Archive for ◊ August, 2024 ◊

• Thursday, August 01st, 2024

Never Again

In 21st century in my life, I never find shorter then I find from some life leaders, genius mind.


Thinking about organically growing life. For me it was very easy to think. Just for God love, and pencil dot was not.


Family town and city. How we can make peace and love between all of us people. Lies, human mouth and tongue, have to be witness, and help God truth.


Some people was born, and cannot tell what is God truth, but they love talk.


Human life is very beautiful, and perfect. If human being die with love. For everything what God create.


God did not create devil. Devil was create with human mouth and tongue.


Whole world asking today, what children learn in school, I asking whole wide world, what kind of school teach us all, and what we know.


People don’t fight, if you love God. God create human skin for same price.

World God create peace, love and freedom between us people, without any weapons and fight.


Oh how beautiful and smart is. God create everything, what human being, bodies and mind required before human being was born.

• Thursday, August 01st, 2024

On America election day 2024, if God truth does not win, whole wide world on this God earth will not win. World pray God with love for love.

• Thursday, August 01st, 2024

Very sorry I will die. Because I know, doesn’t matter how bad this world is. But love and following God creation, nature footprint will help and heal life on this God earth.