Archive for ◊ March, 2017 ◊

• Friday, March 31st, 2017


Beautiful Mother Earth and beautiful mothers of the world so far man love to live in life power, and woman in peace. World War I and World War II very unhealthy man power lead and also short World War III very unhealthy man power will lead. American very often I hear words of our founding fathers. I wonder where was mothers. Mothers of the world who delivered peacefully, every father into this world. America and rest of the world, human being land on the moon, but for our Mother Earth and mothers, for us human being our life psychology and philosophy did not heal and ripe yet. Maybe that is the reason why women’s, mothers did not have a right to vote before 1920. World War III will end, but our very sick life psychology and philosophy will not, an what is worst about is what we done to our Mother Earth with our life psychology and philosophy will not be able to decompose for long century days. This is for today and for every tomorrow, beautiful Mother Earth and beautiful mothers of the world.

• Thursday, March 30th, 2017


Doesn’t belong and doesn’t deserve to be buried in Mother Earth soil grave. World our Mother Earth is one mother of the world. One healer, one teacher, one health maker, and one peacemaker, genetically umodified, body and mind. Mother which our human bodies respect very much, but not some our highly educated, genetically modified, stupid human mind, which doesn’t belong and doesn’t deserve to be buried in Mother Earth soil grave.

• Wednesday, March 29th, 2017


World we can save our religion and this world only and only if we can help and save God creation, beautiful nature.

• Wednesday, March 29th, 2017


When I was child, I could not believe people can live in hell before they die.

• Tuesday, March 28th, 2017


Seems to me our world science doesn’t have anything to do with healthy life psychology and philosophy, and nature, health, freedom, love and peace.

• Tuesday, March 28th, 2017


Oh my pencil and eraser for you and me. Including life truth, days will come too late.

• Monday, March 27th, 2017


American seems to me in our affordable healthcare and Medicare, our health, healthy air, healthy water, and healthy food is not include yet. I believe should be include. Because to many death will not be able pay for.

• Saturday, March 25th, 2017


Very sad life truth. God people who we following, devil or God. World very unhealthy human power, who create many categories, posions, and guns. And unacceptable life misery for our Mother Earth. Same power also in our present time. Helping directly and indirectly world unmeasurable life hate to grow, and is power who lead whole wide world in one extra large cold grave. World do you like to know, when life reality telling us everyday will not be late. World if we can exchange life poison, guns, hate, and our healthcare, and Medicare for life health, love and peace, but not too late. This world will be saved.

• Thursday, March 23rd, 2017


America our election 2016 creating new history. Sooner or later world will share with us.

• Wednesday, March 22nd, 2017


Best life and life diet is happiness. Think healthy and eat healthy. Eat a little less then enough. Physically work is key from our healthy diet, body and mind, and our entire healthy life.