Life and death did not start from nothing because nothing does not exist. But definitely this world will end with worst then nothing. Well just for some kind of stupid fun, let’s say God does not exist, but who are or what is what create nature, could also create God, now question is did God create nature, or nature create God. Daily life reality is, witness unmeasurable power above life and death. Power exist and that is only reason why this very smart world will end, with worst then nothing. Chicken laying eggs, and leading chicken world, and nature is almighty God power. Power above all existing power, underneath the sky, and in 21st century, very big world is just lost.
World I am shame from our children, grandchildren, nature and God. What we done to ourself, our health, love and peace, and what we plan for future days.
I cannot find any difference between Nostradamus prediction and nature without seeds. Nostradamus prediction is here, only question is, how fast modern technology, power will speed.
If God ask me today, Radenko Fanuka do you have something important to tell me? I will tell God, my entire life wish from WWII on, please God help Mother Earth, womens, mothers, and children lead this world before is destroyed. But also, I telling you healthy world if Mother Earth, womens, mothers, and children is not help. This world in 21st century will not be healed, and will be easier to die then live.
My dedication to my good friend and brother in law, Josef Santic, Joe you was right, I think write and talk repeat again and again like everyday because I love everyday.
21st century modern life recipe, world what we can do without God and his nature. Pure energy power. Definitely we can continue, too early, from first day, when children are born, many different way, suffer, starve and die.
Stupid was never born, but highly education, above God and his nature, life and death power. Very successfully, creates stupids, who turning around. Very unhealthy world, life and death.
World parents, best teachers, graft these words in your children mind and heart. Talk to your children daily about nature and God. You will help them, live beautiful, healthy, peaceful life. Definitely healthy life. Will not ask them for less or more.