World life and God truth is here, whole wide world, can talk, lie, cry and pray, definitely God creation, nature, cannot end and will not forgive. Two thousand four, five, six and on lies will not be accept and survive on this our mother earth. Lies will not succeed, step over twenty second century door step. Yes, long century will take before children is born to be able breathe, clean healthy air, drink healthy, clean water, and eat pure energy, healthy food from God creation, God hand, God land. Oh God, we live in twenty-first century, blind and deaf can tell what lies cannot see and cannot tell yet, God people don’t be afraid, love never will end, sun will set and sun will rise. New grass, dark green will grow, my bones will be dust, my writing words will bloom and blossom, but what I believe for first time on this earth will happen, what modern technology never promised. Rich, poor and middle class will share together, world love God creation, same as love God, only pray and pray.