Archive for ◊ February, 2018 ◊

• Tuesday, February 27th, 2018


The world our time is here, but not all yet, we cannot live without money and with money. If we destroy existing life poison and guns law kill, we will destroy our life reality very unhealthy daily, deadly economy which leads this world on one-way life road and will not make any life turn because is not almighty God power, but is devil power and mine. Far away from pure nature energy, beautiful God creation.

• Tuesday, February 27th, 2018


America our big love is money, modern technology power and never enough, and is not long lasting love and will be very easy to forget, but impossible to run away from modern technology and unpromised power.

• Tuesday, February 27th, 2018


America gun law and hate possess same power, kill and destroy and is a power which always works together.

• Tuesday, February 27th, 2018


America if we cannot destroy guns law, kill, we will play positive life game too early too late between life and death.

• Monday, February 19th, 2018


Beautiful nature American and I am American and I love Vice President Pence words, if you see something, say something and this is what I like to say to all of us American, gun law kill, cannot be destroyed before guns are destroyed. And we American cannot live healthy and better, just every day worse before we begin to breathe clean, healthy air, drink healthy clean water, and eat pure nature energy food. American God cannot tell us more or less for every day and for goodnights, peacefully sleep.

• Monday, February 19th, 2018


America first and America great again, America this is what America and rest of the world desperately need. Bring back healthy air, healthy water, and healthy pure nature energy food. I am 100% sure healthy life, freedom love and peace, will be included and life hate pretty much destroyed.

• Monday, February 19th, 2018


America freedom, life poison, and gun law kill cannot be changed before life poisons and guns are destroyed. Mentally ill which cannot be helped and heal, create life poisons, and guns, and still creating and supporting life poisons and guns law kill. American if we believe in God, how and why, we can support life poisons and guns law kill. Helping 21st-century deadly economy, money maker to grow. America I wonder why God did not tell us who can have life poisons and guns. God did not tell us, but the devil did.

• Saturday, February 10th, 2018


World science did you ever see and study how domestic cat playing life game with a mouse, catch him and let him go, again and again, and for last time not too far. And this is exactly how nature playing life game with us human being. Let us go again and again, but only one difference exists. We have nowhere to go.

• Saturday, February 10th, 2018


Something is very wrong with our world life system because mother earth is the mother of the world, why so far America turn to be the mother of the world and if America change world will change, the sky will change and the only mother will be wounded mother earth.

• Tuesday, February 06th, 2018


America is the mother of the world and will be the last mother of the world. The only mother of the world will be mother earth.