Archive for ◊ December, 2017 ◊

• Tuesday, December 12th, 2017


World I promise you, you will be able live healthy, happy, beautiful life. Share your daily life with nature and God.

• Tuesday, December 12th, 2017


Some people ask me, why I write, I only can think about them, if they know why they live.

• Tuesday, December 12th, 2017


World parents if our world education science and doctors never did stop. Follow young tender children, bodies and minds, we will be able live in paradise. Not in 21st century hell. Good and bad parents, and good and bad teachers, follow young tender children. Bodies and minds, and also follow your own bodies. Everlasting unmeasurable system to be able help your own minds.

• Tuesday, December 12th, 2017


World we run far away from nature, God creation, and our daily life cannot survive without God and his nature truth.

• Tuesday, December 12th, 2017


Oh my truth, today for you and me is too late. Truth don’t worry about, you will not be forget. I will talk to you from my grave. Forever you will be mine.

• Tuesday, December 12th, 2017


Devil power and mind, I cannot find any difference, between poison and money. Poison support money, and money support poison. Devil power and mind.

• Tuesday, December 12th, 2017


World days will come which will be able tell if science did not exist, world will exist.

• Tuesday, December 12th, 2017


World science seems to me you did not discover yet who create who. Did God create nature or nature create God, and who create life poison for entire nature, and you and me, and why?

• Saturday, December 09th, 2017


World days will come which we will be able tell if world science did not exist, world will exist.

• Saturday, December 09th, 2017


American I was born in Europe, Croatia 1939. Born in living hell, World War II, and I meet all my years and many election days. Election which pass by, just like bad winter days. And today, I am old man. And spring did not come yet. Yes, I meet many elections promises, which lead this world too far from life health. Freedom, love, and peace. Promises which creating very sick, lost world. World which in 21st century, our present time, searching for life health, freedom, love, and peace, and waiting for warm spring. Also I meet our America Election Day, 2016 and was not spring, America I can only tell you, I love you. And I leaving you with my words, “Was not spring”.