World how many times we can wash ourself in dirty water to be clean. World what we expect in our life, from our directly and indirectly human creation. Unhealthy air, unhealthy dirty water, and unhealthy foods, and from many categories, unmeasurable life poison and worst life poison as can be, life hate. World, what is our answer for ourself.
I am very proud, I was born in Croatia, born Croatian and I cannot express how proud I am. Beautiful America, adopt me to be able says, I am American and I love America. Oh God, what only good mother love can do, I was born twice and peaceful adopt 1939 in Croatia and 1962 in America. And I did observe nature and human mind. From WWII on and I can tell today, world doesn’t get better. Just worse and worse every day. But people die and from everyone of us. Our past life reality turn in life history witness. Which telling us American and rest of the world, world immigrant create mother of the world. Very well known, beautiful America, mother of the world and truth is good mother never change her mind and doesn’t matter how many children have and adopt good or bad. Good mother take peacefully responsibility from all of them. Observing nature and human mind. From WWII on, I can tell losers always win and healthy and wise winner lose. Mother Earth women, mothers and children, unmeasurable beautiful life power for too long was and is used and abused and is only existing life power, which can help and save in 21st century life underneath this sky. Mother America, mother of the world our election 2016 was important for us American and rest of the world, like sunrise and sunset is important for new day and days to be able peacefully come and share bright light respect and love with everything what breathe underneath the sky. Definitely will make America and rest of the world great again. World God and our healthy human life doesn’t ask us for more, but definitely devil and our some human creation hate, life poison and money does ask for more. America and rest of the world, modern technology, my love is my life power. Power who help my prediction modern technology who and what helping your prediction. What will happen to this world please can you tell today what you don’t be able tell tomorrow.
I’m sorry world, would my words and writing words, I repeat again and again like four season of the year, and day and night, and is not my fault but if is, is oh mighty God and his nature, everlasting love and truth fault.
World we are very predictable world because too much is not enough and that is reason why I am not afraid to promise you whole wide world in 21st century, if God creation peacemaker our Mother Earth woman, mothers and children, unmeasurable healthy life power cannot help, cannot be allowed help healthy life to live underneah the sky. Existing life poison, hate, and money, power will destroy what could be destroy, will be destroy. God people, everlasting love will not be destroyed. Always was and still is best for us with patient and peacefully live with God and little hope, little hope possess power like sunrise and sunset for new day, and every day to come.
World religion, I believe God is tired listening what we asking and praying for and on me time, daily destroying his creation, beautiful nature, including ourself. I think we should daily pray, God to help heal some our human minds, and begin to grow just like when we was born. World parents, grandparents and healthy psychology takeover just like we was born and our mind begin to grow without devil help.
I love to see in our 21st century, present time. On world Facebook, breaking news. 21st century, modern technology, wisdom seeds which can help nurture mind, healthy to grow.
World this is not breaking news. But is old life remedy, healthy life truth. In 21st century, our present time, very unhealthy, genetically modified roots from our daily life education exist and cannot be helped, and heal. If cannot be nourished, would genetically unmodified pure nature energy, daily fertilize healthy food. Our human sperm and our human life will unmeasurable suffer from beginning to the end.
Can you tell who are you and on which planet you live? And what kind of life education you have? If you cannot tell what daily in your meals exist? Is healthy or not? And why you eat?
Existing beautiful and healthy life power. Never was pay yet, just use and abuse. Mother Earth, mothers, donkey, and farmer is power which have to be pay, and only pay with highly respect and love for everything, and everything, what stupid forget.
If I have to say 21st century great generation exist. I will say, 21st century, great generation, daily is born. Great children, daily is born. I wonder, healthy life education, do you know what happened to you and to them?