Best life remedy for the human mind is peace, healthy food, rest and sleep, human mind always grow. Think, don’t stop thinking. Look for something, what you cannot see. And what you cannot find. Because definitely exist. Because it does not exist, you will not be able to think about. Don’t stop thinking because your mind will stop growing.
Happy and healthy, only one intelligent life diet for bodies and minds underneath the sky exist. Breathe the clean air, drink only clean water, and eat only pure nature, energy food. Natural healing daily will be included. The whole wide world will be able to cry and laugh with warm tears, just like early spring without silly tears.
Last night in my dream, I dream in the year 2016 life earthquake shake America and heavy fog cover the land. I fly away, fly around the world, without landing. In my dream, every day, I try to land on America land, but I could not because I was afraid of foggy days. And life earthquake still shake. America beautiful land. From my dream, this morning I woke up, January 14th, 2018. Long dream, good American you have to believe me, and I believe you. I cannot stop cry.
God if you love modern technology, forgive me because I don’t. Temporarily life promises, modern technology, first and last season without seeds underneath the sky exist. Unacceptable deadly power for nature, God creation and one stupid me, Radenko Fanuka, underneath the sky also exist. Who hates what God and his nature did not and cannot create because human beings for too long, will not be able to exist on this earth.