Archive for ◊ April, 2022 ◊

• Tuesday, April 26th, 2022


America second mother of the world, very sad truth we all face from our America election 2016 on many politically books was create and time was waste because one title can cover all of them. Title says if I can not have, you can not have, good God can you tell us American who will have. American if God live in our hearts, we should not worried, who will have.

• Monday, April 18th, 2022


Whole wide world, only together, we have only two choices, live together or die together. Fight together against the one, or fight and die for one. Human beings what we create, almighty God did not tell us, we cannot change.

• Thursday, April 14th, 2022


World I believe President Vladimir Putin last answer is world don’t push me in corner and is the same unpromise power which modern technology never promised to this world, but sooner then later, whole wide world will share together, winners will die. Close to one thousand years, unmeasurable suffering, on this earth will not be able to heal, guilty world, accept adopt and create what almighty God could not create because God creation, nature, will not be able exist.

• Tuesday, April 12th, 2022


President Joe Biden is not sleepy spring, Joe Biden is as warm mild spring, act think, walk and talk with low voice just like warm, mild spring. Waking up, tiny, hungry, and cold nature, and is only philosophy which can succeed and help us human beings stay with nature. Share with nature, nothing more or less, just as rest of nature. If we like to live on this earth.