In 21st century modern technology will not be able help modern technology. World will suffer.
In 21st century modern technology will not be able help modern technology. World will suffer.
In 21st century devil will meet and share his own problems. World will suffer.
America only one God exist. America cannot be great again. Before nature, God creation, Mother Earth and sky is free. And great again as used to be. But on me time, unforgettable human history. On this earth will be create. Nature, God creation will take over, and lead life underneath the sky.
God I feel I’m stupid. Because if politician drop shit in bucket, more then half of the world will look for. And I write best as I can. And same world, more then half of the world is not interest for. God I know you are very busy. And I am ashamed ask you for help. Over yours everlasting life and death help.
World this is me. World how many times, days and nights repeat. How many times four season of the year repeat. And is not enough yet. And this is me, Radenko Fanuka. I also repeat, thank you God.
Only two life power underneath the sky cannot work and live together. Hate and love and only and only one life power love. Can destroy life hate. And in 21st century save and help this world continue live.
21st century so far our human life history is not nothing more or less then life revenge. And could be 21st century for long century days. Last life revenge.
World together slow down. Be patient and think. Because our human creation doesn’t think. America election 2016 does and will create new history and doesn’t matter what will be good or bad history. Whole wide world together will share with mother America. But world if we think we are free, walk away from God creation. Love and peace, yes we are free. And we will be free. World together suffer before die.
Modern technology I learn in my school, classroom, 1949. Man come from monkey. I observing nature through all my life. And so far monkey in forest live hundred percent healthier and better life then we human being. World science do you know anything about why? I’m sorry maybe I asking too late because some of you world science who was born in modern technology nest. You will not be able tell. How pure nature energy, life without any life promises taste.
My dedication to America election 2016. American, God create for his nature everything to be able live, heal and die from natural causes. Without any harmful drug, money, medicine, and vaccine. American seems to me our life problems far away from pure nature energy, God creation doesn’t have any problems. Our life problems everyday, they just say, have a nice day. See you tomorrow. American our life psychology, philosophy and our life health is completely lost. Too far from God creation. So and rest of the world. But no one was born yet. And we should not wait because we will not be born. Who can help and save human life on this earth. Far away from God creation, except our human love and health, and is only life power. Who can tell tomorrow, have a nice day, see you again and again.