Archive for ◊ January, 2018 ◊

• Tuesday, January 09th, 2018


I was poor, and I was soldier, and I could not find any difference, between soldier and poor. I was used.

• Tuesday, January 09th, 2018


In 21st century honest human being does not have anything to do with life law. Money creating life law, and lead this world. Lies live free, and life truth starving and dying in living hell, but not for too long.

• Tuesday, January 09th, 2018


So far modern technology still robbing nature, truth and quickly turning in promises and lies. Power which nourish human bodies and minds. How long will last, I strongly believe will last, up to first and and last unpromise promise.

• Tuesday, January 09th, 2018


Modern technology fan, you love modern technology power and speed, please don’t rush because you will not be late.

• Tuesday, January 09th, 2018


My children and grandchildren, I love you. Please don’t forget me, before I forget you.

• Tuesday, January 09th, 2018


Mother of the world, mother America if our Election 2016 life psychology and philosophy cannot help rest of the world, world, love, and peace will continuously suffer and die underneath the sky. On one way life road, and could be in 21st Century short road.

• Saturday, January 06th, 2018


Most of the people telling me my writing words is deep. I’m sorry I have to plant them deep because if I don’t, wind will blow them away.

• Saturday, January 06th, 2018


American if America is not my second good mother and mother of the world, from our Election Day 2016, I will be able so much better to all night peacefully sleep.

• Saturday, January 06th, 2018


God is my witness, God exist and you and me, we are friend, before we make enemy, from ourself.

• Saturday, January 06th, 2018


From my early childhood days very often I dream we human being turning our life, underneath the sky, like in winter, cold and windy, cloudy days end. In my dream, I always waiting for warm blooming spring.