Archive for ◊ September, 2018 ◊

• Wednesday, September 26th, 2018


World money and hate, unmeasurable category life poison, including guns and bombs, unhealthy air, unhealthy water, and unhealthy food. Can you tell to this world. How this world can get better before worst.

• Wednesday, September 26th, 2018


Please God, help this world before I die. Through entire my life, I search for stupid. And I did not find stupid yet. But my discovery is stupid was not born yet. Just die stupid. I will not lie and I am not shame to say I discover in my old days one stupid who write me because seems to me very few people like to read what I write. Please God help this world before I Radenko Fanuka stupid die.

• Wednesday, September 26th, 2018


I was poor. Poor believe me, I was very lucky without money and what money could not and cannot buy.

• Wednesday, September 26th, 2018


Rich will not destroy this world, but too much never enough in 21st century, very unhealthy life power. Will not make healthy step over 22nd-century doorstep.