Archive for ◊ June, 2018 ◊

• Thursday, June 28th, 2018


Year 2016, underneath the sky, making unforgettable history. Sooner or later, for whole wide world to share.




• Thursday, June 28th, 2018


Ungenetically modified life power, Jesus Christ son of the God was not vaccinated. And he live and die on his cross healthy and on right mind and woke up with love and for love also healthy and on right mind.

• Thursday, June 28th, 2018


This is how God law work. What you wish for other, sooner or later God will give and you.

• Tuesday, June 19th, 2018


America, North Korea and rest of the world only life answer exist for all of us because God did not tell anyone you can have what I cannot. World so far life poison too far, but today too close lead this world. World should we save guns, bombs, and immeasurable life category poisons or our human life underneath the sky, and also who we should serve devil power or God power. Yes in 21st century only one life answer exist, doesn’t matter what happened to whole wide world, we will share together.

• Tuesday, June 19th, 2018


Only if you live with nature and God, you cannot waste beautiful and healthy lifetime.

• Sunday, June 10th, 2018


Mother America, this is very sad, life and death truth because only death cannot tell, gun law cannot be changed before guns are destroyed.

• Sunday, June 10th, 2018


If I write and telling lies, money, life poison, life promises, and life hate will love me. And God creation will hate me.

• Sunday, June 10th, 2018


World this is nothing yet. World don’t you see days are here. We cannot live without money, and with money, underneath the sky, healthy and peaceful life.

• Sunday, June 10th, 2018


In the 21st century, healthy life balance, between human bodies and human minds is a disconnect and cannot be connected. Before human bodies and minds are nourished with healthy air, healthy water, and healthy food.

• Sunday, June 10th, 2018


World science what we can do without God creation is to early suffer and very unhealthy die.