World no matter how I look and turn, communism begin with too much and capitalism will end with never enough. 100% worse then nothing.
World no matter how I look and turn, communism begin with too much and capitalism will end with never enough. 100% worse then nothing.
Goodnight heal my body and mind and for good breakfast, I love to think and write.
World, my good friends, I will die, but my life philosophy will not. Love cannot die.
Through all my lifetime, communism did not exist, lies did exist. Lies who never work, just share and preach how good communism is.
For many years pencil did lead healthy world and computer in very short time destroy.
Healers was born before teachers, doctors, lawyers, and judges. This world need healers. Same as healthy air, healthy water, and healthy food.
World we count numbers and spilling our words. No good. We should count them all.
In 21st century very sick philosophy lead this world without any healthy life psychology help. God how this world can get better before worse?
My life dedication to beautiful nature, God creation. God forgive me because if I know, I will not ask, whole wide world through all my lifetime I observing beautiful nature, God creation, but I have to ask you, whole wide world for which reason God create human being on this earth. World please let me know? You will help me peacefully die, and world peacefully live. God exist and that is only reason why love cannot die.
World what could be bible, if is not nature God creation?