I strongly believe hate and poison cannot last for too long. I hope I will be dead before.
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American forgive me if I am wrong. American we worrying so much about healthcare and medicare. And very little about our life health, healthy food, healthy water, and healthy air. Seems to me we love to be insure with good coverage when we die.
America so far what I can tell, our election 2016 woke up this world. It went too far and too close.
World healthy life science and healthy life psychology and philosophy. How long death power can lead life on this earth?
In 21st century devil will lose his power. Nature will takeover.
Future this world will die guilty. Why?
World we can heal ourself only with love and healthy food.
Bad life luck, fish love to follow light and we people money.
Life and death did not start from nothing because nothing does not exist. But definitely this world will end with worst then nothing. Well just for some kind of stupid fun, let’s say God does not exist, but who are or what is what create nature, could also create God, now question is did God create nature, or nature create God. Daily life reality is, witness unmeasurable power above life and death. Power exist and that is only reason why this very smart world will end, with worst then nothing. Chicken laying eggs, and leading chicken world, and nature is almighty God power. Power above all existing power, underneath the sky, and in 21st century, very big world is just lost.
World I am shame from our children, grandchildren, nature and God. What we done to ourself, our health, love and peace, and what we plan for future days.