If you like to have best time, rest your mind, when you sleep.
Archive for ◊ November, 2017 ◊
Holding hands together, this world will be distoyed.
In 21st century modern technology and some our human creation is witness, God and devil exist.
If you believe in almighty God power and you have son, can you tell why God cannot have his son?
World science and world psychology I cannot find any difference, between young tender children without parents, and mature people, without God and his nature, pure energy, daily help.
Historian do you know, what is difference between world political history and today? Today always help tomorrow, but if today does not help tomorrow will be end of the days.
American I wish us American and our President Doanald Trump good luck in our present time visiting other country. Luck which have to be born in America and share only peacefully with rest of the world. Because healthy world definitely searching only for love and peace, and healthy meals. God telling us in 21st century we don’t need more of less for everyday.
Healthy economy is when healthy food underneath healthy sky grow, and in same time human health and human healthy sperm grow, and healthy children is born. And every child have right to be born. Deadly economy is which cannot grow without money power help. Help unhealthy food underneath unhealthy sky to grow. So and unmeasurable categories poison grow, which covering this earth and sky. In 21st century deadly economy grow and making big money. And will grow up to one day when this world will not be able live without money. And with money. And without healthy air, healthy water, and healthy food. And that day will come. World should we rest and wait for that day.
Historian 21st century history will be known, history of life starvation and hate.
Good God do you think something is wrong with me? Because everyday I ask myself, how America and rest of the world could be great again without health, healthy air, healthy water, and healthy food? Good God please forgive me. If I am wrong, let American and rest of the world enjoy.