Beautiful mother America you still beauty of the world. American if we can meet on every Election Day like we daily meet in health store food buy organically growing healthy food. We be able help the world and make America healthy and great again. Nobody was born yet and will not be born who can help America and world without life health. Health is freedom, health is peace, health is love, and love is health. America and rest of the world, God people this is what we need if we don’t like to live in living hell.
World seems to me, how we live and why we live, as we live. We don’t know how to live better. Just worse and worse everyday. Why worse, we have everything what money can buy and sell. Lies, poison, and hate, and so on. And we don’t have what money in 21st century cannot buy. Why we don’t have health, freedom, love and peace. World scientist, psychologist, philosopher, and devil mind. Why we don’t have? And what is worse about, we cannot live and die, free.
Genetically modified nature is also genetically modified sperms and genetically modified world. Genetically modified physically, two times two cannot be four.
World science you create from our Mother Earth genetically modified stepmother and in 21st century our stepmother is modern technology. Very unhealthy stepmother, 100% worse then snake poison. Stepmother which will be buried in one very expensive world grave. Nature will suffer and long century days will pay price for undecompose one world grave.
I believe in 21st century living hell will be destroyed. Between some of you world science, medicine, vaccine, life poison and life hate. I cannnot find any difference. Power, in this living hell. Which some of you world science creates from beautiful our Mother Earth, God creation. I just wanna tell you what I believe. In 21st century this living hell will be destroyed.
21st century high education, above nature, God creation, live and rest on top of thin ice. Some of you, world science, doctors and psychologists. I promising you all, one spring will come and melt ice. But on meantime, whole wide world, modern technology victim, will unmeasurable, suffer, fight, and die. World science, psychologist, philosopher and doctor can you tell whole wide world why? And please also tell why not? God let me be wrong, like I always says and world enjoy.
American and I am American and I am handyman. God and his nature helper, and I telling us American walking away from God creation is walking away from God. Walking in wide open, devil arms. God people, world religion, I hope you will understand me. Please correct me if I am wrong. Because I cannot help myself, walking away from my first love. God creation is my everlasting love, and is only life power, which I can take with me in my grave, and left for you beautiful America and beautiful world. Please stay and live with my love. Beautiful nature God creation, America and rest of the world, you will be saved without any life poison and hate, help live peacefully underneath the sky.
Man is man and woman is woman, uncomparable life power. What could be comparable with our life is mothers nine months pregnancy, mothers who deliver life on this earth from all existing numbers. Number one is life leader, create by God. Mother Earth is number one leader and our beautiful mothers is number 2. Life creators and life leaders. Number three, every mothers know how many children she have. But every father doesn’t know how many children he have. Shameful and painful life truth. If women’s, mothers, and Mother Earth, life creators, healthy creators and peace creators in 21st century will not by a lot, help this world. This world will not step over 22nd century doorstep. Healthy strong man, good father, good family provider, and good Mother definitely together can lead genetically unmodified, healthy world. God doesn’t ask for less or more.