Archive for ◊ December, 2017 ◊

• Sunday, December 17th, 2017


Oh my love this morning and most of the time, I was wrong, you was always right. If I die before you, same way as echo, between two high mantels, you will be able hear, my words, talking to you, again and again. My love, pray God for me and you.

• Sunday, December 17th, 2017


World what we can do, and what we can leave forever, for our children, grandchildren, and the world. Always will sprout, bloom, and blossom. Everyday we can plant healthy good words.

• Sunday, December 17th, 2017


Only healthy thinking can create positive healthy life.

• Sunday, December 17th, 2017


World science and world doctors stop physically working is stop healthy living.

• Friday, December 15th, 2017


21st century modern world, what is better, live and forget to think or forget everything before die? This is my question, but is not for one full day.

• Friday, December 15th, 2017


In 21st century, dead power lead this world and cannot talk, and cannot die, and nobody can tell, how long will last.

• Friday, December 15th, 2017


God create nature and some human being poison for nature.

• Friday, December 15th, 2017


Money power have to destroy this world. America before 2020, our Election Day, we should meet in health store food, meet our health. Healthy water, and healthy food, and quickly learn something about because in our election 2016, health was not include. Healthy water, healthy food was not include. America I don’t understand, how America can be great again, without health, healthy water, and healthy food, oh God I forget, we American breathe and also healthy air we need. American, how far we are from God, and his nature, pure energy life power, power which life and death require.

• Friday, December 15th, 2017


This is for today and 21st century future days. America past cannot lie. What was planned in past, in 21st century future days will grow from World War II on through all election days around the world. Same life promises continue, telling better life, and will continue including our America election 2020 and also life health and life peace will continue, starve and die. America can we tell, why and why not?

• Friday, December 15th, 2017


America our election 2016 create history. History which world will not forget, and sooner or later, share with us American.