Archive for ◊ August, 2019 ◊

• Wednesday, August 28th, 2019


Adolf Hitler was perfect and positive. Before WWII started. World in our dictionary, many unhealthy sick words exist. But from all of them, two words is worse, words perfect, and words positive. Two words, which did, does, and will destroy this world. Before WWII started, Adolf Hitler, was perfect, and positive. Words perfect cannot be changed, cannot be bend, and cannot be shared. Always before is, too late. Words positive, always need very big help. Think healthy, over and over, again and again, before is too late.

• Wednesday, August 28th, 2019


America and rest of the world, so far, what we vote for, we have. And we can tell, facing God. Is our and nobody else. We create, and God cannot and will not, share with us, who will.

• Wednesday, August 28th, 2019


World science, by almighty God and his nature, life, and death law. For you is and will be, too late, to discover, too early is too late.

• Wednesday, August 28th, 2019


World what we did to this nature, God creation when we pray. We should look down before we lookup.

• Monday, August 26th, 2019


In 21st century, two times two cannot be four, and this is 80% people who support and lead this world with big dreams, better days will come before worse, how and why.

• Monday, August 26th, 2019


I strongly believe in 21st century, very unhealthy, nasty, life game, between one rioty creatures, human beings, and rest of the nature will touch end. God people, don’t fight with devil because is so much better to pray, not to wasting anytime. Modern technology, life poisons, money, rockets, bombs, guns, medicine and vaccine, will not help devil, body and mind. Devil will punish himself, as never before. Devil will not be able live free, and die free in his own living hell.

• Monday, August 26th, 2019


Gun was make to kill, and gun law is kill, guilty world do you know what is worse, killing unborn children, or supporting gun law, kill.

• Monday, August 26th, 2019


World we cannot destory our deadly economy, unmeasurable life poison, and guns, and this is how is, we need money and we cannot live, healthy normal life with money and without money. To far away from God creation, pure nature energy. Daily life power, why not?

• Monday, August 26th, 2019


Parents and grandparents, our children and grandchildren, mind is plugged in, and is not free, they cannot tell, where they are and where they going.

• Monday, August 26th, 2019


I believe in 21st century, if time, night and days can create, buy and sell lies. Most of the world will be very happy and please, so much more then still is.