Archive for ◊ June, 2020 ◊

• Sunday, June 14th, 2020


America best life protest is for all of us, only silent love, with big smile on our one America face, and definitely will be able heal and unite America, as America used to be.

• Sunday, June 14th, 2020


My dedication to the mothers, unmeasurable love. America you was first winner underneath the sky. Winner, America first, mother of the world. Before I die, I love to see one flag create above all. America mother of the world.

• Thursday, June 04th, 2020


World stop destroying bible, nature organically create, God creation. God did not write bible. God create bible, 365 pages bible. One side of the pages is white and other side black. White days and black nights. Every page, every day, and night is deeply wound, between east and west, south and north, and earth soil and sky for devil power, and mind in living hell. Exit does not exist with God power. Great life healers and teachers, love and peace leaders, write bible, facing only one everlasting light exit.