Archive for ◊ February, 2020 ◊

• Friday, February 28th, 2020


God people don’t ever stop loving nature and God. This earth is load with life poison. Rockets and bombs, world hate is married and will not have divorce and will die together, our world system, communism, capitalism, socialism, and so on and on. Possess same power without any law. Rich and poor cannot share together and middle class is very responsible to pay income tax, God people, love will last forever, be patient and pray on advance in 21st century hate will deeply suffer and will not make step over 22nd century doorstep, world days will come what modern technology never did and never will promise to the world, rich middle class and poor will share together, one system, God and his nature system, Mother Earth will takeover from everything and all.

• Wednesday, February 26th, 2020


World science and doctors, I cannot discover what is different between modern technology power and harmful, known and unknown disease. I love to know who they are, parents, fathers, and mothers from this existing, harmful disease and I wonder what kind of air, water and food helping this disease to be healthy and strong killers.

• Saturday, February 22nd, 2020


Our beauty is only if we can share, could be very beautiful.

• Saturday, February 22nd, 2020


America mother of the world. America election 2020, only one healthy life philosophy exist, everlasting love. America vote for God and his nature love, and is only existing life power, which can defeat in 21st century devil power and mind if is not too late.

• Sunday, February 16th, 2020


America election 2016 is new history. One body, one history picture, which is hung on one woman and one man, Nancy Pelosi and Mitt Romney shoulder on two American, one Democrat and one Republican shoulder. America history picture above everything and all, but not above, God truth. American only together our prayers could spruce, bloom and blossom.

• Sunday, February 16th, 2020


Almighty God, you know, I was born in Croatia, and today I am very proud to say I am American. Almighty God please help me and forgive me. Because I am stuck, I don’t know what to tell to this world. What is worse, not to be born or to be born in living hell. Thank you God, us human being, I cannot ask you for bigger help then I ask, and you world, on me time. Is best for you, pray for your self.