Archive for ◊ September, 2017 ◊

• Thursday, September 28th, 2017


In 21st century, God truth cannot tell more or less. Young world, think about what in past, old and young, did not think about. Think because future is yours. Power which never live and never will live. Controlling and leading this world. Dead power leading this world. Young world only you, and only you can help yourself. Ask yourself, how long life can live without death help. Leave us world used to live for unmeasurable long time. Everything what live, love you world.

• Thursday, September 28th, 2017


I love Jesus Christ philosophy, everlasting love.

• Thursday, September 28th, 2017


God could not create for us human being, biggest space and faster speed, then is space in our hearts. And speed our mind oh good God, help us use.

• Thursday, September 28th, 2017


Forever I love you world.

• Sunday, September 24th, 2017


American and rest of the world, in year 2017 underneath the sky we humanbeing creating same life power like frosty spring, but what is different is not only for one year.

• Sunday, September 24th, 2017


My discovery is world will not be able exist. Some of you life educators, world science, psychologist, philosopher, professor, doctors, smart and stupid. So far what is your discovery, why God through his creation did not create money, poisons, and vaccine. My discovery is because this world will not be able exist. But God did create healthcare and Medicare through his nature. Healthy air, healthy water, and healthy food. Everything what lives underneath the sky, required is include in healthy air, healthy water, and healthy food. But what was not, and is not include, is devil power, and mind. Money, healthcare, and Medicare. Unhealthy air, unhealthy water, and unhealthy food. Because world will not be able exist for too long. Just suffer, for too long. God punish me if I’m wrong. And world pee on my grave.

• Sunday, September 24th, 2017


I believe if you live with nature book, and book, human education. You live two separate lives. And could be unpleaure life, for your healthy mind, and good heart.

• Sunday, September 24th, 2017


World life education, did you discover what can be and how long will last? What God and his nature, pure energy did not create.

• Sunday, September 24th, 2017


21st century daily life reality, discovery is, devil is genetically modified devil.

• Tuesday, September 19th, 2017


World science I am God and his nature helper, handyman. And you science, always staying on my way.  Creating what God and his nature could not and cannot create. Do you know why? Because this world, will not exist. World science, close to 80yrs I am handyman, God and his nature helper. And I can tell, you discovering, too many life problems, and that is reason, what is daily on my mind. If you can discover or create very quickly glasses for human minds. I believe, you will be able, heal and save human life underneath the sky. Handyman Radenko Fanuka.