World modern technology is not Mark Zuckerberg company. Modern technology is our world one company with many existing promises. And I believe modern technology very last unpromise without any love. Sooner or later the whole wide world will share.
World modern technology is not Mark Zuckerberg company. Modern technology is our world one company with many existing promises. And I believe modern technology very last unpromise without any love. Sooner or later the whole wide world will share.
World we never should stop praying God for our mothers and fathers. And for America, mother of the world. To leave before whole wide world and America suffer and die.
Human being I cannot discover any our enemy except our life education. So far for ourself, and rest of nature.
In 21st century what is different between raindrops and our human life education is raindrops cannot get lost and cannot turn into waste.
Professor Josip Brnic, D. Sc., was born on the Island of Krk, Croatia. He graduated in Mechanical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka (Croatia). He received his master’s degree at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and his doctoral degree at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka (Croatia). Currently he is professor with tenure at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka. One period, at the beginning of his career (12 years) he worked in parallel as a university professor at the Faculty of Engineering at the Department of Engineering Mechanics and in the project organization “Brodoprojekt” Rijeka on structure analyzes of submarines and other floating objects. He was Vice-Dean and Dean (two mandates) of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Rijeka, Vice-Rector and Rector of the University of Rijeka. He was a member of the National Council for Science of the Republic of Croatia (two mandates), and President of the Scientific Council for Engineering Sciences of the Republic of Croatia (three mandates). Also, he is an Associate member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Apart from being active at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, he is teaching also on doctoral study at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Slavonski Brod / Croatia. He gave a number of lectures at the Harbin Institute of Technology (Harbin / China), Tai-Yuan University (Tai- Yuan / China), Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Wuhan / China), as well as at Henan Polytechnic University (Jiaozuo / China). His scientific researches are focused primarily on two essential points: the first of them is numerical analysis of structures and machines using finite element method and the second one is experimental analysis of behavior of the material the structure subjected to different environmental conditions, i.e., to different stress levels and differenet temperatures (lowered and elevated temperature regime), creep, fatigue. He is a mentor to candidates for doctoral theses, masters and diploma theses. He is a reviewer of scientific papers for several prestigious international journals as well as many books. In addition to Croatian language, he speaks English and uses German and Slovenian.
izvjescujem Vas da je Vasa knjiga Ref/ectlons pristigla u Nacionalnu i sveucilisnu knjiznicu u Zagrebu.
Bit ce pohranjena u Zbf rcl lnozemne Croatice.
Srdacan pozdrav,
Dr. SC. Zeljka Lovrencic,
vodlteljlca Zbirke
If it is true those who think we are very educated and very smart nature, God creation must be very stupid God forgives me.
The 21st century 2016 new life history big changes begin, speed up too fast underneath the sky. Waking up confused. Unhappy, and unpredictable world. Some changes are done. The world did wake up, hate is with us, but love and life health are not. Good God please help us all in this world, we need your help like wildered grass. Rain drops in hot summer days, thank you, God. Help us before the grass, flowers, and trees dry. I love you, God. And I love you world.
World science if you did follow, your own body life system, this world will be paradise today. I hope you did figure out to tell people where to go from hell.
American in every our election we plant everything. And I mean everything that exists, except love and peace. We don’t plant. Maybe we forget.