Archive for ◊ January, 2021 ◊

• Tuesday, January 05th, 2021


American, what we done to us self from year 2016 on from third grade. Children in they lifetime will not be able to forget, and some of you, country involvement, should be shame and very afraid because winners underneath this sky, sooner or later will not exist.

• Saturday, January 02nd, 2021


Croatia people, I love to tell whole wide world, who we are, and what we know. We are always wounded and scared and we know, how to pray and love God, Croatia people, don’t be afraid, we always share our blood with God land and for God land, our Croatia home, and we never stop, pray God for help, I was there. I remember earthquakes and bombs and bloody sky and I remember, from our churches, doors lock and close. But we never stop, pray and share, caring Jesus Christ cross. Croatian people, we always live with tiny hope and God name, and we should not to be afraid to die for God name, we have to believe, why Jesus Christ die on his cross, die for everlasting love. Croatia earthquakes will stop, wounds will heal, day will come, light will rise.