Archive for ◊ June, 2017 ◊

• Thursday, June 15th, 2017


Suffering for poor people is known and for highly life intelligent unknown.

• Thursday, June 15th, 2017


This world is so weak and rich with life poison. Unbelievable truth. One person can change whole wide world.

• Thursday, June 15th, 2017


To make it better world, we don’t need it, lawyers and judges. We need honesty and love.

• Saturday, June 10th, 2017


Least 700 years, but could be more. Loser history will take to ripe, underneath the sky. Winners who never was losers. Womens, mothers, and children will be able follow nature footprint. Life responsibility, respect, love, and peace. With healthy strong man, life support. So and  God help.

• Saturday, June 10th, 2017


Modern technology can change everything. But cannot create healthy nature. One world life problem, but is not everlasting problem. Worry me a lot about future, which is not far. Modern technology can change everything, except modern technology cannot change modern technology mind. One words change does and will destroy this world.

• Saturday, June 10th, 2017


If everybody go in college what will happen to this world? Very soon what did not happen yet?

• Thursday, June 08th, 2017


21st century life history is and will be very poor because lies cannot live for too long without truth. And is very sad and too late for our world science discovery.

• Thursday, June 08th, 2017


World all of us we was born for something, and I did hear people saying and some for nothing. But nothing doesn’t exist, just something. Above everything and all. And that is only reason why we was born for something.

• Wednesday, June 07th, 2017


World in my dream, I dream. I driving my life. I was very lucky. I woke up. Because I did not know. I was lost. Oh God, life reality cannot be worst.

• Wednesday, June 07th, 2017


American do we like it or not. How we live and think. Our life education pretty much lead us all, including our daily health. Seems to me we don’t have to worry about polluted sky and earth. Because grammatically correct without any promises. Nature will take care from all of us, including healthcare and Medicare. So and rest of the world. If you ask me when I will says sooner then later.