Archive for ◊ December, 2020 ◊

• Thursday, December 31st, 2020


World life education science and doctors in our present 21st century time do you realize, playing life game with nature, God creation. You waste, healthy lifetime because everything was create and plant, what human mind and hands cannot plant and transplant. Playing life game with nature, you did not discover yet, too early is too late, and today is too late for medicine and vaccine to help us human beings to win playing life game with nature, God creation. Never did and never will, human beings, for some time, we can only plant and transplant our own creation.

• Wednesday, December 30th, 2020


Some of you world, I believe is healthy, and very beautiful, always talk about God, and very stupid, ugly and very unhealthy without any connection in same time. Not to talk about God creation, nature. Some of you world, can you tell, to you own bodies, and rest of the world, how God can help us, live on this earth without his healthy creation. Beautiful, healthy nature, this is what I believe, why Jesus Christ die on his cross. God love his creation, his nature, more than God love himself. World, but is just enough for us human beings to be able nourish devil power, and mind without any involvement between nature, God creation and God name. I always, always, very proud, thank God for his creation, before I pray.

• Monday, December 28th, 2020


If you believe in God, you cannot tell, and you cannot ask, God for more, or less. World, only one healthy life and death system exist. God and his nature, pure energy power, but also by human beings was make too many life systems and regimes and is very successful power, which destroying God creation, health, freedom, love, and peace on this earth. On one way, life road. World religion, nothing does not exist, but human mind could be 100% worse then nothing, and so much worse then end of the world.

• Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020


2020 happy holidays, beautiful world, life reality, is very sad. World I hope, you feel same way as I feel. God create, big space as could be big in my heart for whole wide world to live, and himself without paying rent, live together, beautiful, peaceful life with God and love, between all of us. 2020 life reality is very sad. Crying and searching for healthy, peace and love. World remember these words in 21st century. We are one world, tied together, and we cannot, and we will not escape from each other. Should we live together in our hearts with God and love, or should we nourish devil lies, power and mind, and die together, with hate in twenty-four hours our love can change our very sad world and also in twenty-four hours, hate can destroy us all and will be 100% worse then end of the world.

• Monday, December 14th, 2020


Honest people will pay price, if you believe in God. Can you tell, what is worse? Death penalty or saint honest. Young people, killing each other in every war. For who they fight, and why? Creating revenge, again and again. I believe, in 21st century, last revenge, one truth, whole wide world will share. As always honest people, will pay for guilty, one price.

• Friday, December 11th, 2020


Will be very beautiful, healthy and peaceful, life on this earth. Make America great again, so and rest of the world, make great again. But cannot be done, before God creation, nature is great again. As used to be.

• Friday, December 11th, 2020


Observing God creation, and human minds, I cannot tell, more or less, this world, lead genetically modified Cuckoo birds and is not problem. Because Cuckoo birds cannot build nest, but is very big problem for Cuckoo birds to find healthy nest and lay healthy eggs.

• Thursday, December 10th, 2020


God people, I cannot find any difference in our lifetime. Between God and his creation, beautiful nature, but if God creation, pure nature energy is destroyed underneath the sky. Who will be God? God people, please don’t wait, wake up, time and God creation, crying for our help. Because devil is here.

• Wednesday, December 02nd, 2020


World science, too early is too late, and from beginning up to the end, you will not discover what is different between genetically modified power, human shit, and human mind.

• Wednesday, December 02nd, 2020


World science, great discovery, chopstick, fork and spoon, should lead the world, health without wasting any lifetime.