Archive for ◊ July, 2018 ◊

• Saturday, July 28th, 2018


In a couple of days, my life psychology and philosophy will be very well known underneath the sky. If I can tell, where to go from living hell.

• Saturday, July 28th, 2018


America was always first and will be the last mother of the world.

• Saturday, July 28th, 2018


My dedication to 21st century world education, American, Republican, and Democrat from our election day 2016, we fight between us self, as never before. I cannot understand why we fight for? Do we fight to live or die? Seems to me we fight for what we have, money and unmeasurable categories life poison. And we don’t fight what our children, our bodies, and mind daily miss, clean air to breathe. Healthy clean, water drops to drink, and pure God and his nature energy, healthy food to eat. American correct me if I’m wrong. I think we human being was born to live before die, and be healthy before die sick.

• Saturday, July 28th, 2018


Fight between the devil and God. What is the difference between nature, God creation and modern technology is nature daily continuously remind us how to live, and modern technology how to forget.

• Saturday, July 28th, 2018


In 21st century, I only trust modern technology, what never was promised to this world.

• Saturday, July 28th, 2018


World, how we think and live. We will be able to forget together everything.

• Saturday, July 28th, 2018


American, Republican, and Democrat, only and only, if we can think like night and day. I am a hundred percent sure. we can get better and better, before worse and worse.

• Wednesday, July 18th, 2018


World will God help us underneath the sky and why? In 21st century death what never breed and never will lead this world. Creating unforgettable life history. Far away from God and his nature, healthy life power. Creating on one way life road. How long is road? Death cannot tell. Before time will tell, too late.