throughout the four seasons of the year, one side is unable to ripen.
This world has so many very good people about whom we are unaware. Only God knows about them and that is enough.
People, who don’t believe in God, but who highly, respect and love Nature, follow the truth, and they are not lost.
Some of us, as well as some of you, should be ashamed, if our past and our present can’t predict the future- what it will bring and what it’ll take.
Some of us work and plant. Some of us worry and think. Some of us sleep and eat and don’t worry what today and tomorrow will bring.
If you cannot make more than one dollar a day, work for a dollar and save a quarter. I’m sure that throughout your life you won’t “make out just good, you’ll make out very good”.
When our many living truths turn into unacceptable lies, mother earth’s soil will be covered with love and peace.
Women of the world, the 21st century is yours. In the past, you and our children have suffered and you “paid for it”. In the 21st century you will continue to suffer and the entire world will pay for it. Beautiful mother earth, and beautiful women, you will meet a beautiful future of love and peace.
Huge mind that’s larger than the mind of the earth’s soil can be counted up to nine digits, and fertilized by a zero, and as many existing zeros that there are. Nothing will happen.

Who put the word “fight” into power? “Stupid” for sure, didn’t. No matter what it is, we are always ready to say, “FIGHT” a little too late. All our enemies, including all diseases, we can fight, directly or indirectly, at the right time, with respect and love. This earth’s soil was created with respect and love, and so was everything that grows and dies.
The world will come very close to its end. Work and the American system, as one, will make the first new step of walking back.
This earth is small. PEOPLE, we are in need of some space. Where are we going to put our problems and our minds?
The perfect time in 2009 is NOW, to tell all strong Americans, Democrats and Republicans, the poor people, and the world’s peace, that 2008’s Election Day, the big life’s wave, will NOT HELP them. Everyday’s life, world’s peace, and the future will tell, if I was wrong.
LIFE EDUCATION, not knowing, and knowing, possess a great life’s balance which SHOULD help our life’s education and the world, but it doesn’t and it won’t.

• Tuesday, September 01st, 2009


Is America perfect? No, America is NOT perfect. Heaven must be a perfect place, but it’s not for everyone. America is a heaven in this world, where immigrants from all over the world reside. Is heaven a better place than America? Will heaven give us a chance and open its doors for, us, immigrants like America did? America, you are a beautiful heaven. We, immigrants, can always fly back and forth. Our heaven’s doors are never closed.


World healthy life psychology and philosophy is fearful that if America changes, what will happen to the earth’s soil and us all?


21st Century’s daily life’s education, how sad and shameful it is to eat and not know what it is, yet, directly and indirectly, we have created it.


Mother Earth, it’s difficult to believe how some people have nothing to say about you. The days when no one will be able to die from natural causes, are not too far away.


Wisdom and daily life’s education, I can promise this world that our health cannot be aided until we bring Nature into our school classrooms.

Radenko Fanuka


Wisdom, this world is facing only one life’s problem that is as big as it- could be. We are walking between two ends of life and death and we are walking away from Nature, the fork and the spoon.


I am unsure of what this world is missing, but I am positive of what this world is not missing – it’s hate and unhealthy food.


World, when I write about you I feel like a small ant who bit my toe when I was five years old.


Beautiful earth, your face contains beauty and warmth. When I touch the surface of your face with my bare feet I feel as if I am touching a woman’s face with my lips.


The earth’s soil appears beautiful covered with grass, and a woman’s “spring” looks beautiful covered with hair.


What the world awaits, the day never fails to say, “Good morning and good night.”


I wonder why, but I gather there must be a reason why you and I are living here.


People, this world is OUR world. We don’t need lawyers, we need the law.


It is impossible to change this world for the better, and not to change it, for some, for the worse.


Publishers and writers, we should never hold the world in the palm of our hand; we should “touch” the world with our index finger, as does the rest of the world.


My friends, I love what I do. I live, I work, I pray and I write.


Healthy food and healthy sex is a life power above all others, which prolongs life.


There isn’t anything in this world that is more important than to study the human mind and to die of a natural cause at an old age.


World, don’t you see that our hate didn’t grow like a mushroom? It grew, and it’s growing, like an oak tree.


World, don’t you see that hate never helped us, and it WILL never come to our aid.



• Tuesday, August 18th, 2009


I will say it again and again in a thousand of different ways, “Technology is proving and will prove to this world once and for all, that God does exist.”


I believe in honest good work, as much as I believe in good God.


FREEDOM and PEACE, it is and it will be difficult to live, because if the best world’s news were to break through today, tomorrow, some, but not too many, only a few, would cry.


The devil doesn’t’ know why God’s power was involved in everything a human being created. It was and it is a short cut, a “short” way to go, but a long way to return.


President Obama will do everything he says he will do, IF he will be able to do it.


I wish I could return forty years from now and speak to those who are thirty years old today. It will take some time, but the old world’s truths will be back, and they will read the words of a seventy year old man, the written words I left behind.


Our world possesses the same power as that of an animal’s head and tail. Throughout my past lifetime, the head moved. In the 21st century and the year 2012, the world’s tail will begin to move more rapidly, but yet not fast enough..


If you were a writer who lived for seventy years, as I have, what would you write, and what would you write if you were to live for another seventy years?


World, please tell me, what is the real happiness that could help this world, and I’ll write about it!


If you are a writer who loves the truth, life, Nature and God, how and what would you write?


More than half of the world’s publishers, I ask you, may I publish the truth?


People, we plant our words the same way we plant anything that can be planted and grow. It is better to plant it once than it is to transplant it many times, so that our words can grow, bloom and blossom.


If you are a good philosopher who doesn’t like to insult life, you’ll be able to say, but not so quickly, that two and two make four.


I love the philosophy of life which stems from its very bottom. God exists and the whole world knows everything. I’d love to ask some of the TOP LIFE PHILOSOPHY, which in the short past and at the present time is still blooming, “Can this world, and will this world, get “healthy” help?” How and when?


WISDOM, by means of Nature’s power minds of young children who are unable to speak yet, can be read, and so can the power of almighty God.


God doesn’t ask us to speak many languages. Silent love asks us to speak only one.


ECONOMY, when Nature loses its balance, we, people, print more currency, and create many new words. I call health, the best life’s stock market. Our health is falling and it must fall down.


What is the difference between a human being and the rest of Nature? The rest of Nature never lies. Why do WE have to lie?


Our miseries and lies, including the unborn dead, will make the a great life’s future laws.


21st century is making a new history which is reaching some of the top life philosophy. It’s a philosophy which is falling in the mouth of a very hungry soil. 21st century is, and will be, a great time for the entire world to pray for forgiveness and help.


“Bad” children are simply “bad” parents and a “bad” world.


The word “forgive” possesses the same power as our first and last breath.


If America changes, this world will not change, but it will get too close to the end.


When the birds screech on top of the tall trees, there is , definitely, something underneath. When people speak a lot about something, that something, for sure, is not too far.


WISDOM, how will something end when it’s one end doesn’t exist?


World’s WISDOM, it could happen that once IT happens, we’ll never get a chance to tell anyone about it.


I am sure this world will never stop circling around the stones, and the foxes will never stop walking around the empty chicken coops.


World’s freedom and the many truths, if you wish, you can remain standing with the rest of the world, but I will choose to remain with the rest of Nature, waiting for peace.


Ever since my early childhood days, I have observed Nature, human mind and life. I can say that Nostradamus didn’t lose any time walking ahead of our lifes’ roads. He didn’t reach the end, but his brilliant mind, observing Nature and the human mind, went too close to the end.


The day will come when the tiny ants will cover the streets and the avenues of this world, and turn them into hot, bloody rivers and creeks.


Nature, I am unable to find the words to express my sorrow, about what yesterday told the world about today.


CROATIA and WORLD WISDOM, please help me plant my wisdom seeds throughout the world, the ones that were left behind over from many long years.


WISDOM, there is an existence of one God and the one “system” which would love to be God.


America, whenever I write about life on earth and I don’t include your name, I feel like I am close to losing my last breath.


LIFE and PEACE, I live with one hope and three positive words, “my death,” “God” and “America.”


When the fruit trees stop blooming and blossoming and the women stop delivering life to this world, the world will be able to end.


WISDOM, I planted an apple seed in my garden, and a beautiful apple tree grew. It’s difficult to believe, but the truth is hanging and growing on the young apple tree’s branch. In its first year, there is its first fruit, one apple, an apple which I will taste first and then I’ll give it to my wife to taste. This is my life’s philosophy- it’s my responsibility to ensure that its safe before I pass it on to my wife.



• Thursday, July 30th, 2009


So far as I can see, Pope John Paul created the best life philosophy for the living and the dead. It’s a philosophy which he left with us and for us. It’s a philosophy which is no different than our daily healthy life’s food. Pope John Paul was a living saint.


Nature, how can you tell us, human beings, if you like our food? We always did and we still love your food.


Nature, I have always wondered, how can you see yourself without a mirror?


In 21st century “big” money has helped man land on the moon. However, it has not helped us to stop using inappropriate, unhealthy terms, “crazy” and “crazy house.” The word “crazy’ and this world are in need of same help.


If you are searching for a good life, mix together the good with the bad. You will then have a good life.


It’s our own great discovery. If we love something, we talk about it. If we hate something, we also talk about it.


I am sure that if we could barricade our life’s borders throughout the world with healthy food, many and the worst of our enemies, the diseases, would suffer and starve.


Wisdom, something seems to be so very wrong. Why is it that our high life’s education is unable to help our daily life’s education?


We need God. We need the earth’s soil and the sky. We need farmers, we need love and respect and we need to stop selling each other our own created lies.


Tell this world the truth. What can you do, and what can you discover without Nature’s healthy balance?


At the present time, the way in which we treat Nature and ourselves, we are converting power between us and Nature into the same kind of power which exists between a house mouse and an elephant.


Throughout my life I have observed how our world plays games with Nature. I despise it and I hate the thought of how it will end.


People of the world, don’t you see thousands of different ways how far and, yet, how close we are? Please help me to write, help me to help the young world, and us, the old, to die peacefully.


They were wrong. The world will not end. Our misery and everything that is above God and Nature’s power, will end.


The earth soil’s richness and beauty is covered with hate and curses and the rent is not paid with love. Too many dead will suffer and wait on a long line for a long time. Hate and curses will dry up, but not like the rain drops.


World life psychology, philosophers and writers, at our present time, when we think, talk and write about Nature and God, we should never forget how important America is.


The occurrence of W. W. I and W. W. II were not enough to please this world, and one more will still not please the world. One more WILL please ALL.


If Nature gave us permission, where would we go?


No matter who we are and what we are, Nature is holding our leash.


I love, Nature’s diet. I eat everything.


Everlasting truth, why is it that animals and the rest of Nature don’t have the obesity problems as we, humans, and our domestic animals have?


It seems to me we are moving far away from Nature. Who has the scissors to cut the umbilical cord?


Nature, I love your diet recipe. Did you publish any books yet? If you haven’t, you should, and help us with obesity and life’s problems.


Americans, there is one God and two systems. One system works and the other one waits to be fed.


Young Americans, the words CHANGE and WAIT possess an identical power. The world has changed many times and it’s still waiting. Some fortunate ones immigrated to America, and some with a big hope are still waiting. Young Americans, please don’t change America, but if you do, you will wait on the same long line with those who would love to come to America. May God punish me if I am lying, and may God help you as he has helped me when I was very young.
